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1. The role of __________ is to promote adaptive or useful change.
a) directing.
b) management.
*c) leadership.
d) administration.
e) supervision.
2. __________ is the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to
be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to
accomplish shared objectives.
a) supervision.
b) directing.
c) management.
d) administration.
*e) leadership.
3. Leadership appears in two forms, which are __________ .
*a) formal leadership and informal leadership.
b) explicit leadership and implicit leadership.
c) administrative leadership and supervisory leadership.
d) behavioral leadership and mechanistic leadership.
e) organic leadership and mechanistic leadership.
4. __________ is exerted by persons appointed to or elected to positions of formal authority in
a) informal leadership.
b) administrative leadership.
c) bureaucratic leadership.
*d) formal leadership.
e) authoritative leadership.
5. The __________ to studying leadership sought to identify important differences between
leaders and non-leaders.
a) behavioral approach.
b) methodical approach.
c) contingency approach.
d) scientific approach.
*e) great person-trait approach.
6. The earliest approach to studying leadership is the __________ .
a) behavioral approach.
b) methodical approach.
c) contingency approach.
d) scientific approach.
*e) great person-trait approach.
7. The __________ assumes that leadership behaviors are central to performance and other
*a) behavioral perspective.
b) trait perspective.
c) contingency perspective.
d) contemporary perspective.
e) psychological perspective.
8. Leadership studies at the University of Michigan developed which two basic forms of leader
a) consideration and initiating structure.
b) implicit and explicit.
c) proactive and reactive.
*d) employee centered and production centered.
e) in-groups and out-groups.
9. According to the Michigan leadership studies, __________ supervisors are those who place
strong emphasis on their subordinates’ welfare.
a) production-centered.
b) administration-centered.
*c) employee-centered.
d) task-centered.
e) process-centered.
10. According to the Michigan leadership studies, __________ supervisors are primarily
concerned with getting the work done.
a) process-centered.
*b) production-centered.
c) employee-centered.
d) administration-centered.
e) task-centered.
11. Leadership studies conducted at Ohio State University derived which two basic forms of
leader behavior?
*a) consideration and initiating structure.
b) implicit and explicit.
c) proactive and reactive.
d) employee centered and production centered.
e) in-groups and out-groups.
12. According to the Ohio State leadership studies, a leader high in __________ is sensitive to
people’s feelings and tries to make things pleasant for the followers.
a) initiating structure.
b) attention to detail.
c) task orientation.
*d) consideration.
e) human relations orientation.
13. According to the Ohio State leadership studies, a leader high in __________ is concerned
with spelling out the task requirements and clarifying other aspects of the work agenda.
a) consideration.
*b) initiating structure.
c) attention to detail.
d) production orientation.
e) employee orientation.
14. Consideration is sometimes called __________ leadership and initiating structure is
sometimes called __________ leadership.
*a) socioemotional; task.
b) task; socioemotional.
c) socioemotional; 9/9.
d) production-centered; task-oriented.
e) human relations oriented; employee-centered.
15. Despite earlier beliefs, the Ohio State leadership studies concluded that leaders should be
__________ on consideration behaviors and __________ on initiating structure behaviors.
a) low; low.
b) low; high.
c) moderate; moderate.
d) high; low.
*e) high; high.
16. When using the leadership grid, results are plotted on a nine-position grid that places concern
for __________ on the vertical axis and concern for __________ on the horizontal axis.
a) structure; performance.
*b) people … production.
c) task orientation …human relations.
d) initiating structure … consideration.
e) financial performance … people.
17. Which of the following does NOT provide an accurate description of leadership styles in the
Blake and Mouton leadership grid?
*a) a 1/1 manager is termed team management.
b) a 1/9 manager has minimum concern for production and maximum concern for people.
c) a 5/5 manager is a middle of the road manager.
d) a 9/1 manager has maximum concern for production and minimum concern for people.
e) a 9/9 manager has a maximum concern for both people and production.
18. Some work in the United States, Britain, Hong Kong and Japan show that leadership
behaviors ___________ .
a) are the same in all four countries.
b) are not important.
*c) must be carried out in different ways in alternative cultures.
d) must be carried out the same ways in different cultures.
e) change consistently by country.
