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100 學年度第二學期 臺中市立惠文高級中學【高中部】第一次定考
範圍:如公佈 命題人員:全體高三英文教師 審題人員:張依濡
一、詞彙 13% (請依題意選出最適當的一個答案,標示在答案卡之選擇題答案區。)
1. All the passers-by stood with ____, and none of them gave the injured a hand.
A) perspective B) detachment C) disguise D) catalyst
2. If you are _____ about something, you speak about it very openly and clearly.
A) explicit B) indulgent C) moral D) splendid
3. Many tourists go to Ali Mountain to appreciate the ____ tree, whose age is over 2,000 years.
A) scared B) scattered C) scarred D) sacred
4. With Tom’s health _____ sharply, he cannot but take a sick leave.
A) deteriorating B) unspoiled
C) enhancing D) scratching
5. With Jeremy Lin’s incredible performances in NBA, now all the NBA players have regarded him as a ____
point guard.
A) formidable
B) exaggerated
C) retired
D) alternative
6. On Tomb Sweeping Day, most Taiwanese go to the ____ to clean the graves of their ancestors and pay respect
to them.
A) cavity B) chandelier
C) commission D) cemetery
7. As many people don’t watch their diet during the Chinese New Year break, they will become ___ after the
A) colleague B) coincidental C) chubby D) cocoon
8. Information that is _____ is meant to be kept secret or private.
A) confidential B) considerable C) contemporary D) cruel
9. Parents are concerned about what _____ the high school will adopt to choose freshmen.
A) criteria B) alienation
C) fiber D) counsel
10. The hungry soldiers ___ the meat as if they had not had food for a month.
A) facilitated B) elaborated C) devoured D) designated
11. More and more nearsighted people use ____ contact lenses instead of traditional ones.
A) soaring B) disposable C) adolescent D) botanical
12. Many high school students hold Taiwan University in high ____, and look forward to getting admission to it.
A) esteem
B) estate C) essence
D) exclusion
13. As a retired teacher, now I have more _____ with my time to serve the community as a volunteer.
A) flexibility B) harassment C) execution
D) despair
二、克漏字 10% (請依題意選出最適當的一個答案,標示在答案卡之選擇題答案區。)
After the Second World War, the world ___14__ into two major camps – countries led by Soviet Union and
countries led by America. Their conflicting ideologies about how government should run and how people should
live often resulted in armed conflicts and innocent civilian casualties. Gage’s mother was the victim of such
confrontation. With training and help from a high school teacher, Marjorie Hurd, Gage, a refugee from a __15___
country, was able to write down this tragic story and it eventually contributed to the making of a peace agreement
between two sworn enemies. There is no better monument for Gage’s mother when American President Reagan
mentioned her last cry “My children” in his nationwide speech. It was this motherly love __16___ conquered
hatred and helped promote “a world of love and understanding,” while many feared that Reagan and Mr.
Gorbachev would start a Third World War. All of this started from a teacher who __17___ bullied and charmed
students with special brand of tough love, until the spark caught fire. Without Miss Hurd, Gage confessed, that he
__18___ a reporter by profession, let along recording his mother’s death.
14. A) is divided
B) divided
C) was divided D) divides
15. A) war-ravaging B) war-ravaged C) ravaging-war D) ravaged-warred
16. A) X
B) if C) since D) that
17. A) emphatically B) originally C) pessimistically D) alternately
18. A) wouldn’t become
B) would become C) wouldn’t have become D) would have become
Crystal-clear waters and numerous waterfalls can be found at the 16 lakes of the Plitvice Lakes National
Park. This is the largest park in Croatia and has many breathtaking views to __19___. One of the most distinctive
features of these lakes is that they are always evolving because they are all __20___. This means that in some
places, new waterfalls can spring up, __21___ in others they dry up. Each time a tourist visits Plitvice, the scenery
is different. The beauty of Croatia is also prevalent in Dubrovnik, a city British poet Lord Byron ___22__ “the
pearl of the Adriatic.” The shapes and scents, along with the friendly locals, __23___ visiting the walled city truly
19. A) take turns
B) take up C) take in
D) take off
20. A) interconnected B) interchanged C) interrupted
D) intercepted
21. A) or B) whether
C) while
D) because
22. A) popularized B) dubbed C) reformed
D) succeeded
23. A) get
B) has
C) do D) make
三、文意選填 15% (請依題意選出最適當的一個答案,標示在答案卡之選擇題答案區。)
A. uninterrupted
B. house
C. symphony
E. turned out
AB. eloquent
AC. violent
D. criticized
In June 1943, Frank Lloyd Wright received a letter from Hilla Rebay, the art adviser to Solomon R.
