Download PPG minutes 20th March 2017

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Minutes of the Patient Participation Group (PPG) meeting held at Parkside Group
Practice on Monday 20th March 2017
Kanagasabai Balachandran (Chair)
Diana Andrews
David Astill
Eric Clark
Patricia Jenkins
Alan Wiltshire
Julian Marcus
Lesley Page
Andrew Mantle
Kirsten Flett-Wood
Michelle Gavin
Dr R Muhundan
Becky Cook
Lynn Lucas
Welcome & Apologies
Minutes of last meeting and matters arising
Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 16th January were agreed.
Becky welcomed Patricia Jenkins to the PPG and introductions were made.
Outstanding actions points from last meeting:
DNA (Did not attend) figures: Since the last meeting Becky ran DNA figures for
December. 6516 GP appointments were booked and out of these 149 DNA (2.29%).
Nurses were slightly higher with 1203 booked and 69 DNA (5.73%). These are
higher because some nurse appointments need either 10,15 or 30 minutes if the
patient is coming for a dressing, or a COPD/CHD appointment. If a patient does
DNA a nurse appointment this does not get blocked the nurse will either get ready for
the next appointment or do paperwork. A discussion took place within the group how
best to inform the patient about DNA figures. Becky showed the group a poster she
had obtained from another practice which illustrated DNA figures and costs. The
poster was full of information which could put patients off reading. Unfortunately
practices are unable to impose a penalty to patients if they do not turn up for their
appointment. It is a very difficult issue to manage. Becky will look into putting
notices up in the practice with just DNA figures. She will also speak to MJOG the
company that sends out text reminders to see if they can increase the text reminders
and also if they can send a message to the patient if they DNA reminding them that
they have wasted an appointment.
Vitamin D: Croydon CCG have announced the prescribing of certain drugs will be
changing the group affected is Vitamin D, Infant Milk, Gluten free products, self-care
medication. The CCG will be putting together leaflets reflecting these changes and
these will be sent out to the patients affected informing them where you will be able
to buy these medications. GPs will be able to prescribe the initial/loading dose
(20,000 units) but when this drops to the maintenance dose the patient will have to
buy these over the counter. A discussion took place within the group regarding
Vitamin D. Studies show that most people are insufficient of Vitamin D and people
need to be encouraged to take supplements as it is impossible to screen every single
CCG decision on prescribing proposals: Becky touched on NHS Croydon CCG’s
Governing Body regarding the funding of IVF only for those patients with exceptional
circumstances. This decision follows a formal consultation into the proposals which
concluded on 1st March.
Eric informed the group that he had attended a Patient and Public Forum
Transforming care for a healthier future held by the CCG in March. There is a £30
million “black hole”. The referral pathways that GPs follow will be changing with
tighter criteria for the patient to fulfil in order to be referred. This is all to try and
reduce the deficit.
A discussion took place within the group regarding CCG funding/deficit. Originally
when the PCT was the main body and allocated funding they were not allocated
enough and this deficit was not written off when the CCG came into place. Becky
explained the practice does not get paid for every patient registered at the practice
only for certain patient groups – using the Cahill formula.
Prescribing areas that are to be stopped are Vitamin D, Gluten free products,
specialist baby milks and self-care medication. Letters will go out to those patients
affected explaining where they can buy alternative products. The CCG is hoping to
educate people so they can buy cheaper over the counter medication.
Marcus asked whether the PPG should help this patient group by producing a
factsheet and advice on where to buy these medications. Becky explained that the
CCG had already produced a leaflet with this information.
CQC Inspection
The Practice has now had the final report back from the recent CQC inspection in November
which is available to read via the website. This was a very positive report receiving Good in
each category. The group enquired if there were any indications within the report on how to
achieve “outstanding”. Becky explained that there were no indications but an area that the
practice need to work on is the carers register. All PPG members conveyed their
congratulations to the practice on the very positive outcome and all the hard work the
practice had put in to achieve this result.
Review of recent patient feedback/complaints
Feedback from NHS Choices/ I Want Great Care was read out. The practice has received
two positive comments from NHS Choices regarding the practice and that the doctors are
very caring. The practice has received three positive comments regarding individual doctors
on I Want Great Care.
The practice had received one negative comment on I Want Great Care regarding an
appointment that was cancelled. Unfortunately Becky is unable to take this further as the
patient did not leave a name. She will acknowledge the complaint via I Want Great Care.
Bala attended a Public Engagement – Listening into Action forum. This was about
improving care for patients. There were discussions about hospital food and
improving nutrition and choice of food. Patients may be able to have these meals in
the canteen. CUH have 500 volunteers, which they would like to increase. From 1st
April 2017 Croydon residents will have access to a wide range of urgent care
services including booked appointments with a GP. There will be three new GP hubs
replacing the Walk in Centre at Edridge Road. These will be based at Purley War
Memorial Hospital, Parkway Health Centre and East Croydon Medical Centre. These
will be open 8am – 8pm 365 days a week. Patients need to phone NHS 111 before
attending and wait to be offered an appointment.
Alan – Shared information with group regarding the fact that medication prescribed
by the hospital for him is delivered directly to his home. The leaflet advises that by
being delivered in the Community rather than dispensed at the hospital the NHS is
saving money, as VAT is not paid. Alan to provide information to Becky. Becky to
share with CCG Prescribing Team.
GP appointments. The group discussed GP appointments and it was difficult to get
an appointment with their preferred doctor. Becky explained that some appointments
are embargoed and are released daily. There are always urgent appointments
available every day.
System 1 – David Astill asked if the practice had seen the recent article in the
Telegraph regarding System 1 and whether this was a system the practice used as it
has come to light that this system has no security in place and is easily accessible.
Becky informed the group that the practice uses a system called EMIS. The hospital
can only see patient demographics i.e. name, date of birth, address, medications and
the hospital would not have access to any other part of the patient’s records.
Capped List - Becky informed the group that the practice was today accepting new
patients provided they adhered to the practice registration policy.
Meeting closed at 2.10pm
Date of next meeting: Monday 19th June 2017