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Ancient Rome
Label the continents and the oceans. Circle where Ancient Rome was located.
The city of Rome was built on ______hilsls along the ________________River.
The city was built 15 miles ______________ so it was easy to defend. The river
provided __________________ and ____________________.
Living on a ______________________ was a great advantage to Rome. They were able
to develop trade routes across the ____________________________.
The _______________Sea is located between Italy and The Balkan Peninsula (Greece).
The ________________, the tallest mountain range in Europe protected Rome to the
________________. The __________________was another mountain range that
protected Rome and these ran through the Italian Peninsula.
Roman Republic and Roman Empire
The Roman Republic lasted almost ____________years.
The Republic had 3 branches of government:
Senate- ______________________________________________________________
A civil war broke out in Rome because the ___________________felt that they did not
have as many rights as the ____________________.
During this time ________________________became the most powerful figure in the
Roman Republic. He conquered areas around the _________________________.
Generals and nobles ordered Julius Caesar to return to Rome. He returned and fought
the generals and nobles. Caesar won and declared himself _____________________.
The nobles and senators did not like Caesar and stabbed him to _______________.
Pax Romana and the Fall of the Roman Empire
Under Augustus, Rome began a the ______________________. ________ and
___________________ flourished. Rome became the center of _________________
in the Mediterranean Sea.
Emporer Diocletian decided to split up the Roman Empire because it had grown so large.
He became emporer of the ____________ empire and appointed __________________
as emperor of the Western empire.
Eventually the Western empire was invaded by _______________________ and
conquered by other groups.