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Plant Unit Day 1 (preferably a Friday)
Lucas Moldenhauer
Grade Level: 10
Subject(s) Area: Biology
Materials Needed:
Biology: Sixth Edition: Campbell and Reece
Plant notes power point
Power point handouts for students
Radish Lab handout
Radish Seeds
Potting soil
Small Styrofoam cups
HS-LS2-3.-Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for the cycling of matter and flow of energy in
aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic plant properties and structures
Students will apply direction to planting radishes.
Learning Activities
Introduce Plant unit and hand out radish lab
Have students split into teacher assigned groups
Instruct them to complete the “set-up day” portion of the lab
Clean up
Hand out notes
Start presentation on plants
Assign reading pg 720-726
Light effect of plant growth
*Everyone will turn in this sheet individually*
Set-up day
-There are 3 pots at each station.
-Bring the pots, one at a time, to the soil and uniformly fill them till the soil is about 2-3 inches deep.
-Plant 15 radish seeds just below the surface of the soil in each pot.
-Water evenly
-Now we wait for 3 days to the seeds germinate
-If you have any questions or problems, I will be walking around to help.
Day 1:
-Pick 5 plants from each pot that are roughly the same size and remove the rest
-Label the each pot with an A, B, or C, and your initials
-Measure the height of each plant and get an average for each pot. Record the results in the table
-There are a number of different colors of saran wrap, pick 3
-Cover each pot with a section of saran wrap. Do not double up on colors.
-Label each pot with an A, B, or C and write what color each is represents in the table below.
-Write a Hypothesis (below the table) of what you believe will happen to your plants in relation to each
color on the pots
Days 2, 3, 4
- Measure the height of each plant and get an average for each pot. Record the results in the table
-Water evenly
Day 5
- Measure the height of each plant and get an average for each pot. Record the results in the table
-Represent your results on the graph. (It is up to you how you do this)
-Clean up your planting stations and dispose of them properly
-Rewrite your hypothesis, if needed, and answer the questions that follow the lab
Table 1
Aa Pot Aa
aPot Baa
A Pot Caa
Revised hypothesis
What 3 colors would you use if you could do the experiment again? Why would you use these
colors? (use complete sentences)
1. Which plant group showed the fastest growth rate?
2. Which group showed the slowest?
3. What was the control in the experiment? Why do we need a control?
4. If you wanted to increase crop yield what light exposure would be the most help? Why is
5. Draw a diagram of the radish plant. Label at least 7 things including the roots, stem, and
Plant Unit Day 2 (preferably a Monday)
Grade Level: 10
Subject(s) Area: Biology
Materials Needed:
Biology: Sixth Edition: Campbell and Reece
Plant notes power point
Photosynthesis assignment
Guideline papers
HS-LS2-3.-Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for the cycling of matter and flow of energy in
aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
Students will demonstrate use of measuring tools
Students will demonstrate knowledge of cell functions in plants
Learning Activities
Students will measure and water plants
Continue lecture on Plants (should get to slide 14)
Give time to complete formative assessment on slide 14 (may work in groups)
Hand out photosynthesis assignment and guideline papers
Explain that tomorrow will be a work day
Vocab review formative assessment
Photosynthesis Research and Reflection Paper
Find 2 articles on photosynthesis.
-Find a scholarly source (refer the handout on finding credible sources)
-Use a mainstream search engine like Google to find another source
One or both of the articles should include the following information
-definition of photosynthesis
-chemical formula for photosynthesis
-function and definition of chlorophyll, grana, and photophosphorylation
-difference between light dependent and light independent reactions
-function of xylem and phloem in photosynthesis
Write a 2 page reflection paper that answers that meets the following criteria:
-Double spaced
-Use in-text citation when necessary
-Includes an introduction, body, and conclusion and reference page
-Compares both sources (how are they similar or different? Are both credible, why or why not?
Which source was easier to find? Why do you think this is?)
