Download Eligibility revised - Rosenberg Housing Authority

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The Disaster Housing Assistance program (DHAP) is entering the second portion of the
program. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Disaster Housing
Assistance Program requires clients to re-qualify for continued assistance within six
months of the lease-up date or July 31st, whichever comes first.
Section I: Family Eligibility
Client Name:_____________________________________________________________
Social Security Number:____________________________________________________
Gross Monthly Income Amount:_____________________________________________
Current address:__________________________________________________________
Pre-Disaster address:______________________________________________________
Phone Number:___________________________________________________________
You must provide proof of gross monthly income. Gross monthly income means all
sources of income that go to a family member or sources of income paid on behalf of
family members (including, but not limited to, the following: wages, interest, annuities,
pensions, Social Security Retirement, alimony, child support, Unemployment Benefits,
Workers’ Compensation, and any other indirect income).
Possible proof: last three paycheck stubs; unemployment compensation statements;
benefit letters; retirement checks or statements, mortgage statement, Tax statement,
utility bills for pre-disaster house.
You must provide proof of housing expenses, if any. This will include Proof of
Ownership, mortgage statement, real estate tax statement, home owners insurance, utility
bills for pre-disaster house, rent for Dhap unit and utilities for Dhap unit.
If you have no income, please describe below how you are paying utility bills and basic
living expenses, such as food and clothing. If asked by the RHA or GMC, you must
supply documentation of the source of these monies.
A. Income and Expenses Worksheet
My Income:
My Expenses:
Wages (Head of Household)_____________
Child Support/Alimony
Food Stamps
Wages (other members)
Rent (Dhap Unit)
Mortgage Payment (pre-dis) ______________
Proof of Ownership (pre-dis) ______________
Real Estate Taxes (pre-dis) ______________
Home Owners Insurance
Flexible Expenses:
Electricity (Dhap unit)
Water (Dhap unit)
Gas (Dhap Unit)
Electricity (pre-dis)
Water (Pre-dis)
Gas (Pre-dis)
Check list:
() All Income documents (Bills and Statements)
() All Housing documents (Bills and Statements)
() Case management is good standing
I do hereby certify that all of the information above me is true and correct. I also certify that I will promptly
report any future increase in income to GMC. I understand that failure to report an increase is grounds for
termination of DHAP.
Signature of Head of Household______________________________________ Date ____________
Signature of GMC Representative______________________________________Date____________
Approval () Denial ()
Signature of RHA DHAP Coordinator _________________________________Date_______________