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Ovarian cancer, Uterine cancer
Curing Progressive, Malignant Stage – Three Ovarian Cancer
Fucoidan significantly reduced the side effects of anticancer drugs.
[Mayu Umemoto, Company employee, female, 28 years old, Kokubunnji City, Tokyo,
About two years ago, I had the symptoms of cancer. I had the sensation of bloating in my
abdomen. After meals or snacks over drinks, I would feel as if my abdomen was stuffed, even
though I didn’t eat much. About a year ago, I suddenly experienced strong pains in my abdomen,
and the pain was so severe that I couldn’t keep standing. I went to a hospital, where a series of
tests such as ultrasound and CT scan revealed that I had ovarian cancer. It was in the third stage.
“The tumor has spread throughout the entire ovary, uterus, kidney and intestines. Fairly large
areas of your organs are affected. It is a progressive cancer metastasizing throughout the entire
abdomen. We recommend you take anticancer drugs to reduce the lesions and then have them
taken out”, the doctor said. When he said he didn’t know how I could have endured this far, I
burst into tears. The doctor said the recovery rate was around fifty percent, and that I shouldn’t
worry. However, that statistic meant one in two patients would die, and even if I was lucky
enough to survive I would lose my ovary. It was too cruel for a woman. However, I had no other
option. I was admitted to the hospital right away to start chemotherapy. They gave me
intravenous drips of a cocktail combining two anticancer drugs called carboplatin and
cyclophosmide. After completing the first cycle, I was to have three weeks off, then receive
another cycle of drug therapy for a total of six cycles.
As soon as I began my chemotherapy, the side effects hit me hard. First, I had terrible nausea.
Gastric juices flowed back from my empty stomach. It was very painful. My hair also began
falling out. I guess it was also a side effect of these drugs that my toes turned white and felt cold.
I couldn’t endure the pain anymore. The doctor explained to me that strong anticancer drugs were
necessary to kill the cancer cells, but they could also damage the hematopoietic cells in the bone
marrow and decrease while blood cells and platelets, therapy lowering one’s immunity to
infections. A week after completing the first round of drug therapy, my colleagues visited me. I
was still reeling from the terrible side effects, so I didn’t want to meet them. But how could I say,
“No”? I was relieved that at least there were no male colleagues, who must have felt
uncomfortable visiting a gynecological department. During their visit, one of them handed me
fucoidan. She said that her mother had taken it when she was suffering ovarian cancer, and that it
reduced the side effects of anticancer drugs.
After listening to her explanation, I was ready to take fucoidan myself. I was determined to win
this battle. I took 20 capsules a day: five each in the morning and afternoon, and then 10 before
going to bed. I didn’t know the specific benefits of fucoidan, so I asked my brother to study it on
the internet when he visited me the following day. Overnight he collected an impressive amount
of information. I learned that the slimy constituent of mozuku and mekabu was believed to cause
cancer cells to self-destruct, and that it also enhanced the immune system to indirectly attack
cancer cells. Within a week the side effects suddenly diminished, and my pains began to subside.
I suspected that these positive changes were just in my head, but once I began the second cycle of
drug treatment I found there were almost no side effects. The doctor had told me that he would
use the same cocktail, but I didn’t suffer at all. My swollen face returned to normal, and the color
returned to my complexion. I was also cleaning up the plates at each meal. I came to believe this
was all due to fucoidan. The second and third cycles of my drug therapy ended, and the
examination result arrived. According to the doctor, the while blood cell and platelet counts,
which had initially dropped significantly, had returned to normal levels, the cancer was so small
they could perform an ovariectomy on me. The cancer must have shrunk to below 0.8 inch in
size, which is the upper limit for ovariectomy according to the explanation my previous doctor
had given me.
However, I had already made up my mind to continue with my fucoidan therapy without
resorting to surgery, because without my ovary I could no longer have children. The doctor was
supportive. He changed the anticancer drugs to oral drugs and discharged me. So, after six
months of intensive treatment I returned to a normal life. But before returning to work I waited
another two months so that I could regain my physical strength. By that time, the remaining
cancer in my ovary was completely gone. I now weigh over 119 pounds, more than what I had
weighed before I got the cancer. All the clothes I was wearing right before my hospitalization are
now too small for me. I don’t worry about it at all, but my brother often teases me that no one
would want to marry me. I could have died or lost the ability to have children. The many months
I spent at the hospital taught me the importance of being alive, and that being healthy brings more
happiness than a marriage.