-Explains the entire process of photosynthesis (including the chemical equation)
-Demonstrates knowledge of terms
-Include what you thought of photosynthesis before reading the article and what you have
learned (may use first person in this section)
This is an informational and opinion paper. Blend the two together to explain and reflect on
the process of photosynthesis and demonstrate knowledge of research techniques.
Finding credible sources
A source is generally considered scholarly if it has been subject to peer review or further study.
An article being scholarly does not always mean that the information is credible. Many articles
are submitted to journals and are peer reviewed with information that is speculation or at least
not yet considered fact. It is our job as readers to interpret the credibility of sources always
question information. Below are some guidelines to identifying credible sources and some
websites that make it easier to find scholarly material.
Steps to determine if a source is credible:
1) Think about how reliable you need the information to be. Everyone has different
standards for credibility, and often this depends on how the information is going to be
a. Is your topic something that has been studied academically?
b. Does it matter if the information refined?
c. If you're writing an academic paper in a university setting, you need to be
especially strict about sources, focusing specifically on scholarly article.
2) Consider the medium with which you are working. Generally, the more that is invested
into the creation and publishing of the material, the more likely you are to find reliable
information. For example, printed material has a higher cost of production than an Internet
blog, which anyone can publish for free.
3) Research the author
a. Where does the author work?
b. If the author is affiliated with a reputable institution or organization, what are
its values and goals? Do they benefit financially by promoting a particular view?
c. What is his or her educational background?
d. What other works has the author published?
e. What experience does the author have? Is s/he an innovator, or a follower and
promoter of the status quo?
f. Has this author been cited as a source by other scholars or experts in the field?
4) Check the date. Find out when the source was published or revised. In some subject areas,
such as the sciences, having current sources is essential
5) Investigate the publisher. If the publisher is a university press, the source is likely to be
6) Determine the intended audience. Scan the preface, table of contents, index, abstract, and
the first few paragraphs of the article or of a few chapters. Is the tone, depth, and breadth
appropriate for your project?
7) Evaluate the source's sources. Citing other reliable sources is a sign of credibility.
8) Identify bias. If the source's author is known to be emotionally or financially connected with
the subject, be aware that the source may not fairly represent all views.
9) Investigate the financial or funding sources for sponsored research. Determine the sources
of funding for the study conducted to get an idea of the potential influences on the study.
Various sources of funding can sway the information presented or the way a study is
conducted in order to align with their own agendas.
List of scholarly search engines:
Citing your sources properly
When using information from a source, it is sometimes best to include exact statements from
the source. Be careful not to use too many as you want the paper to be your own. If you are
taking something word-for-word from a document, surround the statement with quotations
and follow it with an in-text citation of the author’s last name, the page number, and the year
of the source. If you use information from a source that is not an exact quote, follow the
information with an in-text citation including the author’s last name and the year of the source.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” (Dickens, pg 1, 1859).
The results of the study indicated that migration patterns of deer where directly
proportionate to temperature (Smith, 2013).
Multiple sentences can be written using information from a source before an in-text citation is
needed. If a quote is used, a citation is needed directly after it.
Scholarly science articles are written in APA format. For the purposes of this class we will use
APA for Works Cited pages. Every source that is used for in-text citation needs to appear in the
Works Cited page
This list provides the information necessary to identify and retrieve each source.
Order: Entries should be arranged in alphabetical order by authors' last names. Sources
without authors are arranged alphabetically by title within the same list.
Authors: Write out the last name and initials for all authors of a particular work. Use an
ampersand (&) instead of the word "and" when listing multiple authors of a single work. e.g.
Smith, J. D., & Jones, M.
Titles: Capitalize only the first word of a title or subtitle, and any proper names that are part
of a title.
Pagination: Use the abbreviation p. or pp. to designate page numbers of articles from
periodicals that do not use volume numbers, especially newspapers. These abbreviations are
also used to designate pages in encyclopedia articles and chapters from edited books.
Indentation*: The first line of the entry is flush with the left margin, and all subsequent lines
are indented (5 to 7 spaces) to form a "hanging indent".
Underlining vs. Italics*: It is appropriate to use italics instead of underlining for titles of books
and journals.
Two additional pieces of information should be included for works accessed online.
