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Document related concepts
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Membership in umma; pre-Islamic Arabia; Sunni and Shia division; Islamized regions; expansion of Islam
after Mohammad; Blend of Hindu and Islam; view of women in the Quaran; Umayyad dynasty vs Abbisid
dynasty caliphs; Sufism; Islamic education; Islamic converts in India and Anatolia (Sufi); Islamic
conversion and trade networks; cross-regional ties in the Islamic world; pilgrimage to Mecca; breadth of
Islamic empire; Mecca; Pillars of the Faith; new Islamic calendar; Middle-Eastern converts;
Islam and West Africa; Muslim rule in Spain; the ulama; madrassas; sayings and deeds of the Prophet
Muhammad; Arab innovations; religious roots of Islam; the Quaran and Arab tribal life; the spread of
Islam (compare to spread of Buddhism and Christianity)
Latin Christendom vs Byzantium; strengths of Byzantium; impact of the Crusades in Europe; the split in
the Christian church; Byzantine Empire and Kievan Rus; Byzantium’s influence on Eurasia; ties between a
King, his vassals and Lords and serfs; trade in Europe after the fall of Rome in 476; expansion and growth
in the high middle ages; economic growth and women in the high middle ages; European Christianity in
the early middle ages; technology and women in the 15th century; targets of crusaders; rulers from
borrowed technology; Christianity in Asia and Africa by 1500; Christianity in Middle East and N. Africa
(650-1300); Christianity outside of Europe; reinterpretation of Christianity; Christian persecution in
Egypt; the Byzantine state; the end of Byzantium; Eastern Orthodox vs Roman Catholicism; Byzantine
influence in the 11th century; influence on Orthodox Christianity; Eastern Orthodox in Kievan Rus; shift in
Europe’s center of gravity; politics and religion in western Europe (500-1300); Greek thought; Who had
the power in Europe from 1000 – 1300;
There are two questions concerning the Byzantine icons on pages 507-511. The questions deal with the
two dimensional aspect and a common feature of the three icons.
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