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“The Communicator
Published Weekly
First Baptist Church of Locust
Dr. Kinney Wallace, Pastor
Residence: 704-888-4771
Church Office-704-888-2431
Minister of Music
Email – [email protected]
Volume 35
March 15, 2007
Issue No. 11
Luke 24:38-39
“And He said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts? Behold My
hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bone
as you see I have.”
The Hollywood world and the mass media were recently buzzing with the news that a tomb had been opened
in Jerusalem that “might” contain the grave boxes (Ossuaries) of Mary, Joseph, Jesus, Mary Magdalene and
Jude, the son of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Oh well, here we go again with the Hollywood Hype to sell more
movies and try add substance to the lies of the “Da Vinci” Code. What could we expect from a group of Hollywood producers whose god is money and who continues to blaspheme the wonderful name of Jesus Christ our
Lord. No matter how they try they cannot annul one word of holy Scripture. They cannot disprove one word
of the truth. They are not archeologist, they are not scientist, they are not theologians, they are just money hungry movie makers trying to peak men’s interest so they can fill their pockets with wealth.
Let me tell you the truth about the body of Jesus Christ and where it is!!! After Jesus Christ was crucified
He was buried in a borrowed tomb because He would not need it long, just three days and nights. On the third
day Jesus Christ arose from the dead and to prove His resurrection appeared unto many for forty days and forty
nights. He appeared unto over 500 at one time. Jesus then ascended to the Father in heaven and sit down at the
right hand of God in heaven. (See Acts 2:4, Col. 3:1, Heb. 6:19, 20)
In the above text Luke tells us that Jesus Christ appeared to the Apostles and disciples and revealed Himself
to them in such a clear manner that He ask them to look at and touch His hands and feet so they might not doubt
but believe that He was alive from the grave Himself. Notice that His resurrection took place in a physical body
that had been glorified. This body had flesh and bone, but this body had no blood because the blood had been
shed, poured out for sinners.
You see Hollywood producers who blaspheme the name of Christ and the media who broadcast their lies
will soon see this same Jesus coming in great power. Revelation 19-20. They will want to hide from Him and
from His wrath which will come upon all unbelievers. They will pray for the rocks and mountains to fall upon
them and hide them from the face of God. (ACTS 1:9-11) “Now when He had spoken these things, while
they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfast toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, “Men
of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into
heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”
So, you see, dear believer in Christ, there is no DNA for the unbelievers to find, no body to be discovered,
no new proof that the Bible is not the truth and nothing more than lies to help sell more movies for more money.
The question is this…What do you believe? Do you believe Hollywood or the Bible? God or man!
Christ or the devil. Satan asked Adam and Eve the question….”Has God really said….? (Genesis 3) So, let
the cameras roll and let the movies of the foolish be published, but we will believe the Word of the Living God.