Internet Address**: A stable Internet address should be included and should direct the
reader as close as possible to the actual work. If the work has a digital object identifier (DOI),
use this. If there is no DOI or similar handle, use a stable URL. If the URL is not stable, as is often
the case with online newspapers and some subscription-based databases, use the home page
of the site you retrieved the work from.
Date: If the work is a finalized version published and dated, as in the case of a journal article,
the date within the main body of the citation is enough. However, if the work is not dated
and/or is subject to change, as in the case of an online encyclopedia article, include the date
that you retrieved the information.
Plant Unit Day 3
Grade Level: 10
Subject(s) Area: Biology
Materials Needed:
Photosynthesis article
HS-LS1-2.-Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting systems that provide
specific functions within multicellular organisms.
HS-LS2-3.-Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for the cycling of matter and flow of energy in
aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
Students will apply skills in working independently.
Students will demonstrate quality searching and writing strategies.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the system of photosynthesis and how it relates to an organism
as a whole.
Learning Activities
Ask the students to take out a sheet of paper and write down 3 things that they remember from the first
assigned reading. These things could include defining a term, explaining a system, or explaining a table or
diagram of information in the book. . Ask students to form their answers into complete sentences and
use proper grammar
Collect formative assessment.
Students will water plants
Rest of day will be spent working on the paper. (read it, take notes, form an idea for the paper)
Explain that the paper is due in 5 class periods
Assign reading for tomorrow pg. 783-788 and 794-799
Plant Unit Day 4
Grade Level: 10
Subject(s) Area: Biology
Materials Needed:
Biology: Sixth Edition: Campbell and Reece
Plant notes power point
HS-LS1-2.-Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting systems that provide
specific functions within multicellular organisms.
HS-LS2-3.-Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for the cycling of matter and flow of energy in
aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of sexual and asexual reproduction in plants
Students will demonstrate knowledge of monocots and dicots
Learning Activities
Students will water and measure plants
Continue plant notes
Hand out clickers (explain how to use if needed)
Go through questions on PowerPoint (attached separately)
If some students appear to be struggling with the material, have class discussion and some re-teaching,
possibly continuing to the next day.
Plant Unit Day 5
Grade Level: 10
Subject(s) Area: Biology
Materials Needed:
Biology: Sixth Edition: Campbell and Reece
Plant notes power point
Flower dissection lab handout
HS-LS2-3.-Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for the cycling of matter and flow of energy in
aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of flower structures
Learning Activities
Students will water and measure plants
Finish notes on plants
Give handout for flower lab. It will be the day after tomorrow
Students will work independently lab questions for remainder of class time
Remind them that the finishing out the radish lab will be tomorrow
Flower Dissection Lab
Background Information:
Every flower consists of a set of adaptations that help to ensure successful reproduction. For
example, flowers often have bright colors, attractive shapes, and pleasing aromas. These traits
help them attract insects and other animals that will carry pollen grains from flower to flower.
Pollination also occurs by means other than animals carrying the pollen. For some flowering
plants, the wind plays an important role in transferring pollen from plant to plant.
The seed-bearing plants that produce flowers are angiosperms. The flower produces the
seeds, each of which contains a new plant embryo. The parts of the flower are usually found in
whorls, or rings. Petals are one of the sets of whorls. They attract pollinators. Sepals lie outside
the petals. They protect the bud.
The reproductive organs, the stamens and pistils, lie inside the petals. A stamen is a male
reproductive part. It consists of an anther that is held up by a filament. The anther produces
pollen grains. A pistil is a female reproductive part. Its top is called the stigma. It is sticky to
ensure that when pollen grains land on it, they stick to it. The middle supporting structure is the
style, and the large base is the ovary, where the eggs are produced
(Pre-lab questions)
1. What type of plants produce flowers? Circle Answer: Gymnosperms, Angiosperms, Ferns,
2. Why do plants produce flowers and fruits?
3. What are the reproductive parts of the flower? ____________________ and
4. Define Monocot:
5. Define Dicot:
6. List and define the three parts of the Pistil.
7. List and define the two parts of the stamen.
Label the structures of the flower
(Lab Day)
1. Locate the outermost layer of flower parts. These are the sepals. Carefully remove the
a. Record the number of sepals, attach one, and describe the function in your data table.
