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Skeletal System and Muscular System Notes
Chapter 22 Section 2 and 3
Skeletal System
1. Supports the body
2. Allows movement
3. Protects internal organs
4. Stores minerals
5. Produces red blood cells
Main structures:
1. 206 bones
2. cartilage
Bones and Cartilage
1. Bones are living tissues
2. made up of bones cells
3. Inside are cavities that contain marrow
a. yellow marrow made up of mostly fat
b. red marrow makes red blood cells, platelets, and some white blood cells
4. Cartilage is a flexible connective tissue –
5. skeleton of developing fetus starts out as cartilage then is replaced by bone
6. parts of the body not replaced by bone include ears, lower part of nose,
7. Cartilage helps cushion joints
1. A place where one bone attaches to another
2. Ligaments connect bones to each other at joints
3. Three types of joints
a. Immovable joint or fixed joint – bones locked together, ex. Skull
b. Slightly movable – allows restricted movement joints between spin
c. Freely movable joints – allow movement in one or more directions
i. Ball and socket joint – ex. Shoulder and hip
ii. Hinge joint – knee
iii. Pivot joint – elbow
iv. Saddle Joint – thumb
Muscular System
1. movement
2. helps keep body warm
3. gives body shape
4. provides force needed to move blood through body
Type of muscle tissue – (you already have this in your notes)
1. Skeletal muscle
a. Connect bones of the body
b. Used for movement
c. Voluntary
d. Also called striated muscle because muscles have bands called striations
2. Smooth muscle –
a. Not under conscious control – therefore involuntary
b. Walls of veins and in certain organs
3. Cardiac muscle
a. Makes up the heart
b. Not under conscious control therefore involuntary
Bones and Muscles Work Together
Skeletal muscles are attached to bones by connective tissues called Tendons
Skeletal muscles are attached in opposing pairs, when one muscle contracts the
other relaxes