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Exam 2 Review
Practice Exam
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
Leader: Jessica
Course: Biol 211 (4)
Instructor: Holscher
Date: 10/9/2015
1.) Why is the amniotic egg considered such an important evolutionary breakthrough?
A) Without amniotic eggs there would be no Denny's
B) The shell allows incubation of eggs in a terrestrial environment
C) It prolongs embryonic development
D) It permits internal fertilization to be replaced by external fertilization
2.) The terms: egg-laying, pouched, and placental refer to which group?
A) amphibians
B) birds
C) marsupials
D) mammals
E) reptiles
3.) Taxonomic terms to describe you, a human being, would be Chordata, Vertebrata, Craniata,
Gnathostomata, Tetrapoda, and Amniota
A. True
B. False
4.) Deuteromycetes are called imperfect fungi because
A) The sexual cycle has not been observed
B) Nothing about them indicates their relation to other fungi
C) They do not produce mycelia
D) They have no asexual reproduction
5.) The lytic cycle of viruses is
a. integration into host genome
b. attachment to host genome
c. replicative growth
d. stunting of growth using antibiotics
6.) Viruses that are enclosed only by a protein shell called a capsid is a
a. enveloped virus
b. nonenveloped virus
c. shelled virus
d. biosynthetic virus
7.) Viruses that infect animals enter an animal’s cells by
a. lysing the cell
b. puncturing the cell wall
c. passing through a wound
d. binding to a membrane component
8.) A virus is an _________, intracellular ____________.
a. facultative, parasite
b. obligate, parasite
c. aerotolerant, mutualist
d. obligate, mutualist
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  515-294-6624  [email protected] 
9.) The green algae called _______ are the closest relative of land plants.
a. cyanobacteria
b. liverworts
c. charophyceans
d. hornworts
10.) Land plants can be divided into three groups based on their ability to produce seeds and the presence
or absence of __________.
a. Chlorophyll
b. Sporophytes
c. Gametophytes
d. Vascular tissue
11.) During the Carboniferous period, forests consisting primarily of __________ produced vast
quantities of organic matter which was buried and later became coal.
a. gymnosperms
b. early angiosperms
c. ferns and other seedless vascular plants
d. gymnosperms and early angiosperms
12.) What part of the flower develops into a seed?
a. ovary
b. ovule
c. style
d. stigma
13.) What is a fruit?
a. mature ovary
b. thickened style
c. enlarged ovule
d. mature female gameophyte
14.) Why are nonvascular plants usually found in moist environments?
a. flagellated sperm
b. their cuticles require water at all times
c. their sporophytes and gametophytes require water at all times
d. absence of sperm
15.) Openings that allow for gas exchange are
a. vessels
b. traceids
c. cuticles
d. stomatas
16.) The male structures in plants called _____ produce the sperm while the female structures called
______ produce the eggs.
a. archegonia, antheridia
b. archegonia, heterokaryo
c. antheridia, archegonia
d. heterokaryo, antheridia
17.) In the alternation of generations, meiosis produces
a. diploid spores
b. diploid gametes
c. haploid spores
d. haploid zygotes
18.) Today’s coal came from what?
a. decayed moss from the Mesozois period
b. decayed colonial bacterium from the Proerozoix period
c. decayed seedless vascular plants from Carboniferous period
d. decayed rocks from Cambrian explosion
19.) Plants possess a life cycle that involves alternation of two muticellular generation: the gametophte
a. Lycophyte
b. Sporophyte
c. Lignophyte
d. Bryophytes
20.) During pollination of angiosperms, pollen grains are transferred from the _____ to the _______.
