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Unit G Test Review
The nobles agreed to protect people from _____________ attacks in exchange for land & labor.
A) Viking
B) Roman
C) Greek
D) Persian
By 1000CE, the kingdoms of Western Europe were divided into thousands of
A) feudal
B) jousting
C) clergy
D) fief
Lord’s gave their vassals land in return for _______ & _______ service.
A) loyalty, military
B) food, protection
C) farming, land
D) jousting, building
By the 1100s, nobles began living in stone _______________.
A) wooden huts
B) tents
C) castles
D) sun dried brick homes
Young nobles spent 8-9 years of training to become ______________.
A) Clergy
B) Knights
C) Nobles
D) Vassals
Knights followed rules of behavior known as the _____________________.
A) Ordeal
B) Justinian Code
C) Code of Chivalry
D) Twelve Tables
Knights trained for war by fighting in __________________.
A) jousting tournaments
B) wars
C) gladiator events
D) the Circus Maximus
Most people lived on land divided into ______________ owned by nobles and worked by peasants.
A) castles
B) farms
C) plantations
D) manors
After the fall of Rome, ________________________ developed in Western Europe.
A) capitalism
B) feudalism
C) communism
D) agriculture
10. Following Charlemagne’s rule, kings began to depend on nobles for
A) food
B) horses
C) soldiers
D) all the above
11. Some nobles grew more powerful than the ______ and began to collect their own taxes, run their own
courts, raise their own armies, and coin their own money.
A) church
B) vassals
C) kings
D) knights
12. The manor had two groups of peasants: _____________ & ____________.
A) Fiefs/clergy
B) Knights/vassals
C) Freemen/serfs
D) Nobles/kings
13. The most powerful institution in the late middle Ages was the _______________.
A) King
B) Noble
C) Church
D) Kinght
14. Who was the most powerful person during the Feudal period?
E) Charlemagne
F) the Pope
G) the King
H) Constantine
15. Which group of Muslim Turks first invade Palestine?
A) Seljuks
B) Ottomans
C) Hindus
D) Shiite
16. What was the name of the four Holy Wars fought during the Medieval period?
E) Jihads
F) Crusades
G) Punic
H) Peloponnesian
17. What two religious groups fought in the Crusades
A) Hindus & Buddhists
B) Muslims & Christians
C) Hindus & Muslims
D) Hindus & Christians
18. All people felt they needed the church to achieve ____________________, and all were fearful of being
A) Nirvana
B) Salvation
C) Eternal life
D) Reincarnation
19. Who was the most powerful institution during the Feudal Period?
E) Church
F) King
G) Noble
H) Knights
20. Why did kings, nobles, knights, & serfs all respect the Church?
A) the gods would punish all sinners
B) priests were the heads of the manors
C) the church was the only institution that could promise salvation
D) all of the above
21. The Crusades helped bring about an end to Feudalism.
E) True
F) False
22. Jews, Christians, & Muslims all have holy ties to the city of
A) Mecca
B) Medina
C) Mesopotamia
D) Jerusalem
23. In 1075, Pope ______________________ issued a document stating that the Pope was above all kings and
feudal lords and had the greatest power.
A) Gregory VII
B) Urban II
C) Benedict
D) Saladin
24. During the Middle Ages, which Christian scholar tried to bring faith & reason together?
A) Da Vinci
B) Thomas Acquinas
C) Jesus
D) Mohammed
25. Which Pope was responsible for launching the 1st Crusade?
A) Gregory VII
B) Urban II
C) Benedict
D) Saladin
26. Who lead the Christians in the 3rd Crusade?
A) Saladin
B) Urban II
C) Richard the Lionhearted
D) Jesus
28. Which European city became the earliest Atlantic trading center?
a. Italy
b. Flanders
c. Venice
d. Rome
29. Many merchants traveled to these European cities and settle into towns called ____________________.
a. burgs
b. suburbs
c. guilds
d. manors
30. Artisans and rich merchants called _____________ controlled the business and trade of towns.
a. burghers
b. suburbans
c. guildians
d. manorialism
31. To whom did the nobles fear losing their power?
a. Kings
b. Bishops
c. Vassals
d. Merchants
32. In the 1100s, many new towns emerged. In these towns, who became responsible for organization, and
setting wages, prices, and working conditions?
a. burgs
b. suburbs
c. guilds
d. manors
33. As a result of towns gradually replacing manors as the way of life, who began gaining more power as the
people looked to them for direction.
