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Vol 10 No 57 Thursday 14 November , 2013 Rs.2 14 November, 2013
Entire Pakistan including Mr. Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Mr.Chief Minister
Punjab Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif HCJP Justice Iftkar Muhammad Ch COAS Gen Pervaiz
Asfaq Kayani and Mr. Imran Khan would observe Muharram ul Harram on 15th Nov 2013?
Faisalabad: 12 Nov, Enemy is a
must for national progress and it is
the part of the recorded history
that the nations those progressed
more among the communities of
nations were having strong
enemies and such gain national
strength with the ‘fighting spirit’.
Islam is a great religion of the
world and its glorious history is
full of war hero’s and fighters
because according to the teachings
of Quran and last Prophet
Muhammad peace be upon him
who clearly declared that nobody
after him would have direct link
with Allah for further messages
from Allah and Quran is the last
word of God Almighty and
anybody who claims otherwise is
not a truthful person. So according
to the last word of God for
mankind the most important
worship of God is to fight for the
cause of Allah with all those who
are against or involve in some
activities those are against the
dictates of Allah and such kind of
worship proposed for all healthy
Muslims is named as ‘Jihad’
Every prudent person he or she
may be a Jew or Christian or
Muslim who knows Allah, God or
Creator of the Universe knows
that what Allah says is the best
and nobody could reach to the
wisdom of the sayings of Allah
and a person who feels that after
the final word of Lord something
more is needed is not a wise man.
So it is needless to add that Jihad
is in the best interest of mankind
and human beings living on the
earth and anybody who is against
Jihad is living in fool’s paradise.
So enemy in any forum who is
against the teachings of Allha is
an opportunity for worship or
Jihad for all those who have faith
in the teachings of Allah in any
manner. It is not the question that
people those know Allah belong
to Judaism, Christianity or Islam.
Pakistan is a Muslim country and
day after tomorrow the entire
Pakistan including Prime Minister
of Pakistan Mian Muhammad
Nawaz Sharif, Chief Minister
Punjab Mian Muhammad Shahbaz
Sharif, Chief of Army Staff
General Asfaq Pervaiz Kayani,
Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice
Iftkhar Muhammad Ch. Imran
Khan of PTI and all other top
leaders of Pakistan would
celebrate a day named 10th of
Muharram ul Harram a day the
grand son of Prophet Muhammad
peace be upon him and son of
great Muslim warrior leader and
Muslim Khalip Ali offered
sacrifice of his life and his entire
family fighting against the army
that claim to be a Muslim army
but in fact that was against the
teachings of Islam so it was an
enemy of Islam and Jihad was
necessary against such rule and
army so the great son of
Muhammad peace be upon him
scarified his life and lives of his
companions to please Allah and to
protect the teachings of Islam and
till that day entire world including
the Muslims of the world
remember this supreme sacrifice
on 10th of Muharram ul Harram
each year as a great kind of
worship and Jihad against those
who were against the teachings of
last Prophet of God Muhammad
peace be upon him and God. But
here is a great question that when
such Jihad took place why
Muslims those were in majority in
those days could not stand by the
great son of last Prophet
Muhammad’s peace be upon him
who was the most important
Muslim in those days and why
everybody started trying to be the
champion of the cause of Hussian
RA the great martyr of mankind
and Islamic history? And the
answer to such question is in the
deep psychological study of
Muslims as a community and
Muslims those are not actually not
Muslims and are in the disguise of
Although such question is very
important but nobody so far has
answered this question and
perhaps nobody dare to because
the patience and steadfastness
possessed by Husian RA and his
companions is a rare commodity.
Moreover it is easy to become a
Muslim but it is very difficult to
practice Islam and during the
golden times of Hussian RA the
number of true practicing
Muslims was not more than 72
and that is the record of recorded
history. Less people yesterday
have noticed that when Mr. Sirtaz
Aziz met with Indian external
affair’s minister he extended his
both arms for photo session
whereas the Indian external affairs
minister extended singly hand to
shake hand with him and noticing
that Mr. Aziz promptly shifted to
single hand and did not express
any odd expression and such
timely reaction of Pakistan’s
representative conveyed to the
world that Pakistan is sincere to
resolve the Kashmir dispute with
open arms but Indian negative
behavior is a great barrier and
resultantly Pakistan is bound to
react accordingly but unfortunate
part of the story is that less
politicians in Pakistan belong to
the breed of politicians those have
the honor to serve with great
Quid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali
Jinnah. It is pertinent to ask from
Pakistani top leaders and religious
scholars that all of them would
prefer in this Muharram to oberve
it just as an occasion or are
determined to look into the spirit
of it and to convey to the entire
suffering Muslim world and
Muslims of Indian Occupied
Kashmir who are living like
‘slaves’ that they are with them as
Hussian RA was with Islam and
word of God.