A. Ovary, sepal
B. Pistil, anther
C. Stigma, ovary
D. Anther, stigma
21.) What is the function of a sepal?
a. attracts pollinators
b. enclose flower
c. produce pollen
d. produce ovules
22.) The body of most fungi consists of threadlike _______, which forms at interwoven, subterranean
mass called ________.
a. mycelia, hypha
b. mycelia, dikaryon
c. hyphae, mycelium
d. sporangia, mycelium
23.) Do mammals have a closed or open circulatory system?
a. open
b. closed
24.) All fungi are _________ and obtain nutrients through _________.
a. mutualistic, ingestion
b. heterotrophic, absorption
c. symbiotic, chemosynthesis
d. autotrophic, photosynthesis
25.) Fungi that live in association with plant roots are said to be _________.
a. dikaryotic
b. mycorrhizal
c. heterokaryotic
d. commensalistic
26.) Fungi have tough cell walls composed of ________.
a. chitin
b. lignin
c. cellulose
d. peptidoglycan
27.) Endothermic animals
a. are the same temperature as their outside environment
b. have fluctuating body temperatures
c. generate body heat through metabolism so they can maintain a constant temperature
d. maintain the same body temperature but it is unknown how they do this
28.) Mammals that have a long gestation period, a complex placenta, and complete their development
within a uterus are called ____________.
a. Marsupials
b. Eutherians
c. Placoderms
d. Monotremes
29.) Which hominin species was the first to craft and use stone tools?
a. Homo erectus
b. Homo sapiens
c. Homo neanderthalensis
d. Homo habilis
30.) Which of the following is NOT one of the ways echinoderms feed?
a. mass feeding
b. suspension feeding
c. absorption
d. deposit feeding
31.) Tetrapods are mammals with __ limbs.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
32.) Which of the following is a morphological feature found in all chordates?
a. scales
b. pharyngeal gill slits
c. jaws
33.) The primates most closely related to humans are the ______.
a. prosimians
b. great apes
c. old world monkeys
d. new world monkeys
34.) Gnathostomes are
a. vertebrates without jaws
b. vertebrates with jaws
c. invertebrates without jaws
d. invertebrates with jaws
35.) The anther and filament make up the ______ part of the flower
a. stamen
b. stigma
c. style
d. carpel
36.) Karyogamy produces
a. diploid spore
b. haploid spore
c. diploid zygote
d. haploid zygote
37.) Viviparous animals
a. give birth to living life
b. lay hard shell eggs
c. never give birth
d. female produces an egg with a nutrient-rich yolk within her
38.) What is “Ardi”?
a. youngest hominin to date
b. oldest hominin to date
c. fossilized rock
d. cartilaginous skeleton
39.) In fungi, the fusion of cytoplasms from different mating types is termed ______.
a. karyogamy
b. plasmogamy
c. syngamy
d. paryogamy
40.) In fungi, the fusion of nuclei from different mating types is termed _______.
a. karyogamy
b. plasmogamy
c. syngamy
d. paryogamy
41.) Cytrids are the only fungi that produce swimming spores and ______.
a. ovules
b. stigmas
c. carpels
d. gametes
42.) Sexual reproduction generates new ________ combinations.
a. spore
b. gamete
c. allele
d. zygote
43.) Which structure can be found in both gymnosperms and angiosperms?
a. a carpel
b. a stigma
c. an ovule
d. an ovary
44.) Homosporous plants produce
a. spores that develop into bisexual gametophytes
b. microspores that develop into male sporophytes
c. megaspores that develop into male gametophytes
d. megaspores that develop into female gametophytes
45.) Which is only found in angiosperms?
a. pollen production
b. double fertilization
c. free-living gametophytes
d. ovules that are not contained within ovaries
46.) Which of the following is a characteristic of all dicots?
a. one cotyledon
b. branching veins in leaves
c. petals in multiples of 3
d. vascular tissue scattered throughout stem
47.) Craniates are chordates with
a. a butt
b. 4 limbs
c. a pouch
d. a head
48.) The plants that have flowers are the
a. gymnosperms
b. angiosperms
c. mosses
d. ferns
49.) What are septa?
a. cross walls found in hyphae
b. cross walls found in sporophytes
c. structures in hyphae that allow for gas exchange
d. structures in sporophytes that allow water flow
50.) The shared, derived character that defines hominins is ________
a. tripedalism
b. presence of a skull
c. bipedalism
d. presence of a gastrovascular cavity