19. Leader traits and behaviors can act in conjunction with __________ to predict leader or
organizational outcomes.
a) industry experience.
b) educational background.
c) leadership experience.
d) age.
*e) situational contingencies.
20. Which of the following statements is incorrect with regard to situational leadership theories?
*a) leader flexibility should be the most predictive in stable environments or when leaders lead
the same people over time.
b) prosocial power motivation is likely to be most important in complex organizations where
decision implementation requires lots of persuasion and social influence.
c) an example of a strong situation is a highly formal organization with lots of rules and
d) leader traits and behaviors will have less impact in a strong situation than in a weak,
unstructured situation.
e) the effects of traits are enhanced by their relevance to the leader’s situational contingencies.
21. In Fiedler’s leadership contingency theory, a leader’s style is essentially a ___________ .
a) power.
b) strength.
*c) trait measure.
d) personality.
e) ego.
22. Fiedler argues that high LPC leaders have a __________ style, whereas low LPC leaders
have a __________ style.
a) consideration; initiating structure.
b) employee-centered; production-centered.
c) task-oriented; human-relations oriented.
*d) relationship-motivated; task-motivated.
e) consideration; mechanistic.
23. Which of the following statements is incorrect with regard to Fielder’s contingency theory of
a) situational control is the extent to which leaders can determine what their group is going to do
and what the outcomes of their actions and decisions are going to be.
b) the least preferred co-worker scale is a measure of a person’s leadership style based on a
description of the person with whom the respondent has been able to work least well.
c) Fiedler argues that high LPC leaders have a relationship-motivated style.
*d) Fiedler argues that relationship-oriented leaders have greater group effectiveness under high
and low situational control, whereas task-oriented leaders have greater group effectiveness under
moderate situational control.
e) Fiedler argues that low LPC leaders have a task-motivated style.
24. In his contingency theory of leadership, Fiedler measures high, moderate, and low situational
control with which of the following three variables?
a) human relations orientation, task identity, and personal power.
*b) leader-member relations, task structure, and position power.
c) position power, human relations orientation, and environmental complexity.
d) human relations orientation, task variety, and environmental complexity.
e) personal power, task variety, and leader-member relations.
25. According to Fiedler, the extent to which the position enables the leader to use his or her task
expertise and authority to reward or punish subordinates is called __________ .
a) leader-member relations.
*b) position power.
c) leadership style.
d) task structure.
e) situational control.
26. Assume you are the supervisor of a group of bank tellers. Your subordinates are highly
supportive, their jobs are well defined, and you have clear authority to evaluate and reward their
performance. Which of the following leadership styles would be most recommended based upon
Fiedler’s theory?
*a) task- motivated.
b) relationship- motivated.
c) human relations.
d) team- motivated.
e) achievement- motivated.
27. Suppose that the following features characterize the leadership situation in a specific work
team: (a) The skills required in each team member’s job, the order in which tasks are to be
performed, and the interdependencies among the various jobs are all clearly defined. (b) The
supervisor frequently criticizes team members and readily punishes them because he has the
power to do so. (c) Because the supervisor is punitive, the team members try to undermine his
authority and sabotage his leadership. Which leadership style likely would be most effective in
this situation?
a) task- motivated.
*b) relationship-motivated.
c) human relations.
d) team- motivated.
e) achievement- motivated.
28. According to Fiedler’s cognitive resource theory, whether a leader should use directive or
nondirective behavior depends on all of the following factors EXCEPT:
a) the leader’s or subordinate group members’ ability or competency.
b) stress.
c) experience.
*d) industry.
e) group support of the leader.
29. The biggest controversy about Fiedler’s contingency theory concerns __________ .
a) the three variables that Fiedler chose to measure –– high, moderate, and low control.
*b) what Fiedler’s LPC instrument measures
c) Fiedler’s notion of situational control.
d) Fiedler’s definition of position power.
e) Fielder’s behavioral interpretation.
30. In __________ , leaders are trained to diagnose the situation to match their high or low LPC
scores with situational control.
a) diagnostic development.
b) situational control analysis.
*c) leader match training.
d) situational diagnostics.
e) leader analysis profiling.
31. Which of the following leadership theories has it roots in the expectancy model of
a) attribution theory.
b) Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership theory.
