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Psyc 2301
Human Development
Exam 3 Review
Prof. Hutchinson
Regarding early memory, why do people have difficulty remembering prior to age 3?
What is the argument about nature vs. nurture? Specifically define nature and nurture in context to development
Define zygote (aka “germinal period”), embryo/embryonic period, and fetus/fetal period
What is a schema?
Describe the sensorimotor stage. What is object permanence?
Identify the three qualities of the preoperational stage
Describe the concrete operational stage
Describe the formal operational stage. Define abstract thinking.
What are the 4 main symptom categories within Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Describe each of Erik Erikson’s 8 stages of socioemotional development
Define attachment. Describe the 4 attachment styles. Define imprinting
Define temperament. Describe the 3 temperament styles.
Describe the main idea of each of Kohlberg’s 6 stages of moral development
Describe the 4 parenting styles: Authoritative, Authoritarian, Indulgent, and Neglectful
Explain James Marcia’s 4 areas of Socioemotional Development during adolescence
Emotion & Motivation
Describe the main idea of each theory of Motivation:
Instinct theory
Drive reduction theory, what is the goal of the drive reduction theory
The inverted U function, what is optimal level of arousal to produce optimal performance
Cognitive approach to motivation- explain the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation
Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs- explain the concept of the theory and identify the order of needs from
most basic on up
Define set point
Anorexia Nervosa: What are the 4 criteria for the diagnosis? What are the two types of anorexia (describe both types)?
Who is at risk for anorexia nervosa?
Bulimia Nervosa: What are the 4 criteria for the diagnosis? What are the two types of bulimia (describe both types)?
Who is at risk for bulimia nervosa?
Psyc 2301
Emotion & Motivation Continued
Exam 3 Review
Prof. Hutchinson
What are the health risks of bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa?
What is the main difference(s) between anorexia and bulimia nervosa?
Describe the 4 phases of the Human Sexual Response Pattern. What is the refractory period? Define and describe
Define the four part process of emotion. Identify the 7 universally recognized emotions
What are physical observations thought to detect deception?
Describe the purpose and abilities of a polygraph test. Identify the 3 criticisms of polygraph testing
Define the facial feedback hypothesis
Define display rules
Stress & Health
Define stress and stressor. What is the difference between the two concepts?
Define acute stress, chronic stress, and burnout
Explain the concept of fight or flight
Identify and describe the 3 stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome
Identify the 6 categories of symptoms for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and provide examples for the categories that
have examples identified
Identify and describe the two personality factors that are related to higher and lower levels of stress
Identify and describe the three environmental factors that are related to stress
Define resilience. Define catharsis.
Identify appropriate stress coping strategies
Psyc 2301
Social Psychology
Exam 3 Review
Prof. Hutchinson
Describe the main ideas of the Stanley Milgrim study. What did it intend to do? What are the details of the study? What
were the consequences of the study?
Describe the main ideas of the Stanford Prison study. What did it intend to do? What are the details of the study? What
were the consequences of the study?
Identify the 5 explanations for why we obey authority
What is the Asch effect? Define conformity. Define group think
What is the bystander effect? What is the diffusion of responsibility?
Define the fundamental attribution theory. Define self serving bias. What is the difference between the two concepts?
Define prejudice and discrimination and explain the difference between the two
Explain Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love. Describe each of the three components and identify different variations