Download The Universe Study Guide 1. When hydrogen fuses into , stars

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The Universe Study Guide
1. When hydrogen fuses into ____________________, stars produce energy (oxygen, helium)
2. One day well into the future, the sun will become a _________________________ (black hole, white
3. The makeup of a star can be identified by the _____________________ in its spectrum. (lines, spirals)
4. Quasars are thought to be the centers of distant ______________________. (galaxies, nebulas)
5. Most of the stars in the universe are in the ___________________ of their existence. (infancy, midlife)
6. Stars have the ability to produce their own _______________________. (children, light)
7. __________________ is how a star generates energy. (Fusion, Fission)
8. Astronomers group galaxies by their ____________________. (color, shape)
9. What is interstellar matter made of? (rocks and minerals, gas and dust)
10. ____________________ are bound together by gravity, and these make up a galaxy. (Stars,
11. ______________________ are so compressed and massive that even when light enters, it can’t
escape. (Red giants, Black holes)
12. The sun’s surface temperature, which is related to its peak wavelength, is near the color
_____________________. (red, yellow)
13. Which color represents the hottest color among stars? (red, blue)
14. A star’s surface temperature is estimated based on its ____________________. (size, color)
15. Light years are a measurement of _________________________. (time, distance)
16. The Milky Way galaxy is what type of galaxy? (spiral, elliptical)
17. Why do elliptical galaxies appear red in color? (they have red rocks, they have many old stars)
18. The _______________________ is the closest star to Earth. (Jupiter, sun)
19. When gas and dust collapse (inward, outward), a star is born.
20. Cosmic background radiation supported the ____________________ theory. (big band, big bang)
21. A star’s color is an indicator of its ___________________________. (size, temperature)
22. The most common elements among stars are ___________________ and hydrogen. (oxygen,
23. Because of _____________________, the sun does not collapse under the force of its own gravity.
(fusion, fission)
24. We call all of the gas and dust found between the stars ____________________ matter.
(extrastellar, interstellar)
25. Eventually, most stars become _________________________. (white dwarfs, red giants)
26. Our galaxy is called the ______________________. (Mars, Milky Way)
27. The universe is made up of mostly ________________________. (stars, empty space)
28. Which galaxy lacks a well-defined structure? ___________________ (elliptical, irregular)
29. Which galaxy is spherical? __________________________ (elliptical, irregular)
30. Which galaxy is surrounded by arms? ______________________ (spiral, elliptical)
31. The ____________________ effect is an observed change in the frequency of a wave when the
source or the observer is moving. (domino, Doppler)
32. The _____________________ is the sum of all space, matter, and energy. (earth, universe)
33. The ______________________ theory says that all matter and energy in the universe exploded and
expanded ten to twenty billion years ago. (relativity, big bang)