ISLAMABAD: 13 Nov, The
Supreme Court on Wednesday
granted a request of the Election
Commission of Pakistan to hold
local government (LG) elections
in accordance with the new
reported.The ECP's request for the
extension in dates to hold LG
polls was granted by an apex court
bench headed by Chief Justice
Iftikhar Muhammad
Chaudhry.According to the new
schedule okayed by the SC, local
government elections in Punjab
are to be held on Jan 30, on Dec 7
in Balochistan, on Jan 18 in
Sindh; whereas polling in Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa and the cantonment
boards is to be held during the
month of February.During the
hearing today, the chief justice
said the court's duty was to work
in accordance with the
Constitution, adding that the
governments were calling for an
extension in the dates for
polling.Advocate General Sindh
Khalid Javed told the bench that
the ECP was experiencing grave
difficulties and that was why an
extension in the election date had
commission had decided to
approach the Supreme Court again
a day after the SC registrar
rejected its application seeking
postponement of local government
elections in Punjab and Sindh.The
Supreme Court had earlier
directed the ECP to follow the
schedules presented by the Sindh,
Punjab and Balochistan provincial
governments to hold local
government polls.A reply filed on
behalf of the ECP had listed
features like completion of
delimitation process, necessary
changes in laws and election rules,
door-to-door verification by the
ECP, preparation of fresh electoral
rolls by Nadra and provinces,
procurement of election materials
by the commission and printing of
ballot papers by the Printing
Corporation of Pakistan and the
was of the opinion that these
measures would take at least four
months to complete. Dawn
stan Wednesday said it wanted
resumption of dialogue process
with India for the resolution of all
Kashmir issue. Foreign Office
Chaudhry in his weekly briefing,
said Kashmir is the core issue
between the two countries and its
solution lies in dialogue process.
He said the Kashmiri leadership
should also be part of the
dialogue.The spokesman said that
Islamabad has always extended
moral, diplomatic and political
support to the Kashmiri people for
their right to self determination.
He said ongoing repression of
Indian security forces in the held
Kashmir valley is a matter of
grave concern for Pakistan. He
said that not only Pakistan but
several prestigious human rights
organizations have also raised
voice against the human rights
violations in Occupied Kashmir.
Regarding the meetings of
Advisor on Foreign Affairs Sartaj
Aziz in New Delhi, Aizaz Ahmad
Chaudhry said the advisor held
talks with the Indian external
affairs minister and national
security advisor on all issues
including the situation on Line Of
Control.He said Director Generals
of Military Operations ofboth the
countries have made a number of
contacts on the LOC situation and
concurred to normalize situation
at the working boundary.He said
that ceasefire agreement of 2003
should be respected for peaceful
environment between the two
neighbors.He said Sartaj Aziz also
paid a courtesy call on the Indian
prime ministertoday and affirmed
desire of Pakistan to have friendly
and peaceful neighborly relations
with India.The advisor also
expressed Pakistan’s desire for
resumption of dialogue process,
he added.
COLOMBO, Nov 13 (APP):
Prime Minister of Pakistan
Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has
congratulated the Government and
people of Sri Lanka for hosting
the important Commonwealth
Summit in their beautiful country.
In his special message on the
Heads of Government Meeting, he
expressed his confidence in the
astute leadership of President and
said that Commonwealth will
become a stronger and more
cohesive Organization under his
leadership. Nawaz Sharif will be
arriving in Colombo tomorrow to
Commonwealth Summit. His
Kulsoom Nawaz Sharif, Special
Assistant to Prime Minister on
Foreign Affairs Syed Tariq
Fatemi, Minister of State for
Information Technology and
Telecom Ms Anusha Rahman
Ahmad Khan and the Foreign
Secretary Jalil Abbasi Jilani.
The Prime Minister reaffirmed
that Pakistan being a democracy
and a responsible member of the
global community subscribes to
the work of the Commonwealth
for promoting peace through
international co-operation, poverty
alleviation through sustainable
economic and social development.
Theme of this year’s Summit
“Growth with Equity-Inclusive
Development,” is therefore, highly
relevant, he added. Nawaz Sharif
fondly recalled that he represented
Pakistan in the Harare Summit in
1991, where the landmark
declaration was adopted setting
out the core principles and values
Commonly known as the “Harare
Principles”, these values and
democracy, freedom, peace, the
rule of law, respect for human
rights and opportunity for all,
serve as a bindingforce amongst
its member states, he added.
