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7th Grade Resistance Training Study Guide
Muscular endurance and strength are an important component of health related fitness. Having adequate amounts of
muscular fitness is good for your health and helps your performance with those activities (sports, skateboarding,
paint-balling, etc.) you like to do with less chance of injury.
Other Benefits of Resistance Training
Helps build strong bones
Improves body composition or the relationship of your fat mass to lean mass.
Increases metabolism or the rate you burn calories
Improves balance, coordination, and body awareness
Helps reduce injuries due to sport/activity
Improves sport performance
Decreases feeling tired from normal daily activities
Contributes to positive body image, self-esteem, and self-confidence
Aerobic Exercise: Exercise or activity needs oxygen to perform (i.e. walking briskly, running, bicycling, etc.)
Movements are moderate to vigorous and done non- stop.
Anaerobic Exercise: Exercise or activity that can be done without the need for oxygen (i.e. strength training and
other power movements). Generally of short duration and can be of a high intensity.
Barbells: A piece of weight training equipment that consists of a long bar with weight plates at each end and is to be
used in two arm exercises.
FITT Principle: Training principle for fitness development, F = frequency of exercise workout, I = intensity of
workout, T = time or duration of workout, T = type of exercise
Dumbbells: A piece of weight training equipment that consists of a short bar with weight plates on each end that is
used in single arm exercises.
Machine Weights: Machines used to develop muscle fitness
Muscular Endurance: The capacity of the muscle to repeatedly contract over a period of time without undue fatigue.
Muscle Strength: The most force or maximum muscle contraction you can perform
Overhand grip: The hands grip the bar so that the palms are face down toward the legs or away from the body with
the thumbs toward the center of the bar.
Overload Principle: Progressively increasing the intensity or volume of workouts over the course of a training
program as a person becomes stronger.
Set: the number of repetitions performed consecutively without resting
Resistance Training: The use of exercises to increase muscle fitness (muscular strength/endurance) for the purpose
of sport or health. Training can be done with barbells, dumbbells, body weight, resistance bands, etc.
7th Grade Resistance Training Study Guide
Range of Motion (ROM): The entire movement through which a body part rotates around a joint or its maximum
movement ability.
Repetition: a completed execution of an exercise
Repetition Maximum (RM): The maximum load that a muscle group can lift for a given number of repetitions
before fatiguing (i.e. a 12 RM load is the maximal load that can be lifted for 12 repetitions).
Rest Interval: Is a given amount of time or pause between sets or exercises.
Underhand grip: The hands grip the bar so that the palms are facing upwards and the thumbs are in opposite
Developing a Weight Training Program
1. Most training programs will have 8-12 exercises that include exercises for both major and minor muscle
2. New strength trainers should base their starting weights on a 12 Rep Max (12RM) or how much you can lift
12X before momentary muscle failure.
3. When the starting weights have been determined for the selected exercises, use 3 sets (3X) of 12-15 repetitions
to complete each exercise.
4. Students will usually use a weight lighter than the 12RM for the 1st set (60% of the 12RM) for warming-up the
muscle joints and anchoring in the proper exercise technique.
5. The 2nd set should be heavier or about 75% of the 12RM, with the exerciser again performing 12-15
6. The 3rd set would include the entire load of 12RM using between 12-15 repetitions.
7. The rest interval for general conditioning training is 60-90 seconds between sets.
8. On the 3rd set the exercise can be done for 15 repetitions on two successive training days the training load
12RM should increase.
Weight training programs for beginners can be done on alternating days with 24-48hrs of rest between sessions, a
weight trainer than might work out on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.
FITT Principle for Muscle Fitness
F = Frequency of workouts: 3 days a week for a total body workout
I = Intensity of A Workout: Add more resistance, sets or repetitions
T = Duration of Workout: Rest Intervals between sets, Total Workout Time
T = Type of resistance exercise: Machine weights, free weights, body weight