2. Identify the petals. These form the next layer of flower parts. Carefully remove each petal.
a. Fill in the data table on the next page.
b. What advantage to the flower are colorful petals?
3. Now locate the stamen. These male flower parts should now be exposed.
a. Record the number of stamen, attach one, and describe the function in your data table.
b. What do anthers produce?
c. Name the flower part that elevates the anther.
d. Why is it important to elevate the anthers?
e. Describe two different ways that a pollen grain can get to the stigma of a pistil.
f. Flowers usually contain more stamen than pistils. Why do you think this is?
4. The female flower part remains.
a. Record the number of pistils, attach one, and describe the function in your data table.
b. Name the flower part that elevates the stigma.
c. Why is it important to elevate the stigma?
d. How does the structure of the stigma aid in pollination?
e. Which parts of the flower develop into the seeds?
f. When fertilized, what will the ovary grow into? _____________________
5. Leaf: Attach a leaf from your plant in the space below.
6. Is this specimen a monocot or dicot? Explain at least 2 reasons how you know this (Use
complete sentences.
Flower part
Number Attach one of each part below
Description of function
Plant Unit Day 6
Grade Level: 10
Subject(s) Area:
Materials Needed:
Biology: Sixth Edition: Campbell and Reece
Light exposure lab handout
HS-LS1-2.-Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting systems that provide
specific functions within multicellular organisms.
HS-LS2-3.-Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for the cycling of matter and flow of energy in
aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of effect of light in a plant system
Learning Activities
Quick discussion of final day of the lab and concept questions
Students will follow direction for the final day of the lab and complete the handout and graph
Clean up
Collect handout
Radish Lab handout
Plant Unit Day 7
Grade Level: 10
Subject(s) Area: Biology
Materials Needed:
Biology: Sixth Edition: Campbell and Reece Flowers for lab
Crossword worksheet
HS-LS1-2.-Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting systems that provide
specific functions within multicellular organisms.
HS-LS2-3.-Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for the cycling of matter and flow of energy in
aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
Students will work independently
Learning Activities
Hand out crossword (modified one for those who need it)
Rest of class period spend on crossword and study guide (will not be collected for grade)
Remind them that flower dissection lab is tomorrow and to have the pre-lab done
Plant Vocabulary Crossword
5. External to vascular tissue
7. Structures that have the potential to form a vegetative branch
8. Stacks of thylakoids like pancakes
9. Process of converting energy from a light-excited electron into the
pyrophosphate bond of an ADP molecule
10. Transports food to non-photosynthetic parts
12. Life cycle of sexual reproductive plants
15. Photosynthetic material in plants (makes them green)
24. Transports water
25. Roots that arise above ground are
26. Water conducting elements in xylem
27. Alternating systems of nodes
28. Where leaves attach
1. The “skin” of the cell
2. Outside layer of cell, animals don't have
3. The anchor of the plant
4. Extend the surface area of roots
6. Form within the ovules
9. The stalk of the leave which connects the leave to the stem
11. Produce sperm
13. Enclose and protect the floral bud before it opens
14. Where the growing of the stem takes place
16. Main source of photosynthesis
17. Brightly colored organ that serves to attract insects and other
18. Waxy coating that helps leaves retain water
19. Produce eggs
20. contains ovary and ovules
21. internal to vascular tissue
22. grains that produce sperm
23. consists of anther and filament
Plant Vocabulary Crossword
After 4 or 5 questions, there is a word bank in bold.