Uterine Cancer
Beating Cancer of the Uterine Body Where Hysterectomy Was the Only Choice
Fucoidan guided me to complete health
[Chiyako Matsumoto, Shop clerk, female, 31 years old, Joto-ku Osaka, Japan]
In November of last year, the hospital I went to ran some tests and concluded that I had thirdstage cancer of the uterine body. My periods were irregular, and I had been receiving estrogen
injections at a nearby women’s clinic for three years. This might have had something to do with
the cancer growth. My discharges began giving off a foul smell, and I somethings released blood
from my genitals. It was party my fault, because I could have consulted a doctor sooner.
However, I still couldn’t believe I had cancer. It had already spread to the surrounding lymph
nodes, ovaries and oviduct, so a hysterectomy was necessary. I told my fiancé about my
condition honestly. He looked very shocked at first, but gave me a lot of support. We went to a
library together and studied extensively about the cancer. We learned many things. For example,
third-stage cancer of the uterine body will require radiotherapy or chemotherapy following
hysterectomy. Since these treatments have fairly strong side effects, sometimes the kidney may
become damaged. Only 10 percent of patients will recover completely. We also learned that
uterine body cancer progresses slowly.
However, learning about these facts didn’t make me feel any better. If 10 percent of patients
recover, then ninety percent do not recover. Then, what’s the surgery for? We came to the
conclusion that I should try supplements believed to be effective in curing cancer. We both
agreed that the chances of survival were definitely higher that way. I didn’t tell my parents or
siblings about my cancer. We searched for suitable supplements on the internet, and we found
plenty. However, it was by accident that we came across fucoidan. My fiances, who was born in
Okinawa, was interested in the product because it was made of Okinawa mozuku. Soon after the
package arrived I began taking six capsules at a time, three times a day. I had been working at a
department store on a temporary basis. My contract had just expired, so I decided not to renew it.
The cancer was taking a toll on my body, and I didn’t want to give my employer trouble by
taking sudden leaves of absence. I had some savings and was expecting unemployment benefits,
so I wasn’t worried too much about daily life.
In the third week I began to experience some changes in my body. The bleeding I used to have
nearly every day stopped, and there was no longer a numbing heaviness in my lower abdomen.
By the end of the first month, the foul discharges were gone, too. I still had discharges once in a
while , but they didn’t have a foul odor. Although my body was getting better, I didn’t think my
cancer was gone. Nonetheless, I felt much better mentally, because now I had hope. My fiancé
suggested that I increase the dosage, since things were getting better. So, I began taking eight
capsules at a time. After three months, I had another examination at the hospital. I wanted to
know the progress of my cancer and how long this battle would last. If my body could tolerate it,
I had to think about returning to work, too. I saw the same doctor at the same hospital. He told
me that my tumor marker level had dropped considerably and that the ultrasonogram confirmed a
visible reduction in the cancer. Curiously, the doctor asked me which therapy I used. Candidly, I
told him about fucoidan. He just said, “Oh”, so I don’t know if he really believed the efficacy of
fucoidan. Encouraged by the assurance that the cancer was getting smaller, I began working
again. I found a cashier’s position at a bookstore. However, I had to argue with my fiancé about
going back to work. He insisted that it was too early. However, just staying home doing nothing
all day wasn’t the thing for me. It was around this time that my fiances and I grew distant.
In May of this year, my doctor assured me that my cancer was gone. It was six months after I
began taking fucoidan. I thanked my fiancé, who had supported me through my battle. To my
shock, however, he had met someone alse. It would be a lie to say I don’t regret losing him. I just
called him and left a message on his answering machine, telling him I had beaten the cancer. He
didn’t return my call, but as I take fucoidan everyday I grow optimistic that there is someone alse
waiting for me. Fucoidan gave me the power to win my battle with cancer. I am confident it will
also help me to stay healthy, so that I can find a good husband.
Although metastasis was suspected, my tumor marker came down after I took “fucoidan”,
and I regained my health!
[Hisae Nakayama, Housewife, female, 50 years old, Yokkaichi City, Mie, Japan]
When did you discover that you had cancer?
It was August 2001. I was quite shocked when, out of the blue, I was told that I had uterine
cancer. I felt desperate, and I thought I was going to die. I fell really deep into an emotional
abyss. There is a tumor marker called CEA. My level was 98, and they immediately thought that
I had cancer. In the subsequent examination, they discovered that mine was a stage II cancer that
was very close to stage III. However, I had such an emotional trauma that my doctor decided I
should not receive an operation right away. Instead, the doctor prescribed me some tranquilizer
and waited for me to calm down. When I eventually received the surgery, it was November, three
months after the diagnosis.
