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Chapter 2 PowerPoint Question Solution
1. Discuss the Internet, including their origins, the three generations of the web, and the
most common uses.
The Internet is an interconnected mesh of computers and data lines that connects
millions of people and organizations. It is the foundation of the digital revolution. The
web provides an easy-to-use interface to Internet resources that has become an
everyday tool. The Internet is a large global network, connecting smaller networks all
over the globe. The Internet was launched in 1969. The United States funded project to
develop a national computer network
ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network). The World Wide Web or WWW
was introduced in 1991 at CERN (Center for European Nuclear Research).Common
internet uses consist of communicating, e-mail, photos, videos, discussions, shopping,
searching, virtual libraries, education, and entertainment.
2. Describe how to access the Internet. What are the providers? Define browsers and
discuss URLs, HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, Applets, and mobile browsers.
Common way to access the Internet is through an Internet Service Provider. Popular
web browsers include: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and
Apple Safari. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. Two parts to URL: protocol,
rules for exchanging data between computers (usually http://); domain name – specific
address where the resource is located; TLD or Top-level domain, also known as the web
suffix identifies the type of organization. Some organizations like .com is used for
commercials, .edu is educational, .gov stands for government, .mil is U.S. military, and
.net is network. HTML represents Hypertext Markup Language which is commands.
Technologies used to provide highly interactive and animated web sites include
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, AJAX, Applets, and Mobile Browsers.
3. What are Web utilities? Discuss plug-ins, filters, file transfer utilities, and Internet
security suites?
Specialized utility programs that make using the Internet and Web safer and easier are
Plug-Ins, Filters, File Transfer Utilities, Internet Security, and Suites.
4. Discuss Internet communications, including client-based and web-based email, instant
and text messaging, social networking, blogs, microblogs, webcasts, podcasts, and wikis.
Communication is the most popular Internet activity like emailing. Messaging consist of
text messaging / texting SMS (short message service. Instant messaging is an extension
of e-mail that provides direct, live communication between two or more people.
Webcast – streaming technology for live broadcast of audio and video. Podcast-audio
and video files that can be downloaded to your computer or media player. Wiki – a
specially designed Web site that allows visitors to edit the contents; supports
collaborative writing.
5. Define search tools including search services. Discuss search engines and specialized
search engines. Describe how to evaluate the content of a web site.
Search services sites include,,, and . Specialized search engines are,,,, and .
Specialized search engines- programs that focus on subject specific Web sites.
6. Describe electronic commerce, including business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer,
and business-to-business e-commerce, and security.
Electronic commerce is buying and selling of goods over the Internet.Business to
consumer is used for online banking, financial trading and shopping. Consumer-toconsumer e-commerce is used for web auctions and person-to-person auction sites.
Business to business involves the sale of a product or service from one business to
7. What is cloud computing? Describe the three basic components of cloud computing.
Cloud computing shifts computing activities from users’ desktops to computers on the
Internet and frees end-users from owning, maintaining, and storing software programs
and data. Three basic components: Clients (end-users), Service providers, and the