complete the puzzle
Use these words to
*if the term is more than one word, write it as one word in the puzzle*
5. External to vascular tissue
7. Structures that have the potential to form a vegetative branch
8. Stacks of thylakoids like pancakes
9. Process of converting energy from a light-excited electron into the
pyrophosphate bond of an ADP molecule
(Grana/Axillary buds/cortex/ Photophosphorylation)
10. Transports food to non-photosynthetic parts
12. Life cycle of sexual reproductive plants
15. Photosynthetic material in plants (makes them green)
24. Transports water
(Xylem/ Alternation of generations/Phloem/Chlorophyll)
25. Roots that arise above ground are
26. Water conducting elements in xylem
27. Alternating systems of nodes
28. Where leaves attach
(Tracheids/ Adventitious roots/Stems/Nodes)
1. The “skin” of the cell
2. Outside layer of cell, animals don't have
3. The anchor of the plant
4. Extend the surface area of roots
6. Form within the ovules
(Roots/Epidermis/Embryo sacs/Cell Wall/Root Hairs)
9. The stalk of the leave which connects the leave to the stem
11. Produce sperm
13. Enclose and protect the floral bud before it opens
14. Where the growing of the stem takes place
(Sporophytes/Petiole/Terminal Bud/Sepals)
16. Main source of photosynthesis
17. Brightly colored organ that serves to attract insects and other
18. Waxy coating that helps leaves retain water
19. Produce eggs
20. contains ovary and ovules
21. internal to vascular tissue
22. grains that produce sperm
23. consists of anther and filament
Plants Study Guide:
Chapter 35 Plant Structure and Growth:
-What are the three basic organs of plants?
-Know difference between root and shoot system and their main functions.
-Know structures and functions of root system
-root hairs
-advantageous roots
-root tip
-apical meristem
-Know the structures and functions of parts stem
-terminal bud
-axillary bud
-Be able to label a stem diagram.
-What are leaves the main source of?
-What connects leaves to stems?
-Be able to identify monocot vs Dicot leaf
-What are the three types of tissues that make up plant organs?
-What is vascular tissue and what are the two types?
-What are the water conducing elements of xylem?
-Know parts of ground tissue
-Know what a cuticle is and what it is made of.
-What is the “skin of a cell?
-Be able to explain how plant cells are different than animal cells. (things only plant cells have)
-What do plant and animal cells have in common?
Chapter 38 Plant Reproduction and Biotechnology:
-What types of life cycle to plants have?
-Explain sporophyte and gametophyte
-Understand life cycle diagram
-Know structures and functions of Flower parts
-Parts of carpel
-Be able to label a flower diagram similar to the one on page 785
-Know difference between monoecious and dioecious
-Know difference between mega and microspores
-What is asexual reproduction and how does is work in plants?
-Know what fragmentation and apomixes are
-definition of photosynthesis
-chemical formula for photosynthesis
-function and definition of chlorophyll, grana, and photophosphorylation
-difference between light dependent and light independent reactions
-function of xylem and phloem in photosynthesis
Plant Unit Day 8
Grade Level: 10
Subject(s) Area: Biology
Materials Needed:
Flower dissection lab handout
Flowers for lab
Paper towels
HS-LS1-2. Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting
systems that provide specific functions within multicellular organisms.
Students will demonstrate content review knowledge through discussion
Students will demonstrate understanding of structure and functions of plants through lab activity
Students will connect real-world observation with text support through lab activity
Learning Activities
Short review discussion
o Photosynthesis
o Different parts of a plant
o Why flowers are important
o Difference in function for photosynthesis and reproduction
Go through lab report explaining each section
Divide class into lab groups
Hand out flowers
Complete lab
Clean up
Collect lab handout
Collect crossword
Remind them that photosynthesis paper is due tomorrow and that we will be playing review Jeopardy
Flower dissection lab handout
Crossword puzzle activity
Try to get one monocot and one dicot for each group (lilies and roses)
I showed interest but could have showed more enthusiasm for the material
Modeling how to remove the pedals and cutting open the flower would have worked
More explanation of the table at the end of the lab
Overall, the lesson went very well not many changes
Plant Unit Day 9
Grade Level: 10
Subject(s) Area: Biology
Materials Needed:
Jeopardy game
HS-LS1-2.-Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting systems that provide
specific functions within multicellular organisms.
