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Minutes 9-10-2009
Ice breaker games
Name game – adj. then name
Two True and one False
Newspaper- separate them into groups… use it to build something as tall as they
Each table talk about their names and past to the other and whoever finished first is the winner
Translations for games- like bilingual
General run-down for the dinner
Name list and collect money
Name Game (unofficial)
Food starts at 7.
-rearrangement of the e-board (due to an internal problem)
-Goals for this year
-Timeline for the year
-announce the change of HKI’s org. name
-Half-way… Start the game
Draw prizes In between dishes
Pictionary- do it after dinner
30-40 words
Bruce Lee, Jacky Chan, Spartan Statue, Anthony Wong, StarFerry, The Clock tower (Tsim Sha
Tsui), The Statue of Liberty, i-pods, mah-jong, red-pocket money, mooncake, Lion Dance, Egg
Tart, BBQ pork, Great Wall, TianAnMen Square, Great Buddha, Cata Bus, Panda, Ocean Park,
DisneyLand, Tsingdao, teapot, hotpot, Hong Kong Flag, America Flag, I-phone, American
football, Lacrosse, hockey stick, wind-surfing, Titanic, Shaolin soccer, monk, BMW, Calvin Lai,
Octupus, Actual Chicken, Chinese Zodiac Sign, Monkey, Harp,
Membership application
Draw- 1 MSU T-shirt(Med), airwack freshener, 1 HKSA Membership, 1 Redpocket
Put it under the chair
Calvin, Fanny Introduction
Andrew, Angie, Jenny reception
Gavin Host (Newspaper collector)
Revise Activities
Oct-InterSA b-ball tournament
Penn State – Football game
Nov- Tri-State B-ball
Global Fest
Dec- Fall Graduate dinner
Me--Call Ceci, Peter, Jin,