Guggenheim, asking the architect to design a new building to __24___ Guggenheim’s four-year-old museum of
Non-Objective Painting. Although the project evolved into a fierce negotiation among the architect, his client, city
officials, the art world, and public opinions, the new building, completed in 1995, __25___ to be a great success.
The building is a symphony of triangles, ovals, arcs, circles, and squares. The delicate vision took decades to be
fulfilled. Some people, especially artists, __26___ Wright for creating a museum environment that might
overpower the art inside.” On the contrary, “he wrote, “it was to make the building and the painting an __27__,
beautiful symphony such as never existed in the world of art before.” Wright produced a vibrant building whose
architecture is as refreshing now as it was 40 years ago. The Guggenheim is arguably Wright’s most ___28___
presentation and certainly the most important building of his late career.
A. how
B. estimated
C. reminiscent
E. retain
AB. enlightenment
AC. diversity
D. inevitable
It’s definitely worthwhile to visit India, where you can gain a variety of valuable experience. For example, if
you are interested in economy, India is an ideal subject for you to study because its economy is __29__ to be one
of the world’s fastest growing. If you have a craze for studying __30___ the British influenced its colonies,
choose India as your topic and you won’t feel disappointed because India had been under the reign of British for
almost two centuries. Its culture, languages, and governmental structure___31____many British influences. On
top of those mentioned above, visitors go to India for all sorts of reasons. With a culture rich in history, religious
and spiritual ___32___, and stunning landscapes such as soaring mountain ranges, India has something for
everyone. For lovers of meditation and those searching for ___33__ , for instance, India serves as a paradise
where they can purify and refresh both their body and mind. Also, popular attractions such as Taj Mahal or the
holy Ganges River are definitely must sees for visitors to India.
A. accumulated
B. assets
C. profoundly
E. interfere
AB. analysts
AC. embarrassing
D. distribution
Do you want to acquire a successful business in the future? You can gain an extremely precious
experience from Warren Buffett, a genius from Omaha, Nebraska. He started off his business when he was a child.
He bought a company’s stocks when he was only eleven years old. He enrolled in post-graduate economics
program when he learned that two well-known securities ___34___taught at Columbia Business School. One of
them, Benjamin Graham, shaped Buffett’s investing future ___35__. Buffett learned a very useful strategy from
Benjamin and thus ___36__ so much wealth that at one time he surpassed Bill Gates as the world’s wealthiest
man. Furthermore, he uses his well-liked interpersonal skills to communicate with the existing managers when
acquiring a successful business. His plan of “management” is not to__37__ with the running of the company, but
instead maintain a hands-off method. As a capital allocator, he funnels financial __38__ into the enterprise,
making it all the more successful.
四、篇章結構 10% (請依題意選出最適當的一個答案,標示在答案卡之選擇題答案區。)
A social movement occurring in Germany now just might become the model for all libraries in the future.
__39__ in English, these so-called libraries are actually simple bookshelves in small public spaces that are
accessible to all people. Patrons can take other people's books, leave some behind, or both. The city of Cologne
started this free service, and other German cities like Berlin, Bonn, __40__.
The public bookshelves depend on volunteers and donors for care. The cities and retail outlets like Ikea
provide space for these book exchanges, __41__. For the cities, promoting reading is never a bad idea. For the
businesses, increased customer traffic is always an advantage. Even bookstores have embraced the idea. One
bookstore manager in Cologne said that he sees this project as a promotion rather than competition because if
books are present all over the place, all businesses benefit. Even online book retailers back the idea. A
spokesperson said that public bookshelves are in no competition with the online book trade. He believes that
__42__ when everyone is motivated to read.
One advantage public bookshelves have over traditional libraries is that users can borrow as many or as few
books as they like. __43__, but most readers put them back when finished. Others find the idea a godsend because
they finally have a place to get rid of all those old, extra, and dusty novels that have been cluttering up their living
spaces. In an age when paper-based reading products are at risk of disappearing on account of the onslaught of
electronic media, it is refreshing to know that at least in one country, books are getting a second life.
A) the exact opposite is true
B) and Hanover quickly followed suit
C) Intended to make a fortune
D) Called public bookshelves
E) There is no due date for the books to be returned
AB) perhaps for different reasons
AC) A strict rule is set to make the system to go well
五、閱讀測驗 24% (請依題意選出最適當的一個答案,標示在答案卡之選擇題答案區。)
Are you feeling a little slow today? Do you have a big test to study for and want something to boost your
brainpower so you can remember everything? Then you should eat some fish or tomatoes. Eggs and nuts help,
When people are young, they are taught that eating fish makes them smarter. The best fish for omega-3
fatty acids, which are vital to the development of the brain, are sardines, salmon, mackerel, and fresh tuna. Low
levels of omega-3 fatty acids have been reported in people with learning disabilities, behavioral problem, and
mental illness.
