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Digestive Review
Find someone who knows the following information. Write his/her name in the blank.
Only use each name 3 times. You may use your own name also.
1. The medical term for the folds in the lining of the stomach.
2. The term for the protrusion of the stomach through the diaphragm.
3. The medical term for digestive system.
4. The study of disorders of the stomach and intestine.
5. The medical term for chewing.
6. The medical term for taste buds.
7. The medical term for bad breath.
8. The name of the structure that closes off the trachea during swallowing.
9. The pigment produced by the destruction of hemoglobin.
10. The medical term for a surgically created opening into the colon.
11. The organ that manufactures bile.
12. The 3 parts of the small intestine in order.
13. The definition of a volvulus.
14. The order of digestive system structures that food travels through as it progresses
down the digestive tract.
15. The definition of dysphagia.
16. The definition of jaundice.
17. The term for a bacterial infection of the intestines that causes paralysis and often
18. The term that means return of food to the mouth.
19. The term for a surgical connection between two hollow tubes.
20. The definition of a sigmiodscopy.
21. The condition in which there is a persistent eating of non-nutritional substances.
22. The medical term for one or more inflamed diverticulum.
23. The definition of cleft palate.
24. The term for the surgical removal of the gallbladder.
25. The definition of pyrosis.
26. The definition of a hemacult test.
27. The medical term for swollen and enlarged veins in the esophagus.
28. The definition of hepatomegaly.
29. The term for vomiting blood.
30. The definition of cholelithiasis.
31. The definition of intussusception.
32. The term for temporary stoppage of intestinal peristalsis.