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TRCC US History II
Final Exam Review
Oct. 16
The Roaring ‘20’s
Enduring Vision Ch 23: Coping with Change
Oct. 21/ 23
Crash of ‘29, & the Great Depression (1920–1938)
Enduring Vision Ch 24: Great Depression and the New Deal
Howard Zinn, A Peoples History. Ch 15: Self-help in Hard Times
Oct. 28 / 30
The Second World War (1939 – 1946)
Enduring Vision Ch 25: Americans and a World in Crisis
Richard Minear, Dr. Seuss Goes to War.
Nov. 4 / 6
Post-War American Prosperity (1945 – 1960)
Enduring Vision Ch 26: Cold War Abroad and at Home (802-816)
Enduring Vision Ch 27: America at Midcentury
Lizabeth Cohen, A Consumer’s Republic.
Nov. 13
Cold War Hot Spots (1945-1965)
Enduring Vision Ch 26: Cold War Abroad and at Home
Nov. 18 / 20
War in Southeast Asian & the 2nd Civil Rights Movement (1950-1970)
Enduring Vision Ch 28: Liberalism Civil Rights, & Vietnam
Enduring Vision Ch 29: Time of Upheaval [922-942]
Howard Zinn, A Peoples History. Ch 18: The Impossible Victory: Vietnam
Nov. 25
Civil Rights & The Fall of Communism (1970 – 1990)
Enduring Vision Ch 29: Time of Upheaval [Finish]
Enduring Vision Ch 30: Conservative Revival [956-968]
Howard Zinn, A Peoples History. Ch 19: Surprises
Dec. 2 / 4
The Remaining “SuperPower” & a New World Order? (1990 – 2000)
Enduring Vision Ch 30: Conservative Revival and end of the Cold War [Finish]
Howard Zinn, A Peoples History. Ch. 21: The Bipartisan Consensus
Dec. 9 / 11
US History in the 21st Century (2001 – 2010)
Enduring Vision Ch 31: A Changing Nation Confronts Home-Front Crises
Howard Zinn, A Peoples History. Ch. 25: The 2000 Election & the “War on Terrorism”
Treat the following review questions as essays....write them out….consult text books, readings,& notes.
Roaring Twenties / The Great Depression
Understand and be able to discuss the importance of the 18th & 19th Amendments.
What made it possible for American manufacturing to experience such great success by 1922 onwards?
Understand the importance of mass media of the 1920’s.
What was Nativism and how was it manifested in America during the 1920’s?
Understand how the prohibition movement finally succeeded in outlawing alcohol in the US.
How did many resist Prohibition? Why was Prohibition nearly unenforceable and when did it end?
Outline the events which generally led to the Great Depression.
What were some of the National and Global ramifications of the stock market crash?
What was the dust-bowl? Why did it amplify the effects of the Great Depression?
New Deal / World War II
Detailed FDR’s 1st and 2nd New Deal initiatives: Understand various acts designed to stabilize and
stimulate the economy. [Laws, initiatives, & agencies were created]
What is Fascism? How did the Versailles Treat contribute to the rise of Fascism in Europe [1930-1935].
What actions were taken by Germany to reassert German power and influence [1935-1939].
How and Why did the League of Nations [Britain and France] appease Germany instead of acting?
How / when / where did the Second World War begin for Europe & Asia?
Describe the feelings / thoughts behind American isolationism.
How did FDR support the allies in Europe but at the same time adhere to US neutrality?
Describe some of his political initiatives and US policy towards the war in Europe and in the Pacific.
What series of events brought the US into the Second World War? [1939 – 1942]
Be able to discuss various aspects of the US home front during World War II.
[Switch from peacetime to wartime industry, internment, segregation & civil rights, role of women, etc.]
What factors brought the war to a close by 1945? [Europe / Pacific]
Understand the “Marshall Plan” and how it was designed to revive Europe and discourage Communist
influence. How was the approach different than allied policy following WWI?
Cold War / Civil Rights
Understand the “Domino Theory” in the context of the Cold War.