Pakistan is one of the eight
Commonwealth, which signed the
London Declaration of April
1949. Pakistan makes annual
contributions to five heads of the
Foundation (CF), Commonwealth
Fund for Technical Cooperation
(CFTC), Commonwealth Youth
Programme (CYP) and the
Faisalabad: 13 Nov, (DDPR/ Mr.
Liaqat Ali/ Furrukh)
hospitals/institutions have been
put high alert to provide the
prompt emergency services in
case of any eventuality during
Muharram in the wake of threats
of terrorism. Chairing a joint
meeting of public/private hospitals
administrations and officers of
emergency services department,
DCO Noor-ul-Amin Mengal said
that the all medical treatment
arrangements including staff and
sufficient quantity of medicines
should be made available. He
warned that any carelessness and
mismanagement of the health
institutions would be taken as
criminal negligence. He said that
a list of Ambulance vehicle be
administration with the certificate
of its operational in all respect.
He asked the management of
private hospitals to appoint their
focal persons and all medical
arrangements should keep active.
He directed the Rescue 1122
emergency services near by the
important and main muharram
processions. He directed that
mock excercise should be
repeated immediately to ckeck the
reaction times of the emergency
services departments. CPO Dr.
Haider Ashraf said that the role of
the other departments and society
was also vital to make security
arrangement a success and
carrying out the relief operation in
case of any incident. He said that
coordinated efforts were being
made to meet the security
Meanwhile, DCO Noor-ul-Amin
Mengal presided over a briefing
performance of District Regional
Transport Authority. He directed
to improve the plight of passenger
transport stands and stressed upon
the eradication of sale of
adulterated edibles on these
stands. He directed for taking
immediate action against Qabza
Mafia in General Bus Stand and
said that seperate administrator
should be recruited for C Class
stands at Faisalabad, Jaranwala,
Samundri, Chak Jhumra and
Dijkot for governance. The DCO
directed the Motor Vehicle
Examiners to mend their ways in
cheking the rout permits and
issuing fitness certificate to the
public transport vehicles. He
warned that corruption of any
soght would not be tolerated and
Secretary DRTA would be held
responsible directly for not
performance. DCO Noor-ul-Amin
Mengal also reviewed the pace of
implementation of Faisalabad road
rehabilitation project. He directed
the concerned officers to complete
the remaining projects of the road
construction without further delay
and asked the FESCO/SNGPL
officers to get the electric polls
and gas sub stations shifted
creating hinderances to complete
the roads. In an other meeting,
DCO said that the building of
Centre of Excellence at Jaranwala
would be completed shortly and
the required funds would get from
the Danish Authority Punjab. He
directed the AC Jaranwala to
plantation plan for the available
space of Centre of Excellence
Qammar) , 2013: The nation
needs to follow in the footprint of
Hazarat Imam Hussain (R.A) with
hardworking to combat different
challenges facing the Muslim
Ummah. This was stated by
Chancellor Prof Dr Iqrar Ahmad
Khan while inaugurating the
Islamic Art Exhibition arranged
by Senior Tutor Office at Iqbal
Auditorium in connection with
Muharram-ul-Haraam. He was
flanked by Director Students
Affairs Prof Dr Muhammad
Younis, Senior Tutor Prof Dr
Aslam Pervez, Islamic scholar
Robina Khakhi, and Prof Dr Tahir
Saddiqi. He said Islam teaches us
in all sphere of life by providing
comprehensive guidelines to
exhibit an ideal role in the
incidence gives us message to
stand with truth that is a mark of
living nation. He said Hazarat
Imam Hussain (R.A) played an
exemplary role in serving Islam
and battling the enemies and
shattering the foundations of
suppression till his martyrdom. He
said that the country was under
He said Hazarat Imam Hussain
(R.A) as per injection of Islam
tried his level best to avoid
bloodshed among the Muslims,
Robina urged the women to
follow in the footprint of Syeda
Zaineb (R.A), who is the role
model for mothers, daughters,
sisters and wives. She said that
she was the symbol of bravery and
tolerance for the women. She also
added that Syeda Zaineb (R.A),
the daughter of Imam Ali ( R.A)
and Sayyeda Fatima (R.A), was a
intelligence, knowledge, courage
and perseverance.
LAHORE, Nov 13 (APP): Chief
Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif
has warned private hospitals and
laboratories to eschew fleecing
dengue patients otherwise law will
take its course against them.
