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Chapter 1 Study Guide
Define geography
Leap year- What date?
Day with the most hours of sunlight?
Center of the Earth is?
Giant sheets of ice are called ____________
What is the difference between a plain and a plateau?
Define peninsula
The crust is made of large __________ or huge slabs of moving rock
What are the Earthlike planets?
What part of the earth is outside the outer core and inside the crust?
The angle of the sun’s rays causes the _______________.
When winter in the Northern Hemisphere it is ______________ in the Southern
What season is it when we have the least hours of sunlight in the US?
What is a valley under the ocean?
Water, wind, and ice wear away the surface of the land/the movement of weathered
material- ___________
The earth’s crust includes ocean floors and _______________
Dangerous rays from the sun on the earth are screened out by the earth’s
Plates float on liquid rock in the _____________.
What is the center of the solar system?
Magma comes from what landform?
About ____ percent of the earth’s surface is water.
Australia- Is it in the N hemisphere or the S hemisphere?
What are the layers of the earth from inside out?
Define environment
Cracks in the earth’s crust are called ____________.
What is GIS used for?
How long does the earth take to make one rotation on its axis?
Define orbit
How long does it take the earth to make one revolution around the sun?
The ___________ runs through the center of Earth from the North Pole to the South Pole.
Define isthmus
Area formed from built up soil at the mouth of a river- _____________
What is GPS?
What is the cloud of gases on the outside of earth that protects it from the sun?
A giant wave caused by an underwater earthquakeWhat is the difference between a strait and a channel?
What are the 7 continents?
What is one body of salt water other than an ocean?