Download Define the following: Caravan - a group of people and animals who

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Define the following:
Caravan - a group of people and animals who travel together
Astrolabe – a tool that measures the height of the sun or a star above the horizon
Conquistador – The Spanish word for conqueror
Hacienda – a large farm or ranch, often with its own village and church
What effect did Marco Polo’s book have on Europeans?
Answer: they became more interested in travel to Asia
What important contribution did Portuguese explorers make to European trade?
Answer: They found a sea route to Asia
What was Ferdinand Magellan’s purpose when he set sail from Spain in 1519?
Answer: to cross the Pacific Ocean and return to Spain
What did the Spanish colonists build in the Americas?
Answer: religious settlements called missions
Describe the trade routes and the trade products of one of the West African trading kingdoms.
Answer: Merchants from Arabia traveled in caravans to bring salt across the Sahara on a trade
route to Ghana. Ghana traded gold for salt.
What were two important results of European exploration in the 1400s and the 1500s?
Answer: The discovery of new lands; the opening of trade routes; the expansion of awareness
of other cultures.
In 1519, Hernan Cortes made an expedition to Mexico to conquer the Aztecs. Write a description of the
journey, of what Cortes did, and of what happened to the Aztecs.
Hernan Cortes took an army to present-day Mexico and got help from an Aztec woman named
Malinche; the Aztec army was weakened by a smallpox infection which killed many of the Aztec;
Cortes convinced neighboring American Indian nations to join his army and used guns, horses,
and armor to defeat the Aztecs.