Download Bible Study Hebrews 5:11-6:20

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NB: Feel free to skip some questions if short on time. Ask your own application questions if the
ones here ‘miss the mark’ for your group.
Bible Study Hebrews 5:11-6:20
1. “Church is not entertainment”. What do you think of this
statement? Why would someone make such a point?
See where this goes! Sometimes church services are run in such a way that no
one can have a chance to get “bored” – they are more like concerts or
performances where an audience is entertained. But is this the best way to think
about a gathering together with the holy God of the universe who rules by his
word and we respond by hearing, believing and obeying??!!
2. Hebrews 1-3 are largely a defence of the person of Jesus – he is God’s
Son, superior to all other agents God has used in the past – angels, the
Law, Moses. The central part of the book, ch 4-10, deal with the work
of Jesus – as High Priest and sacrifice for sin. The writer has begun
this section, but has to pause because he knows his readers – he knows
that by now they are starting to ‘switch off’. But rather than indulge
their lack of concentration, he warns them of where their attitude will
lead them.
3. Read Heb 5:11-14. The phrase “slow to learn” is literally “lazy
to hear”. What does the writer mean? What’s their problem?
The Hebrews do not want to think any more deeply about the Christian faith
than the very simplest ideas. It’s not that they are unintelligent, it’s that they
won’t listen. They are spiritual infants, but they should be ‘adults’.
4. Read Heb 6:1-3. “elementary teachings” refer to the
‘beginnings of the word of Christ” ie the first things about Jesus
you’d hear and understand in order to become a Christian. What
does the writer list? Can you think of other things it is
worthwhile knowing about as a Christian?
• Repentance from acts leading to death; • faith in God; • teaching about
baptisms & • laying on of hands; • resurrection and • judgement.
Just take a sample of suggestions eg Triune nature of God, Jesus’ work as
Mediator, contentment in God, grace of giving and hospitality, indwelling and
work of the Holy Spirit, etc. ie there is a LOT more than these “elementary”
things. Hence verse 3!
5. Read Heb 6:4-8. Is this referring to ‘falling into sin’? Is it
possible this could happen without a person’s realising that they
are ‘falling away’?
Look carefully at what the writer says – this is about someone’s attitude to
Jesus, not falling into a particular moral sin (for which there would always be
forgiveness through repentance and faith). He speaks of someone subjecting
Jesus to “public disgrace” – this is about deliberate, public, continuous
rejection of Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
6. What has this strong warning to do with the earlier description
of them being “lazy to hear”?
They were resisting any further teaching about Jesus. The writer wants them to realise
they are resisting growth in their relationship with Jesus. But no one can stay infants in
Christ – either we mature in him, or we will, eventually, resist him altogether.
7. Basically, it is not enough to make a start as a Christian. We need to
continue in Christ. Read also; Heb 3:6, 14; Col 1:22023, 2:6-7; Luke
8:1-15 (noting especially the word “persevering” in v15).
8. Do this warning undermine Christian assurance? ie that those
whom God calls can never be snatched out of Jesus’ hand? (eg
John 10:27-29).
Allow for some discussion, then read the rest of the passage…
9. Read Heb 6:9-20. How do we hold together Christian
assurance, and warnings like Heb 6?
The writer is confident in the salvation of his readers. After all, it would be pointless, or
even cruel, to give the warning of vv4-6 if they were already guilty of falling away. The
point is that those who have a relationship with Jesus will always heed such warnings
and do what is necessary to avoid the danger threatened. The sign or proof that you are
saved, is that you continue to follow and confess Christ as Lord and Saviour, and mature
in that relationship.
10. Do you baulk at ‘pressing on’ to maturity in your faith? Where
in your ‘diet’ as a Christian is your “solid food”? Are there new
ways you might ‘produce a crop useful to others’ (6:7) ie in
service and encouragement of others?
Bible Study Hebrews 5:11-6:20
1. “Church is not entertainment”. What do you think of this
statement? Why would someone make such a point?
2. Hebrews 1-3 are largely a defence of the person of Jesus – he is
God’s Son, superior to all other agents God has used in the past –
angels, the Law, Moses. The central part of the book, ch 4-10, deal
with the work of Jesus – as High Priest and sacrifice for sin. The
writer has begun this section, but has to pause because he knows his
readers – he knows that by now they are starting to ‘switch off’. But
rather than indulge their lack of concentration, he warns them of
where their attitude will lead them.
3. Read Heb 5:11-14. The phrase “slow to learn” is literally “lazy
to hear”. What does the writer mean? What’s their problem?
6. What has this strong warning to do with the earlier description
of them being “lazy to hear”?
7. Basically, it is not enough to make a start as a Christian. We need to
continue in Christ. Read also; Heb 3:6, 14; Col 1:22023, 2:6-7; Luke
8:1-15 (noting especially the word “persevering” in v15).
8. Do this warning undermine Christian assurance? ie that those
whom God calls can never be snatched out of Jesus’ hand? (eg
John 10:27-29).
9. Read Heb 6:9-20. How do we hold together Christian
assurance, and warnings like Heb 6?
4. Read Heb 6:1-3. “elementary teachings” refer to the
‘beginnings of the word of Christ” ie the first things about
Jesus you’d hear and understand in order to become a
Christian. What does the writer list? Can you think of other
things it is worthwhile knowing about as a Christian?
10. Do you baulk at ‘pressing on’ to maturity in your faith? Where
in your ‘diet’ as a Christian is your “solid food”? Are there new
ways you might ‘produce a crop useful to others’ (6:7) ie in
service and encouragement of others?
5. Read Heb 6:4-8. Is this referring to ‘falling into sin’? Is it
possible this could happen without a person’s realising that
they are ‘falling away’?