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A. Function
1. Delivers oxygen, nutrients, hormones throughout the body and transports
wastes to proper areas.
2. Cardiovascular means….”pertaining to the heart and vessels”.
B. Heart
1. combining form is cardio
2. located within the thoracic cavity
3. lies in an area between the lungs called the “ mediastinum “ .
4. pericardium = membrane around the heart
a. pericardial fluid is liquid between heart and pericardium which
prevents friction when heart beats.
5. myocardium = heart muscle
6. ischemia = deficiency of blood to an area
7. necrosis = dead tissue as a result of ischemia
a. infarct = area of necrosis
8. electrocardiogram = record of electrical activity of the heart
9. arrhythmia = abnormal rhythm of the heart
10. systole = contraction of the ventricles (largest chambers of heart)
11. diastole = relaxation of the ventricles
12. fibrillation = rapid, random and ineffective heart contractions
13. bradycardia = abnormally slow heartbeat
14. tachycardia = abnormally fast heartbeat
15. syncope = temporary suspension of respiration and circulation..”knod off”
16. auscultation = act of listening to body sounds (usually with a stethoscope)
17. heart murmur = abnormal heart sound….usually from a leaky valve.
18. pulse = heartbeat taken at various locations
a. smaller animal has faster heart rate
b. TPR = temp, pulse, respiration
C. Blood vessels
1. combining form is angio or vaso
2. lumen = interior or opening
a. vasoconstrictors = drugs that decrease the lumen of a vessel
b. vasodilators = drugs that increase the lumen of a vessel
3. arteries = take blood away from the heart….”arterio”
4. veins = take blood back to the heart….”veno” or “phlebo”
5. capillaries = connect arteries and veins and is where oxygen exchange
6. perfusion = blood flow through tissues
a. CRT = capillary refill time…..< 3 sec is normal
7. IV = intravenous or within the vein
8. perivascular = around the vein
9. intra-arterial = within the artery
10. blood pressure
a. tension blood exerts on arterial walls
b. measures systolic / diastolic (contraction / relaxation)
c. combining form is tensio
d. hypertension = increased blood pressure
e. hypotension = decreased blood pressure
D. Diagnostic tests
1. angiogram = radiographic study of the blood vessels using a contrast
2. angiocardiogram = radiographic study of the heart and vessels using a
contrast media.
3. echocardiogram = study of the heart using ultrasound
4. electrocardiogram = record of the electrical activity of the heart
E. Pathology terms
1. aneurysm = localized, balloon-like enlargement of an artery
2. atherosclerosis = hardening and narrowing of arteries
3. cardiomegaly = enlarged heart
4. cardiomyopathy = heart muscle problem
5. carditis = inflammation of the heart
a. ex: endocarditis
6. congestive heart failure = insufficient cardiac output to meet the body’s
7. edema = accumulation of fluid in the intercellular spaces
8. ascites = accumulation of fluid in the abdomen
9. pleural effusion = abnormal accumulation of fluid between the membranes
(pleura) covering the lungs.
10. embolus = foreign object circulating in the blood
a. can be air, blood clot, etc.
11. endocarditis = inflammation of the interior of the heart (usually involves
the heart valves)
12. hematoma = collection of blood or a mass full of blood
13. hypoxia = decreased oxygen
14. cyanosis = decreased oxygen causes bluish color to gums
a. combining form is “cyano”…..means blue
15. myocarditis = inflammation of the heart muscle
16. pericarditis = inflammation of the pericardium
17. pulmonic stenosis = narrowing of the opening of the pulmonary artery
18. shock = inadequate tissue perfusion
a. pale mucus membranes (mm)
b. several causes
19. thrombus = blood clot
20. anticoagulants = drugs that prevent blood clotting……(warfarin)
21. vasculitis = inflammation of a blood vessel
F. Procedures
1. angioplasty = surgical repair of a blood vessel
2. defibrillation = use of electrical shock to restore normal heart rhythm.
3. hemostasis = control of bleeding
4. stent = small expander implanted in a vessel to prevent blockage
5. transfusion = giving blood components IV to another animal or person