Download Chapter 6- Earthquakes Test Review Sheet

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NAME _______________________________
DATE ________________
HOUR _______________
Exams are the day BEFORE Spring Break!!!
CH 6 Earthquakes
You are permitted to make one (1) 3” x 5” handwritten note card to use during the test. Fill both sides, but be sure to write your name on it!!
2. Describe how earthquakes are produced (pg. 99, top- remember the steps from Notes 6.1!!)
3. Explain the Elastic Rebound Theory
5. Define FOCUS:
6. Complete this sentence (6.1 notes): When an earthquake occurs, ___________ in the form of
____________ _________ radiates ___________ in all _____________ from the __________.
7. Pressure/Strain/Stress causes rock to move in two ways. List and draw arrows depicting the two ways.
8. Define EPICENTER:
9. Be able to draw or label a diagram depicting the following: fault line,
epicenter, focus, seismic waves.
10. There are 3 focus depth classifications. For each, list the depth range, and the percent occurrence.
11. Where do most earthquakes occur? Why do they occur there?
12. What are the three major earthquake zones? Be able to locate
them on a map (pg. 101). What kind of plate boundary do we find at
each?? (spreading- divergent boundary; colliding or subductingconvergent boundary; sliding- transform boundary)
13. Define FAULT ZONE:
14. Could there ever be a catastrophic earthquake in the Midwest where we live? Why or why not??
15. Know the difference between a SEISMOGRAM, SEISMOGRAPH, and SEISMOMETER.
1 16. Sketch a seismogram. Label the arrival of P waves, S waves, Surface waves; amplitude; S-P lag time.
17. By looking at 3 seismograms provided for you, be able to determine for ALL:
the S-P lag time; the amplitude, the distance to the epicenter using a
time/distance reference table, and Richter magnitude (think about the
“Reading Seismograms” Packet, and the “Richter Scale” Packet) .
a. Determine whether the seismograph station is close or far from the epicenter of the earthquake.
b. Use the distances from the three stations to do triangulation to find the epicenter.
18. Seismic waves
a. Know the three types by their full names- Primary, Secondary, Surface- Rayleigh, Love
b. Describe the motion of each type of wave using words, and be able to identify a diagram of each
c. Relative speeds—Fastest? Slowest? What order are they recorded by a seismograph??
d. What material can each wave travel through?
e. Note some special facts about each wave.
19. What are the two scales that scientists use to measure earthquakes? How do they work? What does
each measure?
20. How are magnitude and intensity different?
21. What factors have to be considered when building in an earthquake prone area?
22. Describe the possible effects of a major earthquake on buildings.
23. What are the three steps to earthquake safety? List one key point for Before, During, and After?
24. Define TSUNAMI:
25. What two things cause an earthquake with an epicenter on the ocean floor?
26. Can geologists predict earthquakes at this time? Why or why not? How might they try to?
27. Define SEISMIC GAPS:
28. What changes in the earth’s crust may signal that an earthquake is approaching? (end of 6.3 notes)
…Study your notes, labs, and seismogram practice packets VERY well!
Be sure to put things on this review guide that you don’t know—on your note card!!!...
Good Luck Studying!!!
 Relax! You know all of this! Use your Binder/Notes to find all the answers. I will put questions on the exam
that should be familiar when you see them.
 Make-up exams will ONLY be given the week following Spring Break, in Room 202—and NO LATER than
APRIL 20th. Please contact me to set up a day and time to do your make up [email protected]
 You are permitted to make one (1) 3” x 5” handwritten note card to use during the test. Fill both sides!! You
can use it on the original exam OR the make up.
 Email me if you have any questions—I really don’t mind!!!!  [email protected] Please write the
question out (not just the #)!!