*c) House’s path-goal theory.
d) Graen’s Leader-Member Exchange Theory.
e) Fiedler’s contingency theory.
32. In House’s leadership theory, __________ refers to how a leader influences subordinates’
perceptions of both work goals and personal goals and the links found between these two sets of
a) goal-linkage.
b) goal-congruence.
c) path-congruence.
*d) path-goal.
e) linking-pin.
33. House’s path-goal theory of leadership assumes that a leader’s key function is to
____________ in the work setting.
a) maintain his or her work behaviors
b) keep changing his or her behaviors
c) reinforce his or her typical behaviors
*d) adjust his or her behaviors to complement situational contingencies.
e) teach employees his or her normal behaviors
34. According to House’s path-goal leadership model, which of the following behaviors is part of
a directive leadership style?
a) showing concern for the status and needs of subordinates.
b) soliciting the suggestions of subordinates.
c) displaying confidence that subordinates are able to meet high performance standards.
d) treating subordinates as equals.
*e) spelling out the what and how of subordinates’ tasks.
35. According to House’s path-goal model, which of the following behaviors is part of
achievement-oriented leadership?
a) showing concern for the status and needs of subordinates.
b) soliciting the suggestions of subordinates.
*c) emphasizing challenging goals, stressing performance excellence, and displaying confidence
that subordinates are able to meet high standards of performance.
d) using suggestions of subordinates when making decisions.
e) spelling out the what and how of subordinates’ tasks.
36. According to the path-goal leadership theory, a manager is showing a participative leadership
style when he/she __________ .
a) lets subordinates know what performance is expected.
b) expects the highest levels of performance.
*c) consults with subordinates and takes their suggestions into account before making decisions.
d) treats subordinates as equals during decision making.
e) acts friendly to subordinates.
37. Len and John are managers. Len spends a lot of time scheduling work to be done and
providing guidance on its accomplishment. John takes great care to listen to his subordinates’
concerns and act friendly toward them. In the terminology of House’s path-goal theory, Len is
acting as a(n) __________ leader, while John is acting as a(n) __________ leader.
a) directive; achievement-oriented.
*b) directive; supportive.
c) achievement-oriented; participative.
d) achievement-oriented; supportive.
e) autocratic; democratic.
38. The path-goal theory predicts that ___________ leadership is called for when ambiguous
tasks are performed by highly authoritarian and close-minded subordinates.
*a) directive.
b) supportive.
c) achievement-oriented.
d) authoritarian.
e) participative.
39. The path-goal theory predicts that a ___________supervisor would help traditional assemblyline auto worker jobs, which are typically repetitive, more pleasant.
a) directive.
*b) supportive.
c) achievement-oriented.
d) authoritarian.
e) participative.
40. Which of the following statements about House’s path-goal theory is true?
a) current assessments of path-goal theory by well-known scholars have pointed out that many
aspects have not been tested adequately.
b) training could be used to change leadership behavior to fit the situational contingencies.
c) the leader could be taught to diagnose the situation and learn how to try to change the
d) there is very little recent research concerning the theory.
*e) the path-goal theory is the most highly regarded leadership theory.
41. Hersey and Blanchard argue that situational leadership requires adjusting the leader’s
emphasis on task behaviors and relationship behaviors according to the __________ .
*a) readiness of followers to perform their tasks.
b) readiness of leaders to empower their followers.
c) willingness of leaders to interact with their followers.
d) willingness of followers to embrace a broad zone of indifference.
e) leader’s position power.
42. Which of the following is NOT one of the four styles of leadership identified by Hersey and
a) delegating.
b) participating.
c) selling.
d) telling.
*e) motivating.
43. According to Hersey and Blanchard, a telling style of leadership is best for __________ .
*a) low follower readiness.
b) low to moderate follower readiness.
c) moderate to high follower readiness.
d) high follower readiness.
e) veteran employees who are highly prepared for a particular job.
44. According to Hersey and Blanchard, a __________ style of leadership is best for high
follower readiness.
*a) delegating.
b) directing.
c) participating.
d) selling.
e) telling.
45. Use of __________ requires the leader to develop the capability to diagnose the demands of
situations in terms of follower readiness and then to choose and implement the appropriate
leadership response.
a) attribution theory.
