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Chapter 19 Study Guide
Name: ______________________
1. Your _________________________ are relative to the rights of
others, sometimes conflict with each other, and may be limited in wartime.
2. The ___________________________ gives people the right to believe
whatever they choose to believe in matters of religion.
3. The Supreme Court has rarely upheld _________________________
4. Laws against __________________________ have been upheld by the
Supreme Court if they urge people to overthrow the government.
5. Government has the right to make reasonable rules regarding ________
to protect against the inciting of violence or the endangerment of life.
6. The _______________________ guarantees that states will not deny
people any basic or essential liberty.
7. A democracy must allow freedom of ___________________, otherwise
democracy does not really exist.
8. _____________________________ speech is protected by the 1 st and
14th amendments.
9. ____________________________(media formats) have received the
most limited 1st Amendment protection.
10. The Supreme Court has ruled that demonstrations on ______________
are not protected by the 1st Amendment if demonstrators trespass.
11. Individual rights were included in the ________________________
because the people demanded a listing of rights.
12. The 10 amendments known as the Bill of Rights were originally intended
as restrictions against the __________________________ government.
13. Without freedom of _______________________ democracy would
not exist.
14. Under the ___________________________, the government still has
the power to use tax money to pay for busing students to parochial schools,
provide public funds for some uses in church-related schools, and exercise
control over public, seasonal displays.
15. In deciding cases involving laws against ____________________, the
Supreme Court has developed the clear and present danger rule.
16. A person may do as he/she chooses in this country as long as that person
does not infringe on the ____________________ of others.
17. The ___________________________ gives people the right to hold
any religious beliefs.
18. People do not have the constitutional right to hand out political
literature in _____________________________ because they are
considered private property.
19. The government can limit free _________________ or free press if
the communication is advertising.
20. An argument for government control of ________________________
involves the duty of the government to protect the public.
21. The Framers held that the primary purpose of government is to protect
the rights of ______________________________.
22. The __________________ Amendment protects individual rights not
enumerated in the Constitution.
23. The Court has struck down _________________________________
laws that mention voluntary prayer.
24. The purpose of the ___________________________ is the
determine the constitutionality of state aid to parochial schools.
25. The right to freedom of _____________________ is guaranteed by
the 1st Amendment.
26. The form of communication practiced by people who wore black arm
bands to protest the Vietnam War is known as _____________________
27. Verbally advocating the overthrow of the government is known as
28. The act of spying is known as ______________________________
29. The __________________________ made it a crime to advocate the
violent overthrow of the government.
30. The legal term for a spoken attack on another person’s reputation is
31. Government action aimed at suppressing a work before it is published
refers to ________________________________
32. The Bill of Rights was aimed at the __________________________
33. Because of the _______________________________ states may not
permit religious instruction in public schools during the day.
34. Street marches by protest groups are protected by the 1st
Amendment’s right to _____________________________
35. Legislation that would protect the confidential information of
journalists from police and court investigations is called a ______________
Also know the following court cases:
Gitlow v. New York
Everson v. Board of Education
Engle v. Vitale
Wallace v. Jaffree
Lee v. Weisman
Epperson v. Arkansas
Edwards v. Aguillard
Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe
Lemon v. Kurtzman
County of Allegheny v. ACLU
Marsh v. Chambers
Reynolds v. US
Schenck v. US
Dennis v. US
Miller v. California
New York Times v. US
Branzburg v. Hayes
Tinker v. Des Moines
Texas v. Johnson