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Name: ______________________
Date: ___________
Chinese Dynasty Mini-Quiz
1. Which dynasty was responsible for building the Grand Canal?
Sui Dynasty
2. What two dynasties reunified China after years of division?
Qin Dynasty & Sui Dynasty
3. What dynasty was in control when most Chinese philosophical thought was conceptualized? Zhou Dynasty
4. What dynasty relied on legalism as its primary philosophy?
Qin Dynasty
5. What dynasty is known for its expansionary policies?
Tang Dynasty
6. The Olmecs would be most like this Chinese dynasty
Shang Dynasty
7. What dynasty do historians refer to when that talk about Classical China?
Sui Dynasty
8. Which dynasty is famous for its powerful female ruler, Empress Wu
Tang Dynasty
9. What dynasty began the Great Wall?
Qin Dynasty
Directions: Put (7) of the Dynasties we discussed so far in World History in chronological order and name an important event or individual from that Dynasty
Dynasty Name
One important Event or Individual