*b) Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership theory.
c) House’s path-goal theory.
d) Graen’s Leader-Member Exchange Theory.
e) Fiedler’s contingency theory.
46. Which of the following approaches to studying leadership focuses specifically on the quality
of the working relationship between leaders and followers?
a) Ohio State leadership studies.
b) Michigan leadership studies.
c) charismatic approaches.
*d) Graen’s Leader-Member Exchange Theory.
e) trait theories.
47. Which of the following characterizations of Leader-Member Exchange Theory is NOT
a) the LMX 7 scale assesses the degree to which leaders and followers have mutual respect for
each other’s capabilities, feel a deepening sense of mutual trust, and have a strong sense of
obligation to one another.
b) the dimensions of the LMX 7 determine the extent to which followers will be part of the
leader’s “in-group” or “out-group.”
*c) out-group followers tend to function as assistants, lieutenants, or advisers.
d) in-group followers have higher quality personalized exchanges with the leader.
e) out-group followers tend to emphasize more formalized job requirements.
48. Research suggests that high-quality LMX is associated with all of the following outcomes
a) increased follower satisfaction.
b) increased follower productivity.
c) decreased turnover.
d) increased salaries.
*e) slower promotion rates.
49. All of the following are substitutes for leadership EXCEPT:
a) individuals’ experience, ability and training.
*b) highly structured/routine jobs.
c) intrinsically satisfying jobs.
d) cohesive work groups.
e) high leader position power.
50. __________ make(s) a leader’s influence either unnecessary or redundant in that they replace
a leader’s influence.
a) diverse team membership.
b) ethical team values.
*c) substitutes for leadership.
d) substitutes for followership.
e) substitutes for technology.
51. __________ addresses the topic of how individuals try to understand causes, assess
responsibilities, and evaluate personal qualities as they pertain to events in their lives.
*a) Attribution theory.
b) Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership theory.
c) Contingency theory.
d) Graen’s Leader-Member Exchange Theory.
e) Substitutes for leadership theory.
52. __________ will differ across countries and national cultures.
a) leadership models.
*b) leadership prototypes.
c) leadership archetypes.
d) leadership exemplars.
e) leadership criteria.
53. Meindle referred to the phenomenon whereby people attribute almost magical qualities to
leadership as
*a) the romance of leadership.
b) a leadership prototype.
c) leadership as attribution.
d) inference-based attrition.
e) transactional leadership.
54. The __________ of charismatic leadership emphasizes personalized power, whereas the
__________ of charismatic leadership emphasizes empowerment of followers.
a) bright side; dark side.
b) selfish side; unselfish side.
c) sustainable side; unsustainable side.
*d) dark side; bright side.
e) strong side; weak side.
55. Which of the following stages are included in Conger and Kanungo’s three-stage charismatic
leadership model?
a) the leader critically evaluates the status quo.
b) the leader formulates the goals along with an idealized future vision.
c) the leader articulates the goals along with an idealized future vision.
d) the leader shows how these goals and vision can be achieved.
*e) the leader expands upon the goals presented.
56. Conger and Kanungo have argued that if leaders rely on vision articulation, environmental
sensitivity, and unconventional behavior, rather than on maintaining the status quo, followers
will tend to attribute __________ to them.
a) traditional leadership.
*b) charismatic leadership.
c) transactional leadership.
d) transformational leadership.
e) managerial leadership.
57. Distant charismatic leaders should demonstrate all of the following EXCEPT:
a) rhetorical skills.
b) persistence.
c) courage.
*d) dynamism and activity.
e) ideological orientation
58. The four dimensions of transactional leadership include all of the following EXCEPT:
a) contingent rewards.
b) active management by exception.
c) passive management by exception.
*d) management by example.
e) laissez-faire.
59. Which of the following is NOT one of the four dimensions of transformational leadership?
a) charisma.
*b) physical stamina.
c) inspiration.
d) intellectual stimulation.
e) individualized consideration.
60. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
a) transformational leadership is likely to be strongest at the top-management level.
b) transformational leadership is found throughout the organization.
c) transformational leadership operates in combination with transactional leadership.
*d) transformational leadership is similar to most of the traditional leadership approaches.
e) leaders need both transactional and transformational leadership to be successful.