All vegetables are healthy, but tomatoes are filled with lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. Lycopene fights
molecules that damage brain cells. This helps improves memory and brain function. As a matter of fact, tomatoes
are so beneficial that even eating something like tomato sauce can make people smarter. Eggs are incredible, and
they do great things to people’s brains. In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, eggs have a lot of other vitamins that
aid in the development of the brain. Eggs are high in protein and low in cholesterol, so doctors recommend that
people have a minimum of four servings per week.
Nuts and seeds also have the ability to boost people’s brainpower. Common nuts, like walnuts, hazelnuts,
cashews, and almonds, can clear up fogginess in people’s brains and help them think better. Scientists also believe
that nuts make people happier. Walnuts are a very interesting nut because they actually look like brains. The shell
is like a skull, and once opened, it reveals the two halves of the nut, just like a brain. If you feel that you need
something to boost your brainpower, then, these suggestions as well as blueberries, avocadoes, and beans can
44. What’s the main idea of this passage?
A) The cause of behavioral and mental problem.
B) The food and nutrients that can boost the brainpower.
C) It suggests people how many eggs they should consume each day.
D) People should eat more fish to absorb omega-3 fatty acids.
45. Which of the following statements is NOT true about omega-3 fatty acids?
A) It helps the development of the brain.
B) The lack of omega-3 fatty acids has nothing to do with learning disabilities.
C) You can find omega-3 fatty acids in eggs, too.
D) Sufficient level of omega-3 fatty acids help with mental and behavioral problems.
46. Which of the following food can help increase your brainpower?
A) Mackerel and sardines.
B) Eggs.
C) Hazelnuts and cashews
D) All of the above.
In many parts of the world just a couple of decades ago, anyone with a tattoo would have been considered a
social deviant or a member of some long-lost aboriginal tribes. Today, tattoos are commonplace. Fashion models,
rock stars, and even successful businesspeople sport them. Though few people dare to have their whole bodies
covered in tattoos, a growing number of people have them where they can easily be seen. A brief study of tattoos
reveals that they are perhaps among the oldest of all the decorative arts.
More than 20 years ago, the frozen and well-preserved body of an adult male was unearthed in the Alps on
the Austrian-Italian border. Amazingly, tattoos were found on his skin. Through scientific dating, he is believed to
have lived about 5,300 years ago, making this the earliest record of tattooing.
The earliest Egyptian mummies to show preserved tattoos date back about 4,000 years. Tattooing has been
found on both male and female members of so-called primitive tribes since ethnographic studies began. From
South American to Alaska to South Asia to Australia to Africa, nearly every group engaged in tattooing. This
prevalence of tattooing many indicated that early humans considered it to be a mark of their very humanity.
Besides their obvious connection to art, tattoos may have another role—group identification. Since tattoos
are permanent, there are fewer better ways to identify oneself with one’s tribe or other social group. This
particular function continues today, with some military, gang, and club members having the same emblem inked
into their flesh. Tattooing is as much a commitment as an art form. In or out of fashion, tattoos will likely be part
of the human experience for many millennia to come.
47. What is the passage mainly about?
A) The techniques of making tattoos.
B) The categories of tattoos.
C) The functions of tattoos.
D) The patterns of tattoos.
48. According to the article, which of the following statements about tattoos is true?
A) They are merely decorative art patterns on the skin and do not have any other function.
B) Celebrities rarely use tattoos to show their identities and increase their popularity.
C) There’s no knowing why the ancient people would wear tattoos on their skin.
D) Study shows that tattoos may be a form that shows the humanity of the people in
ancient times.
49. Tattoos can be forms of identification because _____.
A) they are permanent and recognizable patterns that one can easily identify himself/ herself with a group.
B) anyone who wears tattoos is considered famous.
C) it’s the only way to show the status of an individual.
D) they are prevalent in the world and that’s one thing humans have in common.
Most parents dread a note or call from school saying that their child’s behavior is “not normal.” If your
child’s academic performance and social life is suffering because they don’t pay attention, can’t sit still and act
without thinking, it is most likely that they have AD/HD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.)
AD/HD is a neurological disorder which stems not from the home environment, but from biological and
genetic causes. The symptoms typically show up in early childhood. The main characteristics are inattention,
hyperactivity and impulsivity. Inattentive children have difficulty focusing on completing a task or learning
something new. Hyperactive children always seem to be restless. Often they report that they need to stay busy and
may try to do several tasks at once. Impulsive children often do not think before they act. They often blurt out
inappropriate comments or have difficulty taking turns in conversation.
