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Unit 3, Section 4A: The Resurgence of Europe (Part 1)
Directions: Read Unit 3, Section 4 (pages 121-125) and answer the following questions on a
separate piece of paper.
a. Apprentice:
b. Capitalism:
c. Commercial Revolution:
d. Renaissance:
e. Humanism:
f. Michelangelo:
g. Leonardo Da Vinci:
Who were the middle class? Why did they gain power?
What is a guild? What four things was it responsible for doing?
What new business practices were developed during the Commercial Revolution? How did
they help people do business?
What is the Renaissance? What new way of thinking emerged?
Pick one figure from the Renaissance and explain what accomplishments they made.
In what three ways did the printing press change civilization?
Review Sheet: The Resurgence of Europe (Part 1)
a. Guild: trade association
b. Capitalism: economic system based on trade, money and supply/demand
c. Commercial Revolution: change in business practices that occurred following the Middle Ages
d. Renaissance: rebirth of arts, literature and sciences in Europe during the 1300s to 1500s.
e. Humanism: philosophy that focuses on the present and on the individual rather than on the after life and
f. Michelangelo: sculptor, engineer, poet, painter and architect of the Renaissance
g. Leonardo Da Vinci: painter, sculptor, inventor, architect, musician of the Renaissance
Commercial Revolution
a. With increase in trade, new ways of business developed in Europe during 1000to 1300
b. Towns and cities grew giving power to a “middle class” of merchants, traders and artisans
c. Merchants and craftspeople formed guilds
i. Ensured quality of goods
ii. Provided social services for members
iii. Regulated hours and prices
iv. Trained apprentices
a. With the decline of feudalism, a new system of capitalism developed that emphasized trade and money
(commercial revolution)
b. Partnerships and joint stock companies pooled money to start larger businesses
c. Banks developed to create safer forms of paper currency and to lend people money
d. Insurance developed to reduce risky business
e. Use of money and growth of capitalism greatly weakened feudalism (lords were no longer paid in labor,
but in money)
Renaissance and Humanism
a. Period of great creativity and change in Europe (1300s to 1500s)
b. Golden age in arts, literature and sciences
c. Began in Italy and spread northward
d. Great wealth allowed the promotion of art and education
e. Philosophy of Humanism became dominant
f. Many of the world’s greatest paintings, sculptures and architecture was created
i. Michelangelo-sculptor, engineer, poet, painter and architect; painted Sistine Chapel; sculpted
ii. Leonardo Da Vinci-painted Mona Lisa; dissected human bodies to understand anatomy; sketched
flying machines and underwater boats
iii. Dante: wrote the Divine Comedy in regular Italian
iv. Cervantes: wrote Don Quixote, poking fun at knighthood and chivalry
v. Shakespeare: wrote plays and poems about the joys and sorrows of human life
vi. Machiavelli: wrote The Prince advising rulers to use whatever means necessary to ensure success
Printing Press
a. By 1300 papermaking technology had reached Europe; movable type invented in 1400s
b. Johann Gutenberg printed The Bible in 1456 (first printed book in Europe)
c. Books became cheaper and easier to make
d. Literacy increased as more people learned to read and write
e. Ideas were spread more rapidly