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Sept. 13-15, 2005
Sept 13, day first [room 12]
18:00-19:30 - first session:
+ Bojana Kunst (SI): Disobedient Connections: On Production of Monstruosity
+ Matthew Fuller (UK): Calculation Space
19:30-21:00 - second session:
+ Thomas Kaiser (DE) and Joe Davis (US) – presentation of artistic work
Sept. 14, second day [room 12]
18:00-18:45 - first session:
+ Olivier Razac (FR): Reality TV and Biopolitics
18:45-21:00 - second session:
+ Jens Hauser (DE): Bios, Techne, Logos: Software and Hardware
Approaches to Bioart
+ Oron Catts (AU): Victimless Utopia or Victimless Hypocrisy?
Sept. 15, third day [room 15 – C.CRED]
+ Natalie Jeremijenko (US): Silent Observers or Not: Scripting
Reciporocity in Interactive Systems
+ Ivan Marušić Klif (HR): Allo, Allo – presentation of artwork
Bojana Kunst is a philosopher and art theorist. She works at the University of
Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts. Her primary research interests are the problem of the body
in the contemporary performance, theatre and dance, gender studies, philosophy of
the body, art and technology, art and science, theatre and dance studies, representation
of contemporary identities. For years she is working as dramaturge in dance and
tehater, she is a member of the editorial board of the magazine for the contemporary
performing arts Maska and vice-president of the Slovenian Society of the Aesthetics.
She has authered two books: The Impossible Body - Body and Machine: Theatre,
Representation of the Body and Relation to the Artificial (1999) and Dangerous
Connections - Body, Philosophy and Relationship to the Artificial (2004).
Matthew Fuller is currently Reader in Media Design at the Piet Zwart Institute,
Rotterdam. He's member of renowned group I/O/D. He is the author of
'Behind the Blip, essays on the culture of software', (Autonomedia 2003) and 'Media
Ecologies, materialist energies in art and technoculture' (MIT 2005).
Thomas Kaiser works as a Research Engineer at the Clondiag GmbH in Jena,
Germany. His research interests include data analysis/standardization,
micro-/nanotechnologies, integrated optics, molecular biology, and currently DNA
extraction/purification. In art he worked on (together with Joe Davis) imaging
technology based on molecular interaction with potential for extraordinary resolution;
proof-of-concept images made from DNA, vitamins, protein, gold and silver featured
at "L' Art Biotech", 2003 bioart exhibition in Nantes, France; on development of
theremin- and audio synthesizing-microscopes; new multi-channel audio microscope
development with audio environments, performance; ongoing work in transformations
of scientific perception.
Joe Davisis a research affiliate in the Department of Biology, the Alexander Rich
Laboratory at MIT. As an artist he has done extensive research in molecular biology
and bioinformatics for the production of genetic databases and new biological art
forms. His teaching experience in the MIT graduate architecture program (Master of
Science in Visual Studies) and in undergraduate painting and mixed media at the
Rhode Island School of Design has informed his artistic practice. He has exhibited in
the United States, Canada, and Europe at Ars Electronica. He is the first artist to use
DNA as an artistic medium in 1986 with the beginnings of the Microvenus project.
Other of his projects include: Audio Microscope; Riddle of Life project; experiments
with Andrew Zaretsky how Escherichia coli respond to sound; in the project Milky
Way DNA Davis wants to put an image of the Milky Way galaxy into the cells of a
mouse; recorded the vaginal contractions of women, and translated them into text,
music, phonetic speech and ultimately into radio signals, which were beamed from
MIT's Millstone radar to Epsilon Eridani, Tau Ceti, and two other nearby star
Olivier Razacearned his Ph. D. at the University Paris 8 - St. Denis. His research
interest include issues of biopower, biopolitics and spectacularization of society. This
young philosopher earned the international recognition with his much translated study
Barbed Wire: A Political History (2000). In France he has drawn public attention by
entering the reality TV debate with a reflection on the intrications between the society
of spectacle and domestication The Screen and the Zoo: Spectacle and Domestication,
from Colonial Displays to Loft Story (2002).
Jens Hauseris a Paris based art curator, writer, cultural journalist and film maker. He
has organised a huge show on biotechnological art at the National Arts and Culture
Centre Le Lieu Unique Nantes/France, including eleven artists employing
biotechnology as a means of expression, and published L'Art Biotech' (2003). His
forthcoming exhibitions deal with the paradigm of "skin as a technological interface".
He is teaching at universities and art schools internationally and is a PhD candidate in
media studies at Ruhr University Bochum. Hauser has written and given conferences
about the interaction of film culture and video games and on contemporary music. He
is the director of creative radio pieces, sound environments and documentary films
which have been shown in festivals and as video installations in museums. He is also
regularly contributing to the european cultural channel ARTE since 1992, and is
currently involved in two long-term film projects about bioart.
Oron Cattswas Born in Finland, currently living and working in Western Australia.
Tissue engineering artist. Co-founder and Artistic Director of SymbioticA, the Art &
Science Collaborative Research Laboratory, School of Anatomy and Human Biology,
UWA. Founder of the Tissue Culture & Art Project/TC&A (1996). Research Fellow
at the Tissue Engineering and Organ Fabrication Laboratory, Harvard Medical School
(2000-2001). Trained in product design and specialized in the future interaction of
design and biological derived technologies. BA, (first Class Honours), and Visual Art
Natalie Jeremijenkois Assistant Professor at the Visual Arts Department of the
University of California San Diego. She is a new media artist who works at the
intersection of contemporary art, science, and engineering. Her work takes the form of
large-scale public art works, tangible media installations, single channel tapes, and
critical writing. It investigates the theme of the transformative potential of new
technologies - particularly information technologies. She has exhibited at prominent
exhibitions and exhibition venues such as Dokumenta, Whitney Biennal, ZKM, PS 1,
Ivan Maruöić Klifwas born in 1969 in Zagreb. Graduated from The School of Audio
Engineering in Amsterdam in 1994. His interests include fine arts (light installations
and kinetic objects), music and sound for theatre, film and television, stage design
(theatre, film and television) and performance art. In recent years he started working
with computers - mostly in the field of multimedia programming, interactive video
and on problems of interfacing computers with the real world. Exhibited and
performed in Holland, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Poland, Macedonia, Slovenia and