Download Earth`s 3 Layers 2 Types of Crust 2 Mantle Regions 2 Core Regions

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Part 4: Theory of Plate Tectonics
Earth’s 3 Layers
2 Types of Crust
2 Mantle Regions
2 Core Regions
Convergent Picture
Divergent Picture
Transform Picture
What happens to the Plates?
What happens to the Plates?
What happens to the Plates?
Picture of Convergent
Picture of Convergent
Picture of Convergent
Example on Earth:
Example on Earth:
Example on Earth:
Picture of Divergent
Oceanic Plates
Picture of Divergent
Continental Plates
Picture of Transform
Example on Earth:
Example on Earth:
Example on Earth:
Plate Boundaries
Describe the following features in a few sentences. Identify which feature belongs to which boundary. Use
pages 258-264 in your textbook to help you.
Continental rift: _________________________ boundary
Continental volcanic arc: _________________________ boundary
Ocean trenches: _________________________ boundary
Ocean ridge/Rift valley: _________________________ boundary
Volcanic island arc: _________________________ boundary
Use the following terms to fill in the blank: convergent, divergent, transform fault
Crust is not created or destroyed ___________________________________
Crust is created _________________________________________________
Crust is destroyed _______________________________________________
Using what you know about plate boundaries, explain the tectonic movement that is occurring at the East African Rift
Valley, and predict how the area may change in the future.
Why are subduction zones not commonly found at convergent continental-continental boundaries?
Explain why divergent plate boundaries are also called constructive plate margins.
Label A-G in Figure 9-1.
What type of plate boundary is illustrated in Figure 9-1?
Evidence of Plate Tectonics
Fill in the chart for the evidence of plate tectonics below (pages 265-268).
Earthquake Patterns
Ocean Drilling
Hot Spots
How does the pattern of earthquake foci support the theory of plate tectonics?
Causes of Plate Motion
Use pages269-270 to help you answer the following questions.
1. The main source of downward convection flow in the mantle is called ____.
a. ridge-pull
c. slab-push
b. slab-pull
d. ridge-push
2. The downward sliding characteristic of ridge-push is the result of ____.
a. gravity
c. paleomagnetism
b. uneven heat distribution
d. continental rifting
3. The thermal convection that drives plate motion is caused by ____.
a. seafloor spreading
c. gravity
b. an unequal distribution of heat
d. subduction
4. According to whole-mantle convection, ____.
a. small amounts of material from the lower mantle move upward to the surface
b. slabs of cold oceanic lithosphere move down and into the lower mantle
c. large chunks of continental crust are pulled down into the lower mantle
d. material from the inner core rises into the mantle to form super hot plumes