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Chapter 7: Imperialism
The United States Become a World Power
1. Imperialism
2. Anglo-Saxonism
3. Modern navy
4. Queen Lililuokalani
5. Hearst and Pulitzer
6. Jingoism
7. Foraker Act
8. Sphere of influence
9. Organization of American States
10. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
11. Monroe Doctrine
12. Isolationism
13. Treaty of Paris, 1898
Alfred T. Mahan
Matthew C. Perry
Pan-American Conference
Yellow journalism
Platt Amendment
Open Door policy
Roosevelt Corollary
Dollar diplomacy
Spanish-American War
Foreign Policy
Chapter 7 Reading assignments:
10/28: 262-264 Building Support for Imperialism & American Expansion in the Pacific
Mon. 10/31: 265-267 American Expansion in the Pacific & Diplomacy In Latin America Thur.
Tues. 11/01: 268-271 The Coming of War
Wednesday Nov. 2 will be an all school testing day. Please ensure you are in the correct classroom
11/02: 271-275 A War on Two Fronts & An American Empire
11/03: 276-278 American Diplomacy in Asia
11/04: 278-282 Roosevelt’s Diplomacy
11/07: Review for exam tomorrow
11/07: Unit 5 Exam – Chapter 7 Imperialism
We will also have geographical labeling on this exam so save the maps I give in class!
Section 7.1: The Imperial Vision
Why did the United States seek to become an imperialist power?
1. What were the three factors that motivated U.S. imperialism?
2. How does your book define imperialism?
3. What economic motives did the U.S. have for imperialism (what did the U.S. need from
other nations)? Explain what "Anglo-Saxonism" means and what role this played in U.S.
4. How does Social Darwinism and Manifest Destiny factor in?
5. What did Alfred Thayer Mahan believe was the key to becoming a successful imperial
6. Who supported his ideas regarding a navy?
7. What are American interests in Japan?
8. What was Japan’s response to US navy?
9. Who dominated Hawaii's economy?
10. What did Queen Liliuokalani do that made the U.S. want to overthrow her?
11. What happened to Hawaii?
12. What did Americans want to do in Latin America?
13. What two things did James Blaine want out of the Pan-Americanism conference?
Other sections on the backside.
Section 7.2: The Spanish-American War
Was sympathy for the Cuban people or economic expansion the major reason why the US declared
war on Spain?
1. What imperial power controlled Cuba in the 1880s?
2. Who was Jose Marti and what did he do?
3. What interests did the US have in Cuba?
4. Who were William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer? What did they want?
5. What is yellow journalism?
6. Who was the “Butcher” and what did he do?
7. How was the USS Maine used to promote the idea of war with Spain?
8. Why did the US attack the Philippines?
9. Who was Emilio Aguinaldo? What side was he on?
10. Who were the “Rough Riders”? What did they do? Who led them?
11. How long did the Spanish-American War last?
12. Who disagreed with the annexation of the Philippines? Why?
13. What was the Platt Amendment?
14. What was the Foraker Act?
15. How did the Filipinos react to American annexation?
Section 7.3: New American Diplomacy
Why did the US use diplomacy to achieve its economic objectives in Asia?
1. What was the main reason for American interest in Asia?
2. What did Secretary of State John Hay’s Open Door Notes say? Who were they sent to?
3. Why did the “Boxers” rebel in China? What were they angry about?
4. How did Theodore Roosevelt become President in 1901?
5. What two nations did Roosevelt negotiate a peace settlement between in 1905?
6. What were the two proposed sites for a canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans?
7. The U.S. Congress tried to make a deal with Columbia to get some of its land to build the canal.
When no deal was reached, what did the U.S. help to organize?
8. What did the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine say the U.S. had the right to do?
9. What effect did Dollar diplomacy have on Latin America?
Exam Tuesday November 8th