HS-LS2-3.-Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for the cycling of matter and flow of energy in
aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of vocabulary and themes of unit
Learning Activities
Collect photosynthesis paper
Divide class into 4 teams
Play jeopardy vocabulary game
Winners get 10 extra credit, second place 5, third place 2
Remind students that tomorrow is a work day. Final touches may be on paper and time to work on the
study guide.
Jeopardy vocabulary game
I used this site to make a jeopardy game
This is the edit page. The site allows you to play through the game and keep score.
Category #1:
Monocot vs. Dicot
Question 1:
Stem vascular bundles look like monkey faces
Answer 1:
Question 2:
have 2 seeds
Answer 2:
Question 3:
Flow ers grow in multiples of 4 and 5
Roots grow randomly into the ground
Answer 3:
Leaf veins are reticulated
Answer 5:
Answer 1:
Question 2:
The â€o skin― of the cell
Answer 2:
Question 3:
Answer 3:
Answer 4:
Ground tissue
Question 5:
Waxy coating that helps leaves retain w ater
Category #3:
Question 1:
Also called vegetative reproduction
Question 2:
Uses alternation of generations life cycle
Question 3:
Vascular tissue
Question 4:
Pith and cortex make up this
Xylem and Phloem make up this
Cell stucture and types of tissue
Question 1:
Plants are eukaryotes or prokaryotes?
Category #2:
Answer 4:
Question 5:
Question 4:
Answer 5:
Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction
Answer 1:
Asexual reproduction
Answer 2:
Sexual reproduction
Answer 3:
Sporophytes produce
Question 4:
Answer 4:
Gametophytes produce
Question 5:
Answer 5:
The separation of a parent plant into parts to re-form w hole pla
Category #4:
Flow ers
Question 1:
Answer 1:
Brightly colored organ that serves to attract insects and other p
Question 2:
Answer 2:
Produce sperm (flow er structure)
Pollen Grains
Question 3:
Answer 3:
Consists of anther and filament
Question 4:
Answer 4:
Enclose and protect the floral bud before it opens
Question 5:
Answer 5:
Form w ithin the ovules
Embryo sacs
Category #5:
Question 1:
Answer 1:
Photosynthetic material in plants (makes them green)
Question 2:
Answer 2:
Process of converting energy from a light-excited electron into
Question 3:
Answer 3:
take place in the stroma (happens in the dark)
Light Independent Process (or Dark Reac
Question 4:
Answer 4:
Stacks of thylakoids like pancakes
Question 5:
Answer 5:
Chemical equation for photosynthesis
Final Jeopardy (optional)
Final Question
Final Answ
Structures that have the potential to form a vegetative branch
Plant Unit Day 10
Grade Level: 10
Subject(s) Area: Biology
Students will work independently
Learning Activities
Today is a work day. Students can work on finishing photosynthesis paper and study guide for
tomorrows’ test
Collect photosynthesis paper
Walk around and monitor progress/answer any questions
Photosynthesis paper
Plant Unit Day 11
Grade Level: 10
Subject(s) Area: Biology
Students will demonstrate knowledge of material through a written test
Learning Activities
Collect any late photosynthesis papers
Explain parts and expectations of test
Hand out test
Unit test on plants
Plants Test
True and False (2 points each)
(put a T for true and a O for false. If an answer is false, rewrite the question to make it true in
the space provided)
1. ___ Roots are the main source of photosynthesis in plants is the roots.
2. ___ Xylem and phloem are the two parts are vascular tissue in plants.
3. ___ Light independent reactions happen in the stroma.
4. ___ Sexual reproduction is also called vegetable reproduction.
5. ___ Ground tissue is made up of pith and cortex.
Multiple Choice (2 points each)
(Circle the most correct answer to complete the sentence or answer the question)
1. What is the function of a cuticle on a leaf?
a. Helps photosynthesis
b. Helps retain water
c. Makes leaves look better
d. Helps plants grow taller
2. Plants are _____________
a. Prokaryotes
b. Trikaryotes
c. Eukaryotes
d. Guekaryotes
3. What the part of a leaf that attaches to stems?
a. Petiole
b. Lateral bud
c. Zone of elogation
d. blade
4. Leaves attach to the stems at ____________.
a. Zone of maturation
b. Cuticle
c. Frond
d. nodes
5. Which of the following is NOT a main part of plant?
a. Root
b. Stem
c. Flower
d. Leaves
Matching ( 1 point each)
(match the letter representing the terms in the word bank to the statement that best fits its
1. ___ Extend the surface area of roots.