a. Kings
b. Bishops
c. Vassals
d. Popes
34. The growth of towns permanently ended the way of life known as ___________.
a. feudalism
b. capitalism
c. caste system
d. Hinduism
35. Who conquered the Germanic tribes in England and made it a unified country?
e. William the Conqueror
f. King John
g. Joan of Arc
h. George Bush
27. The Crusades had the following affects on Europe EXCEPT
A) Unification of the Roman Catholic Church
B) helped break down the system of feudalism
C) encouraged the growth of trade & towns in western Europe
D) weakened the power of the church
36. After the Crusades which major city(ies) developed in western Europe.
E) Flanders
F) Venice
G) Rome
H) Both A & B
37. These cities developed a very successful _________________ system.
A) banking
B) government
C) trading
D) all the above
38. Which European power took power, in the Mediterranean, away from the Muslims?
a. England
b. Carthage
c. Italy
d. Greece
39. In 1215, nobles forced King John to sign the _____________ limiting the king’s judicial & taxing powers.
a. Declaration of Independence
b. Constitution
c. Bill of Rights
d. Magna Carta
40. Which French monarch united France?
e. Hastings
f. Waldorfs
g. Capetain
h. Parliament
41. What body of English government is most similar to the US Congress?
a. the monarch
b. Parliament
c. The Supreme Court
d. The Prime Minister
42. What two country’s fought in the 100 Years’ War?
e. US & Russia
f. China & India
g. England & France
h. Rome & Carthage
43. Who was the French hero of the 100 Years’ War?
a. El Capetain
b. Joan of Arc
c. Louis XIV
d. Napoleon Bonaparte
44. Anglo-Saxon England was conquered in 1066 by
a. Charlemagne
b. Attila the Hun
c. Charles Martel
d. Duke William of Normandy
45. A monarchy is a government led by
A) a king or Queen
B) an Emperor
C) a President
D) legislative body
46. Why did the power of the Monarchs increase around the 1100s?
A) Many nobles died during the Crusades, decreasing opposition to the kings
B) The revival of towns and trade
C) Townspeople supported monarchs who could promote & protect trade
D) All of the above
47. Why did the power of the Monarchs increase around the 1100s?
A) The king used tax revenue to pay for a permanent army
B) The invention of gunpowder allowed the king to put down rebellious nobles
C) The Protestant Reformation weakened Church authority
D) All of the above
48. Who invaded England in 1066 and established a monarchy?
A) Charlemagne
B) Joan of Arc
C) Duke William of Normandy
D) Martin Luther
49. How did Duke William unite the English manors?
A) create royal courts
B) control foreign affairs
C) enforce laws
D) all of the above
50. The Magna Cart of 1215 was very significant because
A) it forced the King to abide by the same laws as his people
B) created a legislative body of the people
C) developed a system of justice based on courts
D) all of the above
51. England’s representative body is called
A) Congress
B) Parliament
C) fiefs
D) the 95 Thesis
52. The Hundred Years’ War was fought between ______ & _______ over the right to the French throne.
Spain, Portugal
Germany, Italy
England, France
Christians, Muslims
53. Who was the person that inspired the French in their fight against the English?
F) Joan of Arc
G) Duke William of Normandy
H) Martin Luther
54. Who united Spain under a Catholic Monarchy?
A) King Ferdinand
B) Queen Isabella
C) Otto I
D) Both A & B
For questions 55-58, refer to the map: Europe.
55. The Renaissance began in Italy. At which map location is Italy? Type the number.
56. Philip II created a highly centralized state in Spain. At which map location is Spain?
Type the number.
57. Which letter represents England on the map?
58. Which letter represents the country that the Capetain Dynasty ruled over?
59. Which letter represents the Mediterranean Sea?
60. This term comes from the French word meaning “rebirth” and it refers to the time period in
European history when there was a renewed interest in the cultures of Greece & Rome.
e. Renaissance
f. Reformation
g. capitalism
h. humanism
61. The economical principle in which the economy is based on money rather than land.
e. Renaissance
f. Reformation
g. capitalism
h. humanism
62. The two leading Renaissance men were
A) Michelangelo & Copernicus
B) Michelangelo & da Vinci
C) da Vinci & Shakespeare
D) Gutenberg & Shakespeare
63. Which of the following countries did not experience the Renaissance
A) England
B) Spain
C) United States
D) France
64. Who was the popular playwright that heavily influenced the Renaissance in England?
A) Shakespeare
B) Michelangelo
C) Gutenberg
D) da Vinci
65. Whose invention of the printing press greatly increased the literacy rate throughout Western
A) Shakespeare
B) Michelangelo
C) Gutenberg
D) da Vinci
66. Martin Luther became the 1st person to challenge the authority of the Catholic Church when he
nailed his ____________ Theses to the Church’s door.
a. 100
b. 95
c. 90
d. 85
67. In what European country did the Renaissance first begin?
a. England
b. France
c. China
d. Italy
68. During this period, a person with many talents is usually described as a
e. capitalist
f. Renaissance man
g. heretic
h. traitor
69. Why did the Renaissance 1st begin in Italy?
a. their location allowed them to trade with Asia & the Middle East
b. the Medici Family made it the center of capitalism
c. Italy had once been the center of the Roman Empire
d. All of the above
70. Vernacular refers to a person’s
a. culture
b. style of dress
c. native tongue
d. religious preference
71. The term "Renaissance" refers to a
a. revolution against royal authority
b. repression of dissent
c. rebirth of learning
d. reformation of religion
72. By the early 1500s, many people began to question the authority of the _________________
church. Many people said they had become corrupt and greedy.
a. Roman Catholic
b. Greek Orthodox
c. Protestant
d. Lutheran
73. The movement against the Roman Catholic Church became known as _________________
a. Catholic
b. Counter
c. Protestant
d. Both A & B
74. What group attempted to reform the Catholic Church?
a. Catholic Reformation
b. Counter Reformation
c. Council of Trent
d. All the above
75. Who started the Anglican Church in England?
a. the Pope
b. Henry VIII
c. Elizabeth I
d. Martin Luther
76. What document allowed for both Catholics and Huguenots to worship freely in France?
a. Peace of Augsburg
b. Edict of Nantes
c. Council of Trent
d. 95 Theses
77. The reform movement of the Catholic Church was known as the
a. Catholic Reformation
b. Counter Reformation
c. Protestant Reformation
d. Both A & B
78. The Thirty Years’ war was mostly a(n) _________________ war.
a. economic
b. territorial
c. religious
d. political
79. The Catholic Church was criticized heavily for the selling of ___________________.
a. sin forgiveness
b. indulgences
c. crosses
d. both A & B
80. The peace settlement between Lutherans & Catholics was called the
a. Peace of Augsburg
b. Edict of Nantes
c. Age of Exploration
d. 95 Theses