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Solar System Study Guide Questions
1. Completely explain how the solar system formed & why two types of planets formed.
2. List three characteristics for each planet.
3. Why is Venus the hottest planet in the solar system? (Completely Explain)
4. Why does Mars appear to move in a retrograde motion when observed from Earth?
5. Why is Mars Red? (Completely Explain)
6. List the Galilean Moons and 2 characteristics for each.
7. What are rings and how do they form? What planet or planets have rings?
8. Why is Titan and Triton interesting places?
9. Why are Uranus & Neptune blue in color?
10. How is a planet different than a dwarf planet and small solar system body?
11. Explain the entire life cycle of a comet.
Solar System Study Guide Questions
1. Completely explain how the solar system formed & why two types of planets formed.
2. List three characteristics for each planet.
3. Why is Venus the hottest planet in the solar system? (Completely Explain)
4. Why does Mars appear to move in a retrograde motion when observed from Earth?
5. Why is Mars Red? (Completely Explain)
6. List the Galilean Moons and 2 characteristics for each.
7. What are rings and how do they form? What planet or planets have rings?
8. Why is Titan and Triton interesting places?
9. Why are Uranus & Neptune blue in color?
10. How is a planet different than a dwarf planet and small solar system body?
11. Explain the entire life cycle of a comet.