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Gladiators: Bloodsport of the Colosseum
-Complete the following ON YOUR OWN PAPER.
-You do not have to write the question.
-Listen carefully for the answers; if you miss one skip it at wait for the next.
1. We’ve made it our business to learn the techniques of the gladiators,
through experimental archaeology which consists of _______________
the gladiatorial experience as much as possible.
2. What is the name of the small sword the gladiators are named after?
3. Rome’s accomplishments are without parallel. Her roads and
aqueducts are still in use. Her architecture has given us our stadiums,
Indeed Rome spawned a ________________ upon which most modern
_______________ are based. (Same word for each blank)
4. Returning from Greece Caesar’s ship was attacked by ___________
and young Julius was taken prisoner
5. The gladiatorial games were a celebration of Roman toughness. In the
beginning they were played out in the Roman ______________, right
in the middle of the square!”
6. How was Diocles able to buy his freedom?
7. According to the archaeologist, why was the first amphitheater (a
theater on both sides) made? Many gladiators chose to commit suicide
rather than have their throats cut in the arena. Gladiators who
attempted suicide were put into chains and branded with ______
8. There were manuals of rules for study of fighting techniques which
every gladiator had to know by heart as if studying for an exam. They
studied hard because they knew it was these techniques that would keep
them ____________.
9. Imperial patronage had its dark side. Claudius got so involved in the
games that he would coax the gladiators. For Claudius, the
_________________ the better.
One way gladiators could make money was by collecting the
_______ of comrades and selling it to the public.
If a gladiator could not continue fighting he would throw down
his weapon and appeal for clemency, the right to die. If granted his
opponent handed him his sword and he plunged it down through his
__________ and into his ribcage.
What were gladiators given at the end of their career?
For 11 hours torrents of volcanic ash rained down on the city. It
was the end of the world for Pompeii. In 1748 archaeologists started
excavating the city. It is the closest to a _____________ archaeology
has ever come.
Archaeologists found a number of things in Pompeii but the most
important was the amphitheater. Pompeii’s amphitheater was the first
in the Roman world to be built of _____________.
---skip to next chapter--15. After Rome was burned to the ground (which Nero blamed on the
Christians) Rome was rebuilt. Its public works included libraries, theaters,
bridges and aqueducts but the cities greatest public work was the Flavian
amphitheater known as the _________________.
A Roman writer wrote “the people who have conquered the
world now have only two interests; bread and _______________.”
When Titus inaugurated the Colosseum, how many animals were
killed in that one day?
The galleries on every story had venders who sold drinks, snacks,
souvenirs, blanket and cushions which were rented out because shows
often lasted __________ _________ __________. The games were on
a tight schedule. Something had to be going on every minute or the
crowd grew ________________.
What word is repeated over and over during the description of the
various events in the ColosseumFor us today, this show is a memorial
to pagan bloodsports. Riding on the wind, come the voices of the
ancient Romans… or are they coming from _______?