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Reproductive System 27 - 28
Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System
1. Using the key choices, select the terms identified in the following descriptions. Insert the
appropriate letter in the answer blanks.
bulbourethral glands
ductus deferens
glans penis
prostate gland
seminal vesicles
i. scrotum
j. testes
k. urethra
1. Organ that delivers semen to the female reproductive tract
2. Site of sperm and testosterone production
3. Passageway for conveying sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
4. Conveys both sperm and urine down the length of the penis
5. Organs (5-8) that contribute to the formation of semen
9. External skin sac that houses the testes
_____ 10. Tubular storage site for sperm; hugs the lateral aspect of the testes
_____ 11. Cuff of skin encircling the glans penis
_____ 12. Surrounds the urethra at the base of the bladder; produces a milky alkaline fluid
_____ 13. Produces over half of the seminal fluid
_____ 14. Empties a lubricating mucus into the urethra
2. Figure 27-1 is a sagittal view of the male reproductive structures. First, identify the following
organs on the figure by placing the correct letter in the answer blanks. Next, select different colors
that correspond to the following descriptions, and color in the coding circles and the corresponding
structures on the figure.
bulbourethral gland
ductus deferens
glans penis
ejaculatory duct
prostate gland
i. scrotum
j. seminal vesicle
k. testis
_____ 10.
Spongy tissue that is engorged with blood during erection
Portion of the duct system that also serves the urinary system
Structure that provides the ideal temperature conditions for sperm formation
Structure removed in circumcision
Gland whose secretion contains sugar to nourish sperm
Structure cut or cauterized during a vasectomy
3. Figure 27-2 is a longitudinal section of a testis. First, insert the appropriate letter in the answer
blanks. Second, select different colors for the structures that correspond to the following descriptions.
Then color the coding circles and color the corresponding structures on the figure.
a. ductus deferens
b. epididymis
c. lobule
d. rete testis
e. seminiferous tubule
f. septum
g. tunica albuginea
_____ 1.
_____ 2.
_____ 3.
_____ 4.
_____ 5.
_____ 6.
Sites(s) of spermatogenesis
Tubular structure in which
sperm mature and become
Fibruous coat protecting the
Hormonal Regulation of Male Reproductive Function
4. This section considers the process of sperm production in the testis. Using the key choices, select
the terms identified in the following descriptions.
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
primary spermatocyte
secondary spermatocyte
e. sperm
f. spermatid
g. testosterone
_____ 1. Primitive stem cell
_____ 2. Contain 23 chromosome (3 answers)
_____ 3.
_____ 4.
_____ 5. Product of meiosis I
_____ 6. Product of meiosis II
_____ 7. Functional motile gamete
_____ 8. Two hormones necessary for sperm production (8-9)
_____ 9.
5. Figure 27-3 illustrates a single sperm. On the figure, bracket and label the head and the midpiece
and circle and label the tail. Select different colors for the structures that correspond to the
following descriptions. Color the coding circles and corresponding structures on the figure. Then
label the structures, using the correct terminology.
The DNA-containing area
The enzyme-containing sac that aids sperm penetration of the egg
Metabolically active organelles that provide ATP to energize sperm movement
Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System
6. Identify the female structures described by inserting the correct letter in the answer blanks.
a. clitoris
b. fallopian tube
c. fimbriae
d. hymen
e. ovary
f. seminiferous tubule
g. uterus
h. vagina
_____ 1. Chamber that houses the developing fetus
_____ 2. Canal that receives the penis during sexual intercourse
_____ 3. Usual site of fertilization
_____ 4. Erects during sexual stimulation
_____ 5. Duct through which the ovum travels to reach the uterus
_____ 6. Membrane that partially closes the vaginal canal
_____ 7. Primary female reproductive organ
_____ 8. Move to create fluid currents to draw the ovulated egg into the fallopian tube
7. Figure 27-4 is a sagittal view of the female reproductive organs. First, label all structures on the
figure using the key choices. Then select different colors for the following structures, and use
them to color the coding circles and corresponding structures on the figure.
cervix of uterus
fallopian tube
e. fimbriae
f. labium majus
g. ovary
h. uterus
i. vagina
_____ 1.
_____ 2.
_____ 3.
_____ 4.
_____ 5.
_____ 6.
_____ 7.
_____ 8.
_____ 9.
Lining of the uterus, endometrium
Muscular layer of the uterus, myometrium
Pathway along which an egg travels from the time of its release to its implantation
Ligament helping to anchor the uterus
Structure forming female hormones and gametes
8. Figure 27-5 is a sectional view of the ovary. First, identify all structures indicated with leader lines
on the figure. Second, select different colors for the following structures, and use them to color
the coding circles and corresponding structures on the figure.
a. antrum
b. corpus lutea
c. granulosa cells
d. primary follicles
e. secondary oocyte
f. vesicular follicles
_____ 1.
_____ 2.
_____ 3.
_____ 4.
_____ 5.
_____ 6.
Cells that produce estrogen
Glandular structure that produces progesterone
All oocytes
Third, in the space provided, name the event depicted as “Event A” on the figure. _______________
Fourth, answer the following questions by inserting your answers in the spaces provided.
1. Are there any oogonia in a mature female’s ovary? ____________
2. Into what area is the ovulated cell released? ______________________________
3. When is a mature ovum (egg) produced in humans? _________________________________
4. What structure in the ovary becomes a corpus luteum? ______________________________
9. Using the key choices, select the terms that are identified in the following descriptions. Insert the
correct letter response in the answer blanks.
a. amnion
b. chorionic villi
c. endometrium
d. fertilization
e. fetus
f. placenta
g. umbilical cord
h. zygote
1. The fertilized egg
2. Secretes estrogen and progesterone to maintain the pregnancy
3. Cooperate to form the placenta (3-4)
5. Fluid-filled sac, surrounding the developing embryo/fetus
6. Attaches the embryo to the placenta
7. Fingerlike projections of the blastocyst
8. The embryo after 8 weeks
9. The organ that delivers nutrients to and disposes of wastes for the fetus
_____ 10. Event leading to combination of ovum and sperm “genes”
Gastrulation: Germ Layer Formation
10. The first “tissues” of the embryo’s body are the primary germ layers:
a. ectoderm
b. mesoderm
c. endoderm
Indicate which germ layer give rise to each of the following structures by placing the
corresponding letter on the answer blank.
_____ 1. Heart and blood vessels
_____ 2. Digestive system mucosa
_____ 3. Brain and spinal cord
_____ 4. Skeletal muscles
_____ 5. Skin epidermis
_____ 6. Bones
_____ 7. Respiratory system mucosa
_____ 8. Liver and pancreas