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Physico–chemical and physiological studies of biological giant
molecules with metal ions.
Amino acids and its derivatives are fascinating valuable agents with
many medicinal biological and industrial indications.
So, investigations on the chemistry of such metals chelates of mixed
amino-acids and
L-Lysine monohydrochloride, physico-chemical
and physiological studies, biological importance, medicinal uses will
form the subject matter for this presentation. Interaction between LLysine monohydrochloride and glutamic acid with metal ions, Pb(11),
As(11), Cd(11), Hg(11) & Cr(111) chelates. All the chelates have been
isolated and their formulae determined on the basis of chemical
analysis. The I.R. data molecular and molar conductance have been
used to assign to the chelates. pH-metery, spectrophotometery and Xray studies have been carried out for those new chelates. Chelates of
ligands and metal ions are synthisised and study of erythrocytes and
homogenate of rats brain, kidney, Lungs Liver and muscle tissue were
carried out. Complexes have been tested for their effect on biochemical parameters, viz enzyme activity, level of bioconstituents
properties. The screening for hypoglycemic activity has been carried
out in mice, chromium chelates formed by these ligands are useful in
curing diabetes in mice, 25 to 30% fall in blood sugar has been
reported. Chelating agents have been used as antidotes against metal
poisonings, snake bites and various drugs to some extent. These
Chelates can remove any toxic metal from the body.
Hence we are keen to have tests on human & like system.