Describe the “Red Scare” that gripped America from 1947 – 1960. What events contributed to the “Red
Scare” and understand “McCarthyism.”
What factors contributed to the unprecedented post - World War II economic prosperity?
What was the Truman Doctrine?
Understand the many wars / conflicts / actions the United States and Allies became involved in during
the “Cold War” and why.
Understand both the United States and the Soviet Union’s spheres of influence and how they worked to
maintain their influence. [NATO, Warsaw Pact, Europe, Africa, Asia….]
Understand how the US became involved in the Vietnam conflict. What was Kennedy’s and later
Johnson’s plans for Vietnam? What was the Tet Offensive and how did it prove to be the turning point
of the conflict? How did Nixon succeed in extracting the US from the Vietnam War?
How did the Soviet Union and other Communist regimes use segregation in the US as effective
anti-democratic propaganda?
During the Civil Rights movement of the 1950’s – 1970’s what was the tactics used by Civil Rights
groups to attack segregation? [Legal / Civil Disobedience / Community Organizing / Demonstrations]
Be able to name some of the organizations that fought for Civil Rights.
Be familiar with other leaders and personalities of the Civil Rights movement.
Understand the importance of Brown V Board of Education I & II. What precedents did it overturn,
how did the decision impact the struggle to end segregation? Understand the importance of the Civil
Rights Act 1964 & Voting Rights Act of 1965
Understand the factors that led to a renewed Women’s Rights movement in the early 1960’s.
What specific issues were members of the Women’s Rights movement fighting for?
Why was 1968 a critical year? What significant events occurred?
Detail the many different social movements / protests which occurred during the late 1960’s and 1970’s
and what they were fighting for.
What was the Watergate affair? What lead to the event, what was it’s legacy?
How did the US withdraw from the Vietnam War?
Post-Vietnam / Fall of Communism
Describe the energy crisis experienced by the US during the 1970’s, what were the root causes and how
was it addressed by Americans? [Initiatives, policies, solutions, effects on industry, society, politics]
Generally understand the Ford, Carter, and Regan administrations in the context of the Cold War.
[Domestic/Economic, Foreign policy, Successes and failures]
What was deindustrialization, why did it occur in the US in the late 1970’s, what was the impact?
Describe some of the major challenges of the Carter Administration.
In what ways did the Islamic revolution in Iran impact Carter and continue to effect Reagan’s
foreign policy?
What actions did the United States and Allies take against the Soviet Union during the Reagan years?
What internal reforms were taken by what Soviet leader which contributed to the fall of the USSR?
Detail the events that contributed to the fall of Communist regimes in Eastern Europe in the late 1980’s.
What was the “Americans with Disabilities Act”?
Consider the following presidents:
 What Cold War communist threats did they face?
 What major Cold War (& Civil Rights) events transpired during their terms?
 What actions did they take to combat growing Soviet influence?
Harry Truman
Dwight Eisenhower
Lyndon B. Johnson
Richard Nixon
Ronald Reagan
George H.W. Bush
John F. Kennedy
Gerald Ford / Jimmy Carter
In what ways did the US use military force in the years after the Cold War in Central America,
the Persian Gulf, and Eastern Europe?
Define Globalization and provide some examples of the concept.
Describe why the Clinton presidency is looked upon as a prosperous time in the US.
What were some of the foreign policy challenges of the Clinton Administration of the 1990’s?
Understand why the scandal that occurred during the Clinton Administration resulted in impeachment
US History in the
Why was the Election of 2000 so contested? How did the Republican candidate become victorious?
What were some early Bush Administration initiatives?
Consider some of the many reason why the US was attacked so severely in 2001.
In what ways did the Bush Administration react to the 2001 attacks and how did this impact the United
States? [Diplomacy, Domestic policies, Foreign Wars]
Why and how did the Bush Administration argue for war against Iraq to both the American public and
international community?
Be aware of some of the domestic and foreign policies challenges of the Obama
Administration 2008 – 2011.
Consider current events [political, economic, social issues] occurring in the United States, and the world,
and the ways in which they are linked to past historical events over the past 100 years. [1910-2010].
Consider similarities, differences, parallels.