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Chapter 14 Section 2
The sectional disputes over slavery that had been simmering
since the founding of the United States boiled over into
political conflict and even violence in the 1850s. In spite of
attempts at compromise and other creative approaches to
settle the issue, slavery drew every section of the nation
closer to open conflict.
For each event listed below:
a) Write the year each event occurred.
b) Explain how the event intensified the dispute between
the free states and the slave states.
Year Event
Fugitive Slave
Law passed
Uncle Tom’s
Cabin published
KansasNebraska Act
Buchanan wins
Scott v. Sanford
Chapter 14 Section 3
The United States edged ever more closely toward war in
the years from 1858 to 1860. As attitudes hardened and
positions became more uncompromising, extremists on both
sides turned to more radical solutions to the conflict.
Directions: The people, terms, and phrases below are
grouped under topics. For each term or phrase, write a
sentence that indicates its significance to the political
conflicts of the period.
Lincoln Douglas Debates
Stephen Douglas:
Abraham Lincoln:
Freeport Doctrine:
Election of 1860
Democrats (northern wing):
Democrats (southern wing):
Constitutional Union Party:
The South Secedes
Crittenden Compromise:
Abraham Lincoln: