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American History
The Age of Imperialism
Overall Question: What Actions help to reshape the Countries standings in
the world to make the United States into a World Power? What were the
benefits and concerns of doing so?
Assn #1:
Question: Why was President Roosevelt one of the most dynamic presidents
and what changes was he able to help create?
Getting Started: What are the seven characteristics of a person that are most
liked? What are the seven characteristics that a person needs to be
Activities: Who’s line is it Anyway, Video Over Teddy Roosevelt, Movie
Questions Cartoon Analysis
Notes: The First Progressive President
H.W. Read pages 303-309 310-314 Questions 2,4 pg 309, ques 3, pg 314
You Need to Know
1.Policies of Teddy Roosevelt, i.e., the square deal.
2. Why the Party split and the results
3. Bull Moose Party and the election of 1912.
4. Big stick policy/ Great White Fleet
Assn #2:
Question: How did the Panama Canal help to raise America in the World
standings? Why might some people Question the Actions of the Americans
and their President?
Getting started: What does Manifest Destiny mean? What is the best why to
become a powerful Country?
Activities: School House Rocks “Manifest Destiny” Video Panama Canal
and Question
Notes: Expansionism and Imperialism.
Hw. Reading pgs 326-330 340-344(reading Quiz), 344 questions 1,3,4
What You Need to Know
1. Importance of the Canal.
2. Terms- Sphere of Influence, Expansionism, Imperialism.
3. Identify important People
4. Acquisition of Hawaii
Assn #3:
Question: In what ways did the United States increase their overall position
in the world order?
Getting Started: Should a country control another even if they belief that
both countries are better off?
Activities: On line simulation Debate
Notes: none
HW. Read pages 333-339 answer questions 3 pg 339, Map Activity WS
What You Need to Know
1. The “Splendid Little War”
2. Yellow Journalism and Pulitzer
3. “Remember the Maine”
Assn #4:
Question: What was the major impact of politics towards China and Central
List out 5 important facts for: Americans in Hawaii, Spanish American War,
Panama Canal,
Activities: Cartoons and project.
Notes: China and Central America
Hw Reading 345-349 ques 3 pg 349, review ws.
What You Need to Know
1. Dollar Diplomacy
2. Intervention into Mexico
Point totals
Notes and Activities
Homework assn.
Reading Quiz
Total points
20 points
20 points
85 points
15 points
20 points
160 points