“Private hospitals and laboratories
should not consider the natural
calamity of dengue virus as an
opportunity for profiteering,” he
added. He stated this during a
various constituencies of Punjab
formalities would not be allowed
to impede the process of
exterminating dengue virus and
the required machinery and other
would be airlifted for the
provision of better medical
He said, a long term policy has
already been evolved to eradicate
dengue virus and a special cadre is
being set up for this purpose.
The chief minister said that he had
already directed the department
concerned to bear all expense to
be incurred on the treatment of
dengue affected patients in private
Freedom from
India’s occupation
is main objective:
Srinagar, November 13 (KMS): In
occupied Kashmir, the veteran
Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani
has said that the sacrifices of
Kashmiri martyrs will not be
allowed go waste and the
liberation movement will be
addressing a seminar titled
“Martyrs in Jammu and our
Responsibilities”, in memory of
the victims of November 1947
massacre in Jammu, said that the
Muslims in Jammu division
continue to live in the state of
suppression at the hands of
military, police, administration,
VDCs and communal groups.“We
Jammu Muslims. Fulfilling our
responsibilities has become a
conundrum which we need to
solve,” said Gilani.He said that in
2006 he stayed at least for one
month in Jammu and addressed
people in mosque and seminars
which infused courage into the
people, but next year when he
visited again he was put under
authorities.While slamming proIndia political parties in the
occupied territory, the veteran
Hurriyet said that the parties work
as handle of India’s axe of
atrocities in Kashmir for their own
material interests.“They give the
false impression of development
in the territory by constructing
flyovers and roads, but we need to
ask them whether our life,
property, and honour is safe under
their rule or not. They become a
big hurdle in our cause,” said
Gilani.He also praised the Prime
Minister of Pakistan, Muhammad
Nawaz Sharif for supporting the
settlement of Kashmir dispute in
resolutions and will of the
Kashmiri people.
Srinagar, November 13 (KMS): In
occupied Kashmir, the All Parties
Hurriyet Conference (APHC)
leader and the Chairman of
Islamic Political Party Jammu and
Kashmir, Mohammad Yousuf
Naqash has said that the one and
movement is to get freedom from
India.Mohammad Yousuf Naqash
accompanied by party leaders
including Altaf Ahmad Wani,
Mushtaq Ahmad Mushtaq Butt,
Muhammd Ayub Dar, Nazir
Ahmad Sofi and Mohammad
Abas Butt during corner meetings
at Chadora and Nagam said that
those even thinking of diluting the
sacred mission were betraying the
sacred blood of martyrs and
nobody would be allowed to do
so.Naqash stressed people to
remain vigilant about the proIndia politicians and agents whose
activism was aimed at securing
power and material benefits at the
cost of Kashmir. They are more
loyal than king to India and have
the only policy of strengthening
the occupied territory, he added.
Pakistan serious
about talks to
solve Kashmir
dispute: Prof
by President
Obama sent
to Senate
Srinagar, November 13 (KMS): In
occupied Kashmir, senior APHC
leader Professor Abdul Ghani Butt
has said that Pakistan is seriously
considering opening up dialogue
with India to set afoot a process to
dispute.Professor Abdul Ghani
Butt in a media interview in
Srinagar said, “I think Pakistan is
seriously considering opening up
dialogue with India and with
Kashmiris, so that a process is set
afoot to resolve the Kashmir
dispute in the larger interest of the
people and for a brighter
tomorrow and for the people of
the entire South Asia region.”He
was commenting on a question
about his recent meeting with
Pakistan PM’s advisor on Foreign
Affairs, Sartaj Aziz.“Pakistan
seeks settlement, Kashmiris seek
settlement and India perhaps also
seeks settlement of all the
disputes… So if all these issues
are to be addressed, you have to
have a large heart, you have to
have a deeper sense of
responsibility, a higher level of
understanding,” Butt added.
nominations by President sent to
Senate on 12 Nov 2013 are as
follows, Tommy Port Beaudreau,
of Alaska, to be an Assistant
Secretary of the Interior, vice
Rhea S. Suh.Thomas A. Burke, of
Maryland, to be an Assistant
Environmental Protection Agency,
resigned.Neil Gregory Kornze, of
Nevada, to be Director of the
Bureau of Land Management, vice
resigned.Caroline Diane Krass, of
the District of Columbia, to be
General Counsel of the Central
Intelligence Agency, vice Stephen
resigned.Ericka M. Miller, of
Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary
for Postsecondary Education,
Department of Education, vice
Eduardo M. Ochoa.Stefan M.