2. ___ Sporophytes produce
3. ___ The “skin” of a cell
4. ___ Where leaves attach
5. ___ Gametophytes produce
6. ___ Roots that arise above ground
7. ___ Where growing of the stem takes place
8. ___ Where photosynthesis occurs in plants. Makes them green.
9. ___ Life cycle of plants
10. ___ Made in the ovule of a flower
a. terminal bud
f. embryo sacs
b. alternation of
g. advantageous roots
c. sperm
d . root hairs
e. epidermis
h. eggs
i. chlorophyll
j. nodes
Label the flower structures on the diagram below (1 point each)
Word bank: Petal, sepal, stalk, stigma, ovule, receptacle, anther, filament
Short answer (5 points each)
(Write a small paragraph containing no more than 5 sentences answering the questions
1. Briefly describe the differences between monocots and dicots. (Give at least 5
2. What do plant cells have that animal cells don’t? (At least 2) What are some structures that
they share? (at least 3)
Essay (10 points)
(answer every part the question completely. You must have an introduction, body, and
conclusion. You must use complete sentences. If you need more room, you may write on the
back of the test)
Give a summary of the photosynthesis process. Include the photosynthesis equation, what the
end result of photosynthesis is, where reactions take place, and a brief explanation of the roles
xylem and phloem.
Plants Test (Modified)
True and False (2 points each)
(put a T for true and a O for false. If an answer is false, rewrite the question to make it true in
the space provided)
6. ___ Roots are the main source of photosynthesis in plants is the roots.
7. ___ Xylem and phloem are the two parts are vascular tissue in plants.
8. ___ Light independent reactions happen in the stroma.
9. ___ Sexual reproduction is also called vegetable reproduction.
10. ___ Ground tissue is made up of pith and cortex.
Multiple Choice (2 points each)
(Circle the most correct answer to complete the sentence or answer the question)
6. What is the function of a cuticle on a leaf?
e. Helps photosynthesis
f. Helps retain water
7. Plants are _____________
e. Prokaryotes
g. Eukaryotes
8. What the part of a leaf that attaches to stems?
e. Petiole
g. Zone of elogation
9. Leaves attach to the stems at ____________.
f. Cuticle
h. nodes
10. Which of the following is NOT a main part of plant?
e. Root
f. Stem
g. Flower
h. Leaves
Matching ( 1 point each)
(match the letter representing the terms in the word bank to the statement that best fits its
definition) (Pick from the letters next to the question)
11. ___ Extend the surface area of roots. (a,d,e,)
12. ___ Sporophytes produce (c,h,f,)
13. ___ The “skin” of a cell (a,d,e)
14. ___ Where leaves attach (d,a,e,)
15. ___ Gametophytes produce (c,h,f,)
16. ___ Roots that arise above ground (b,j,a,)
17. ___ Where growing of the stem takes place (a,d,j)
18. ___ Where photosynthesis occurs in plants. Makes them green. (i,b,f,)
19. ___ Life cycle of plants (b,I,f,)
20. ___ Made in the ovule of a flower(b,g,e,)
a. terminal bud
f. embryo sacs
b. alternation of
g. advantageous roots
c. sperm
d . root hairs
e. epidermis
h. eggs
i. chlorophyll
j. nodes
Label the flower structures on the diagram below (1 point each)
(pick from the letters next to the terms in the word bank)
Word bank: Petal(C,H,D), sepal(C,H,D), stalk(F,H,E), stigma(A,B,F), ovule(C,G,F),
receptacle (E,F,H), anther, filament(C,H,D)
Short answer (5 points each)
(Write a small paragraph containing no more than 5 sentences answering the questions
3. Briefly describe the differences between monocots and dicots. (Give at least 5
(Key words to use: Parallel/reticulated veins. Multiples of 3s/ multiples of 4s and 5s.
