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Oedipus Trilogy
Optional Project (worth 20-50 points…depending on scope of project)
This is an opportunity to enhance your experience of the Oedipus trilogy in a medium that fits your interests.
This assignment is optional—it will not count against you if you choose not to do it. If, however, you think
one of these projects sounds interesting and fun, you can earn a solid grade (an A) in the grade book for
doing it. This can basically be a contract grade—you can know going into the project exactly what you need
to do to get the grade and point value you want—as long as you communicate with me about your vision and
You have until Thursday, May 17 to submit these projects. No projects will be accepted after that date, for
any reason.
Here are some options:
Film—two options….
1. Create a film version of a scene or scenes
Create a film version (5-10 minutes) of a small portion of the play(s). You could film a scene from just one play. Or you
could create an interesting juxtaposition of scenes from two or three of the plays, e.g. Tiresias having to approach both
Oedipus and Creon with bad news. You can do a straight production of the lines as written, or you can update the story
into modern times, or you can do a humorous "Reduced Sophocles" sketch. You could even create your own Oedipus,
The Musical! Include costumes, props, etc. The purpose is to create an artistically-sound, creative film. This means that
camera angles, camera movement, sound, set design, etc. are all important. You may work with students in other
sections of Honors English 10 and/or recruit anyone else you need.
2. Create a film proposal for one of the plays
Imagine you are going to pitch your ideas for a film to a movie company. How will you convince the executives to give
you millions of dollars to fulfill your vision? Here are some suggestions:
 Write a brief introduction stating your overall vision: what drew you to the film, which themes, characters,
mood, etc. you will emphasize, etc.
 Include at least three large storyboards (or fifteen of the smaller version) annotated with transitions, special
effects, camera angles/movements, color, sound, lighting, etc. The storyboards do not have to be sequential (but
it’s fine if they are). You may, for example, show a few different spots of the film and then explain with
annotations what you will do next from each shot.
 Write about your ideas on costuming, props, set design, filming locations, etc. You might include pictures,
fabric swatches, etc. to add to the presentation.
 Create a cast including head shots and reasons for choosing each actor.
 Write a clear marketing plan: your target demographic, what will appeal to the audience, how you will
advertise the film, etc.
 Include a table of contents for the sections of your proposal.
 Create a colorful cover for the proposal. Make sure the final product looks professional.
Art—various options….
 Create a canvas painting of a scene or character(s) from the play, adding typed commentary on the back
explaining what you attempted to show
 Create a poster representing theme(s) of the play, including important quotations, images, etc.
 Create a few smaller portraits of characters or scenes from the play, adding typed commentary on the back
Costuming—various options….
 Create a mask or masks for one or more characters. You might do a paper-mache mask. Or, you might create a
more modern type of mask.
 Bring a costume or costume elements to donate to readers' theatre. Look back through the plays and imagine
the costume elements that would enhance readers' theatre.
Poetry—create poetry that captures plot, characters, etc.
Have another idea? Talk to me about it…….you must get it approved well before the due date or it will not
be accepted for credit. I look forward to seeing some creative projects!! 