Download Integrated Science Names Chicken Wing Dissection Lab

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Chicken Wing Dissection Lab – Procedure and GROUP Data
How do muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments work together to move a joint in a chicken
wing and how do they compare to a human arm?
NOTE: Choose a recorder. Everyone should participate in answering the following, but
only one group member need fill in the data. Be sure everyone’s name is recorded
above! Answer all the bold-face notes.
Compare the two diagrams below.
Chicken Wing:
Human Arm Bones and Muscles:
1. Draw the Biceps and Triceps muscles on the chicken wing diagram above. LABEL
each muscle you draw.
2. Examine the chicken skin. Describe its appearance. (Include color, texture,
3. Examine the wing at the point where it was removed from the chicken body. Describe
what you see.
4. Carefully remove the chicken skin: Using scissors, pierce the skin at the top end of the
upper wing and cut down the middle of the skin. Try NOT to cut muscles below the skin.
Cut down the sides of the skin to make a Tshaped cut and cut away from it in both
directions. (see Cut 2) Peel the skin.
Cut 1
Cut 2
5. Describe the appearance of the muscle
below the skin:
6. Find some fat under the skin or on top of the muscle and describe its appearance.
(Color, texture, stretchiness….etc)
What is the job of fat in the chicken wing?
7. Find the two muscles in the wing that bend and straighten the elbow joint. Each muscle
pulls on the lower wing bone in ONE direction.
Hold the wing down at the shoulder and alternately pull on each muscle.
a. Describe what happens when you pull the biceps:
b. Describe what happens when you pull the triceps:
c. Why do you think muscles must work in pairs?
8. Tendons are connective tissues that attach the muscle to the bone. Find a tendon and
describe its appearance. (Color, texture, stretchiness….etc)
9. Two bones come together at a joint. Bend and straighten the elbow joint and observe
how the bones fit together.
a. Ligaments are connective tissues that connect bone to bone. Find a ligament at the
elbow joint and describe its appearance. (Color, texture, stretchiness….etc)
b. Cartilage is a type of connective tissue that covers the ends of the long bones
(humerus, radius, ulna). Break the joint to expose the ends of these bones. Find the
cartilage and describe its appearance. (Color, texture, toughness….etc)
How would movement be different if there were no cartilage?
10. Using your scissors, cut away all the muscles from the upper and lower wings. Take
the radius or ulna and cover it with a paper towel. Holding the paper towel and bone,
BREAK the bone in half. Use the edge of your table. Examine the inside of the bone and
describe its appearance. (Color, texture,….etc)