Vascular bundle in ring/ scattered vascular tissue. One seed/ two seeds )
4. What do plant cells have that animal cells don’t? (At least 2) What are some structures that
they share? (at least 3)
(cell wall, chloroplast, nucleus, ER, ribosomes, golgi apparatus, mitochondria)
Essay (10 points)
(answer every part the question completely. You must have an introduction, body, and
conclusion. You must use complete sentences. If you need more room, you may write on the
back of the test)
Give a summary of the photosynthesis process. Include the photosynthesis equation, what the
end result of photosynthesis is, where reactions take place, and a brief explanation of the roles
xylem and phloem.
(key words: light reactions, dark reactions, grana, _____________----- C6H2O6+6O2,
Oxygen, nutrients)
Plants Test
True and False (2 points each)
(put a T for true and a O for false. If an answer is false, rewrite the question to make it true in
the space provided)
11. _O__ Roots are the main source of photosynthesis in plants is the roots.
________Leaves are the main source of photosynthesis__________________________
12. _T__ Xylem and phloem are the two parts are vascular tissue in plants.
13. _T__ Light independent reactions happen in the stroma.
14. _O__ Sexual reproduction is also called vegetable reproduction.
_______Asexual reproduction is also called vegetable reproduction_________________
15. __T_ Ground tissue is made up of pith and cortex.
Multiple Choice (2 points each)
(Circle the most correct answer to complete the sentence or answer the question)
11. What is the function of a cuticle on a leaf?
i. Helps photosynthesis
j. Helps retain water
k. Makes leaves look better
l. Helps plants grow taller
12. Plants are _____________
i. Prokaryotes
j. Trikaryotes
k. Eukaryotes
l. Guekaryotes
13. What the part of a leaf that attaches to stems?
i. Petiole
j. Lateral bud
k. Zone of elogation
l. blade
14. Leaves attach to the stems at ____________.
i. Zone of maturation
j. Cuticle
k. Frond
l. nodes
15. Which of the following is NOT a main part of plant?
i. Root
j. Stem
k. Flower
l. Leaves
Matching ( 1 point each)
(match the letter representing the terms in the word bank to the statement that best fits its
21. _d__ Extend the surface area of roots.
22. _c__ Sporophytes produce
23. _e__ The “skin” of a cell
24. _j__ Where leaves attach
25. _h__ Gametophytes produce
26. _g__ Roots that arise above ground
27. _a__ Where growing of the stem takes place
28. _i__ Where photosynthesis occurs in plants. Makes them green.
29. _b__ Life cycle of plants
30. _f__ Made in the ovule of a flower
a. terminal bud
f. embryo sacs
b. alternation of
g. advantageous roots
c. sperm
d . root hairs
e. epidermis
h. eggs
i. chlorophyll
j. nodes
Label the flower structures on the diagram below (1 point each)
Word bank: Petal (C), sepal (D), stalk (F), stigma (A), ovule (G), receptacle (E), anther (B),
filament (G)
Short answer (5 points each)
(Write a small paragraph containing no more than 5 sentences answering the questions
5. Briefly describe the differences between monocots and dicots. (Give at least 5
________1 point awarded for each example listed in answer
6. What do plant cells have that animal cells don’t? (At least 2) What are some structures that
they share? (at least 3)
_____________One point for each similarity (3) and one point for only plants (2)
Essay (10 points)
(answer every part the question completely. You must have an introduction, body, and
conclusion. You must use complete sentences. If you need more room, you may write on the
back of the test)
Give a summary of the photosynthesis process. Include the photosynthesis equation, what the
end result of photosynthesis is, where reactions take place, and a brief explanation of the roles
xylem and phloem.
3 points- includes introduction body and conclusion
1 point- includes equation
2 points- discusses xylem and phloem accurately
2- discusses light and dark reactions
1-discusses what end result is (nutrients, and oxygen)
1-proper grammar