Selig, of New York, to be Under
Secretary of Commerce for
Francisco J. Sanchez, resigned.
Enemy is a must for national
progress and it is the part of
the recorded history that the
nations those progressed more
among the communities of
nations were having strong
enemies and such gain
national strength with the
‘fighting spirit’. Islam is a
great religion of the world and
its glorious history is full of
war hero’s and fighters
because according to the
teachings of Quran and last
Prophet Muhammad peace be
upon him who clearly
declared that nobody after him
would have direct link with
Allah for further messages
from Allah and Quran is the
last word of God Almighty
and anybody who claims
otherwise is not a truthful
person. So according to the
last word of God for mankind
the most important worship of
God is to fight for the cause of
Allah with all those who are
against or involve in some
activities those are against the
dictates of Allah and such
kind of worship proposed for
all healthy Muslims is named
as ‘Jihad’
Every prudent
person he or she may be a Jew
or Christian or Muslim who
knows Allah, God or Creator
of the Universe knows that
what Allah says is the best and
nobody could reach to the
wisdom of the sayings of
Allah and a person who feels
that after the final word of
Lord something more is
needed is not a wise man. So
it is needless to add that Jihad
is in the best interest of
mankind and human beings
living on the earth and
anybody who is against Jihad
is living in fool’s paradise. So
enemy in any forum who is
against the teachings of Allha
is an opportunity for worship
or Jihad for all those who have
faith in the teachings of Allah
in any manner. It is not the
question that people those
know Allah belong to
Judaism, Christianity or Islam.
Pakistan is a Muslim country
and day after tomorrow the
entire Pakistan including
Prime Minister of Pakistan
Mian Muhammad Nawaz
Sharif, Chief Minister Punjab
Mian Muhammad Shahbaz
Sharif, Chief of Army Staff
Kayani, Chief Justice of
Muhammad Ch. Imran Khan
of PTI and all other top
leaders of Pakistan would
celebrate a day named 10th of
Muharram ul Harram a day
the grand son of Prophet
Muhammad peace be upon
him and son of great Muslim
warrior leader and Muslim
Khalip Ali offered sacrifice of
his life and his entire family
fighting against the army that
claim to be a Muslim army but
in fact that was against the
teachings of Islam so it was an
enemy of Islam and Jihad was
necessary against such rule
and army so the great son of
Muhammad peace be upon
him scarified his life and lives
of his companions to please
Allah and to protect the
teachings of Islam and till that
day entire world including the
Muslims of the world
sacrifice on 10th of Muharram
ul Harram each year as a great
kind of worship and Jihad
against those who were
against the teachings of last
Prophet of God Muhammad
peace be upon him and God.
But here is a great question
that when such Jihad took
place why Muslims those
were in majority in those days
could not stand by the great
Muhammad’s peace be upon
him who was the most
important Muslim in those
days and why everybody
started trying to be the
champion of the cause of
Hussian RA the great martyr
of mankind and Islamic
history? And the answer to
such question is in the deep
Muslims as a community and
Muslims those are not actually
not Muslims and are in the
disguise of Muslims among
Muslims. Although such
question is very important but
nobody so far has answered
this question and perhaps
nobody dare to because the
patience and steadfastness
possessed by Husian RA and
his companions is a rare
commodity. Moreover it is
easy to become a Muslim but
it is very difficult to practice
Islam and during the golden
times of Hussian RA the
number of true practicing
Muslims was not more than 72
and that is the record of
recorded history. Less people
yesterday have noticed that
when Mr. Sirtaz Aziz met
with Indian external affair’s
minister he extended his both
arms for photo session
whereas the Indian external
affairs minister extended
singly hand to shake hand
with him and noticing that Mr.
Aziz promptly shifted to
single hand and did not
express any odd expression
and such timely reaction of
conveyed to the world that
Pakistan is sincere to resolve
the Kashmir dispute with open
arms but Indian negative
behavior is a great barrier and
resultantly Pakistan is bound
to react accordingly but
unfortunate part of the story is
that less politicians in Pakistan
belong to the breed of
politicians those have the
honor to serve with great
Quid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali
Jinnah. It is pertinent to ask
from Pakistani top leaders and
religious scholars that all of
them would prefer in this
Muharram to oberve it just as
an occasion or are determined
to look into the spirit of it and
to convey to the entire
suffering Muslim world and
Muslims of Indian Occupied
Kashmir who are living like
‘slaves’ that they are with
them as Hussian RA was with
Islam and word of God. We
do hope that report would be
eye opener for entire Pakistan.