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UNIT 7 Becoming a World Power
Chapter 19 Becoming an Imperialist _________________________
Teddy _________________________ led thousands of American soldiers up San
Juan Hill in ________________ in the year 1898.
Roosevelt put together a unit of _________________________ fighting men
a) Whites
b) _______________________
c) Indians (___________________________________)
This unit was called the _____________________ Riders.
What does this say about Teddy Roosevelt?
Becoming an ____________________________________ Nation
- By the end of this chapter you will know
o How Alaska became part of the U.S.
o How the U.S. gained control of Hawaii and other Pacific Islands
o Why the U.S. went to war with Spain
Key Words
- colonialism
During the mid 1800’s European Nations were gaining ______________________
all over the world
- _______________
- ________________
- new territories were known as ____________________
- colonialism
o steady source of _______________________
o raw materials
 gold
* wool
 silver
* oil
 iron
* coal
 copper
 lumber
 other minerals
U.S. before the Civil War
- favored a policy of _________________________
- wanted to keep the U.S. ________________ of affairs of others
- minded our own ______________________
After the Civil War
- some Americans want the US to become a world ___________________
- 1867, Russia offers to ________________ Alaska to US for $7.2 million
- Seward convinces Congress to _________________it (Seward’s Ice Box)
o ____________ 1896
o fish
o lumber
o coal
o ___________
Americans Want Pacific Islands
- transition from sailing to ships to steams
- need for refueling (__________________) stations
- Midway Islands ________________________ (taken over) in 1867
- ____________________used by many countries as a port
o many _____________________________ from America
o sugar cane _________________________
o American__________________________ economy of Hawaii
o 1887 set up naval base at ________ Harbor
o 1893 Americans lead _______________ against Hawaiian
o 1894 declare a ____________________
o 1898 convince Congress to ____________________ and make them
part of the U.S.
pg 153 Looking Back
1.) How did colonialisms add to the wealth of European nations?
2.) Explain the policy of isolationism
3.) How did the purchase of Alaska add to the wealth of the United States?
4.) How did the United States gain control of Hawaii?
Trouble in Cuba
In 1892 Grover Cleveland becomes president for a ____________________ time
- overseas ____________________ increases
- great interest in ________________
- 1895 Cubans ___________________________
Americans ____________________________ the Cuban Revolution
- Spanish governor _______________________ in suppression of the revolt
- thousands _______________________
- many put in _____________________________ camps where they starve
- many _____________________________ support the Cuban Revolution
- ________________________________ over the stories of Spanish cruelty
- many want war against Spain, but Cleveland preaches policy of
____________________________ (U.S. should stay out of Spain and
Cuba’s fight)
Yellow Journalism: making up or _______________________stories so people buy
your newspapers.
Newspapers Stir up Talk of War
- New York World and New York Journal
o print ________________________ stories
 Spanish ___________________________ of Cubans
 women and children fed to _______________________
 __________________________ away in ox carts
 many ___________________________ stories are true
 more ______________________ for war against Spain
Looking Back pg 154
1.) Why did American support Cuba in its fight for independence?
2.) What is yellow journalism? How did cause people to want to go to war
against Spain?
3.) Do you think magazines today practice yellow journalism? Why do you
think that?
The Spanish American War
- __________________ elected president, also wants to be neutral
- in 1898, many Americans _____________________ in Havana
- battleship ______________________ sent there to protect them
- ship _________________________ up, fury for war in the U.S.
- April, 1898 US declares _________________________ on Spain
Victory in the Philippines
- American attack Spanish Fleet in _________________________ Bay
- _________________ revolt against Spain
- entire Spanish fleet ________________________
- Americans ________________ Wake Island, Guam
- capture Manila in August and rest of __________________________
Victory in Cuba
- June, 1898, _________________ troops land in Cuba
- take Santiago, and ____________________ Spanish fleet
- take Puerto Rico
- War over in August after ____________ months
Peace Treaty
- Cuba, ________________________
- U.S. gets
o Guam
o ___________________
o ___________________
o U.S. now a world ______________________
Some Americans speak out against war and _____________________
- said it’s a b_______________________ of American beliefs
o Mark ________________________, Andrew Carnegie, against the
Looking back page 155
1.) How did the explosion of the battleship Main lead to war against Spain in
2.) Why were the peoplo9 of the Philippines fight against Spain in 1898?
3.) What did the United States gain form the Spanish-American War?
Governing America’s New Empire
- Guam put under the _________________________ control (very few
- Philippines and Puerto Rico made ____________________________
o McKinley says they’re_________________ ready for self
o too ___________________________ under Spain to know what to
o many Americans said they should be new _____________________
 fits with our ___________________________
Filipinos __________________________ U.S. Control
- they rebel against U.S.
- 200,000 Filipinos _______________________; 4,000 Americans
- US Governor put in charge
o roads, schools, built
o 1916 ______________________ legislature
o 1946 granted _________________________
Governing Puerto Rico
- no ______________________ to U.S.
- 1917 made ___________________
- elected ________________________
- 1952 a _____________________________
o self-governing, but not __________________________________
o ________________________ by the U.S.
Looking back pg 156
1.) How did Americans disagree about governing the Philippines?
2.) Why did the Filipinos fight against the United States in 1899?
3.) How did the Philippines become an independent nation?
4.) What is Puerto Rico’s relationship with the United States today?