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Primary 3
Term 3 (January, February and March)
Learning for Life: further developing my skills at home
Practise the handwriting you’ve been learning in class
Choose a book to read every day
Write or draw about a good book/poem/film you have read/seen
Describe a character from a book or film you have enjoyed
Create a character for an interesting story or play
Write a script for a puppet show
Make puppets for a puppet show
Write a thank you letter to someone who had done something kind for you or given you
Ask someone in your family to read you a story
Play a game to practise your spelling
Design a poster showing all that you learned last term about 2D shapes or 3D shapes or
Make a 3D model
Write down all the number facts you’ve been learning about and play a game with them
Practise counting on and back in 2s, 5s and 10s
Practise writing all the digits 0 – 9 neatly
Use the digits 0 – 9 to make as many different numbers you know. Practise reading those
Design a poster to help people understand the school values
Draw or make a lunch box with a healthy lunch and explain why it’s healthy
Prepare a short talk about how to look after your teeth
Make up a song that helps you remember something new you’ve learned
Find 3 castles in Scotland and prepare to tell someone 3 interesting facts about each of
Explain the ‘Happy Play Code’ to your family
NB: Additional tasks will be set by the Class Teacher to support individual children as necessary and appropriate
My Personal Learning Goals this Term:
Learning in Partnership – Term 3 – P3.Homelearning/Learning in Partnership
Primary 3
Term 3 (January, February and March)
What we’ll be learning in the term ahead …
Literacy / English
Answering personal questions based on both fiction and non-texts
Learning to write recounts and reports using our own notes
Learning to identify the difference between fact and opinion
Numeracy / Maths
Multiplying and dividing in different ways
Using coins to pay for items and calculate change
Learning about routes and directions
Learning about time (calendars)
Finding out about the rights of children
Learning about relationships
Comparing our diet to the diet of a Viking
Glasgow Sexual Health & Relationships Education (SHRE)
(February Mid-term – March)
- Living Things, where they’re from
- Bullying, let’s deal with it!
- Girls & Boys, all friends together
- Life changes, express yourself
Creating artwork based on hot and cold colours
Designing/creating 2D and 3D models linked to the Vikings topic
Deepening my understanding of pitch, stick notation and recording
rhythms in music
Health &
Expressive Arts
Social Studies
Religious & Moral
Not being undertaken this term
Researching information about Vikings using the computer
Creating PowerPoint presentations
Investigating technologies developed by the Vikings (eg ships, houses
and weapons
Finding out about how people lived in the past (Vikings)
Understanding how we can learn about the past through artefacts and
Learning that the Vikings were an important part of Scotland’s history
Finding out about Viking gods
Learning about Easter and how it is celebrated by Christians
Continuing to develop my understanding of the school values
Learning in Partnership – Term 3 – P3.Homelearning/Learning in Partnership