Most children can be inattentive, hyperactive, or impulsive at times. It is when these behaviors are
inappropriate for their age and affect different areas in their lives that the disorder is diagnosed. Depression,
anxiety, and learning disabilities may co-exist with AD/HD. Therefore, if a child is suspected of AD/HD, it is very
important that he or she be evaluated by a professional.
Once your child is diagnosed with AD/HD, it is important to let the school know so that they can provide
appropriate academic and social support. Your child’s school should keep this information confidential and it can
usually make accommodations in the classroom to fit your child’s learning needs.
50. What is a child with AD/HD unlikely to do?
A) They would act without thinking.
B) They would sit quietly at the corner of a room and observe the behavior of other students.
C) It’s a challenge for them to pay attention in class.
D) A lot of times, they won’t be able to control themselves and are very hyperactive.
51. Which of the following statement is true?
A) AD/HD is a behavioral problem related to the home environment.
B) AD/HD is a behavioral disorder stemmed from the genetic and biological cause.
C) Children with AD/HD need to attend special schools because “normal” schools can’t provide proper
academic and social support.
D) Parents with AD/HD kids should keep the situation secretive in order not to burden teachers and students
at school.
52. Which of the following situation may occur in children with impulsive problems?
A) They are usually very shy and have difficulty getting along with people.
B) They aren’t hyperactive at most of the time.
C) They may suddenly say something rude and act violently, but they aren’t aware of it.
D) It’s very easy for them to pay attention to learning a new lesson.
A design appearing quickly and secretively in a field of corn, barley, wheat, or similar crop, formed by the
breaking down to the ground of these plants, is a crop circle. Sometimes they are also made by the etching of soil
in dry, winter fields or in newly plowed ground. Vivid photographs, as well as colorful videos, have been
published, but seeing a crop circle in person by air or from a hilltop and perhaps walking through it is the ultimate
experience. Crop circles are a big tourist draw for this reason, with most being located in England.
Discoveries of later-day crop circles began in the 1970s, but they are said to have existed as early as the 7th
century. In 1991 in Southampton, England, two men, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, confessed that they had
been making crop circles since 1976, but there is no evidence of who or what has caused them before or after
their time. . . until 1999. Researchers concluded then that a full twenty percent could not be explained. This
number should have been higher, though, for those in thirty countries outside of England were not included in the
study. Worldwide, about ten thousand crop circles have been reported as of 2010, an astonishing number!
The name “crop circle” was given because the first pattern was a circle. They have since “matured” to
include straight lines of geometry and curved lines and flourishes that make one think of outer space orbits and
calligraphy. Some appear to have messages; some look like drawings and exquisite works of art, and others depict
mathematical symbols. Are they the work of extraterrestrial beings? Many enthusiastically say, “Yes!” Others
believe they are the signs Jesus spoke of when referring to “end times” or that the warning of a cataclysmic event
in 2012 is apparent in their content.
If you had been only faintly aware of what crop circles are, or if you are a skeptic of the paranormal or the
mysterious, you might find that a little more research on this subject does not go a long way. Once you are
captured by their sheer magnitude and beauty and see how they are sprinkled randomly into fields all around the
globe, you will want to delve further. To say that crop circles are “interesting” is a gross understatement, and
knowing that some are man-made but that others have no feasible explanation is more than an attention-getter. It
can become an obsession.
53. What is the main idea of the passage?
A) The aliens make themselves known to humans through crop circles.
B) It discusses how crop circles are formed.
C) It explains what crop circles are and people’s different points of views on crop circles.
D) Crop circles are the warning of the coming of the end time in 2012.
54. Which of the following statement is false?
A) The name “crop circle” is derived from the pattern of its first discovery, the shape of a circle.
B) It becomes a tourist attraction because of its mystery, sheer beauty, and magnitude in the fields.
C) Some of the crop circles are actually man-made, but still some scientists claim that some of its formations
are unknown.
D) England is the only place where crop circles appear and that’s why tourists flood there to appreciate the
wonder and beauty of those circles.
55. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A) The definition of crop circles.
B) The process of making crop circles.
C) The influence of crop circles.
D) The study of crop circles.
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100 學年度第二學期 臺中市立惠文高級中學【高中部】第一次定考
範圍:如公佈 命題人員:全體高三英文教師 審題人員:張依濡
一、中譯英 (8%)
1. Jason 今天早上被老師處罰。他昨天就應該交他的英文作文了。(should have ....)
2. 要不是你們的鼓勵,我們會輸掉這場比賽的。(But for ....)
二、英文作文 (20%)