Download Cycle C – Baptism of the Lord, January 10, 2016 “… the heaven was

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Cycle C – Baptism of the Lord, January 10, 2016
“… the heaven was opened ….”
Opening Prayer (Psalm 104)
O Lord, how manifold are your works!
In wisdom you have made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.
Yonder is the sea great and wide,
creeping things innumerable they are,
living things both small and great.
When you take away their breath, O Lord,
they die and return to their dust.
When you send forth your spirit they live;
you renew the face of the earth.
First Reading – Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11
While God’s chosen people knew and trusted God’s eternal fidelity, they knew full well that it
was their own infidelity that had led them into the humiliation and horror of foreign
domination. How they longed for pardon and liberation! Isaiah’s prophecy therefore falls into
broken and contrite hearts, and how startling and beautiful was his message.
1. What part of this reading speaks to your heart?
2. Who/what has ever brought such words of consolation in your time of desolation?
3. What kind of God is revealed through Isaiah’s words?
Second Reading – Titus 2:11-14, 4-7
Echoing Isaiah’s words in the previous reading, St. Paul in this letter to Titus clearly interprets
God’s salvation and glory as revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. We ourselves have
experienced this salvation and glory, this divine kindness, in the “water of rebirth and renewal
by the Holy Spirit.”
1. What speaks to you most in this passage?
2. What kind of lives are we expected to live as a community of God’s salvation?
Gospel – Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
While Jesus’ baptism is recorded in all three synoptic Gospels, Luke’s account includes Jesus as
one with the crowd of people who are being baptized. Only after the baptism, and while
praying, Jesus’ divine identity is revealed. The words from heaven provide the fullest “naming”
of Jesus the Christ. To cling to the word of Christ therefore is to cling to the word of God. To live
in and through him is to live in and through God.
1. What part of this passage speaks to you most?
2. What does your baptism mean concretely to you?
3. How can we increase the meaning and purpose of baptism in our parish?
Praying the Word
For all who are preparing to be baptized in our parishes, and for all who strive to
live a life worthy of their baptism in Christ Jesus. We pray to the Lord.
(Invite personal intentions, ending with the Lord’s Prayer)
Concluding Prayer
Lord God,
in and through your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ,
your grace and mercy reached out to the whole world.
Through our baptism into the death and resurrection of your Son
make us too your own sons and daughters.
Set us free from all falsehood and error,
so that we may be washed in the waters of rebirth in your Love.
Bless us with your peace, and feed us with your promise of salvation,
so that we may live with you forever in your heavenly glory.
We make this prayer through Christ, our Lord.
Sign of Peace