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November 10, 2009
Space is a wondrous, vast place filled with planets of
year on Jupiter is 12 Earth years. Jupiter rotates so fast that
many sizes. There are solar systems which are a group of
one day on Jupiter is only about 10 hours. Jupiter is known
planets that orbit one huge sun. Our solar system has eight
as a Gas Giant because it is almost completely made of gas
planets that orbit the sun. We have Mercury, Venus, Earth,
but it also has some liquid. Unlike the surface of Jupiter,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all in orbit around
Jupiter’s core is mostly made of rock and ice. Jupiter’s
the sun. Pluto used to be a planet but in 2006 scientists
atmosphere is made of hydrogen and helium.
These planets are alike because Jupiter has four faint
Type to enter text declared that it was not a planet
because it was too small.
Uranus is made completely of gas, it is known as a Gas
rings and Uranus is known for its 11 rings. Both of their cores
are mostly rocky. Also, they are both outer planets making
Giant. Uranus is the third largest planet, 63 Earths could fit
them Gas Giants. Uranus and Jupiter both have over two
inside. Uranus has 27 moons, some of them are as big as
dozen moons! They are both over five times colder than the
Earth! It is the seventh planet from the sun, making it’s
Earths average temperature of 59° F. They both can go
surface only -319 °F. One day on Uranus is only 17 hours
under -350°F.
Uranus and Jupiter are different because Uranus is the
because it rotates really fast. One year is 84 Earth years
because it takes a long time to go around the sun. Uranus
seventh planet from the sun and Jupiter is only the fifth
has 42 years of night time on one half and the other half has
planet, it looks like it was once hit by a really big comet and
42 years of day time, then they switch. The surface of Uranus
tipped over. Uranus is the 2nd smallest outer planet. Jupiter
is mostly gas and slushy liquid. The atmosphere is made up
is different from Uranus because it is the 5th planet the
of hydrogen, helium and methane gas. Methane gas is the
closest outer planet to the sun. Jupiter is the biggest planet
same gas that comes from cows they could someday
in the solar system. Jupiter has a big storm twice as big as
destroy our atmosphere, since this gas eats ozone.
Earth called “The Red Spot”.
These amazing planets are beyond most planets in the
Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system! Jupiter
weighs more than all the other planets combined! It is so big
solar system. But who knows? There could be life on these
over 1,300 Earths can fit inside. Jupiter has 63 moons and
amazing planet. And from the sun to Pluto this is the most
some of them are bigger than the Earth. It has four faint
amazing solar system ever. And some day there might be a
rings. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun, making the top
place to visit all over the universe.
of the clouds only -236° F. It is so far from the sun that one