How did the surgery go?
They removed not only the uterus, but also my ovary and lymph nodes. After the surgery, my
tumor marker dropped to as low as 1.5. However, it was a very malignant cancer according to my
doctor, and I had to receive anticancer drugs as soon as I regained enough physical strength after
the operation. I had been told about side effects earlier, but I had never thought that it was going
to be that bad. I had terrible nausea and vomiting, and I couldn’t eat at all. Anyway, I had no
appetite to being with. I guess the anticancer drugs were pretty strong. Just that the pain and
suffering caused by their side effects were just out of my imagination. My weight dropped from
132 to 110 lbs. My husband now says that it was a great diet and laughs, but he wasn’t the one
taking those drugs. Luckily, I didn’t lose my hair. I knew some cancer patients in my ward who
quickly lost their hair because of the drugs. I completed six cycles of anticancer therapy, and was
finally discharged in February of last year (2002). By the way, taking my sister’s advice I began
taking agaricus around the same time my anticancer drug treatment started. I don’t know quite
sure whether agaricus was effective in reducing the side effects of my anticancer drugs or if it had
little effect.
How was your progress after that?
I continued to visit the hospital to receive tests. To my surprise, my tumor marker began
increasing gradually again. It went up to 5, and to 7 . I became pretty anxious. In May of this
year, the tumor marker level was as high as 13.1. My doctor recommended me to check into the
hospital right away to receive anticancer drugs. However, I was reluctant, knowing that the
nightmare would return again. Eventually, I asked my docotr to wait for one month before I
began my drug therapy at the hospital.
Then what did you do?
I just knew I didn’t want to take anticancer drugs anymore. I visited a bookstore to find
something else I could do. There, I found a book about “fucoidan” I had seen a segment on
“fucoidan” on TV before, and at least I knew about its benefits. I decided to bet on fucoidan. I
stopped taking agaricus, and instead I began taking 3g (0.1 oz) of fucoidan everyday. I wasn’t
thinking much. Just that I was fed up with the anticancer drugs and didn’t want to go through that
What happened one month later?
My tumor marker dropped to 7.0. The CT image didn’t show any cancerous lesion, and they
couldn’t find cancer with an endoscope, either. Of course, I didn’t have to receive anticancer
treatment. There was no longer a need for me to check into the hospital. My doctor was very
curious about the drop in my tumor marker level and said, “This is simply not possible…”
How have you been doing so far?
I was certain that it was “fucoidan” that worked wonders for me, so I doubled the quantity I was
taking. The subsequent tests found the tumor marker drop further to 5, and I’m very relieved. I
will have my tumor marker checked again soon. Before, I was very nervous every time I received
the check. But now, I’m kind of enjoying the process, wondering how much it has declined this
time. That’s because my body is physically getting better. I can feel it myself. I’m very glad that I
bet my life on “fucoidan” and made the decision to go with it alone without taking any drugs.
Advice from Dr.Tachikawa
When you read “kusuri”, a Japanese term for drugs, backward, it becomes “risuku” or risk.
Anticancer drugs are still drugs, and as this palindrome suggests, they naturally have some sort of
risk. The various side effects of anticancer drugs include undesirable conditions of the digestive
system. These conditions cause so much pain that only the cancer patients who went through the
therapy understand. In the example of Mrs. Nakayama, she had a very malignant case of “uterine
cancer”. With this type of cancer, in many cases cancer cells still spread to the peritonea,
peritoneum and other organs surrounding the uterus even after the original lesion is removed, and
therefore the patient is sometimes given anticancer drugs to prevent metastasis. Once the cancer
spreads and a relapse occurs, surgery is no longer an option, although the metastasized cancer can
still be taken out depending on the area. In general, however, administration of anticancer drugs
and radiotherapy are the only options left. It is great that her tumor marker has dropped after she
began taking “fucoidan”. However, the tumor marker is only one indication of the state of cancer,
and she should still receive tests on a regular basis, such as once every three to five years or so. If
there is any suspicious symptom, she should receive a detailed examination to investigate the
cause so that any relapse will be discovered and treaeted early. In this sense, Mrs. Nakayama is
doing the right thing by taking more “fucoidan” and improving her health each day.
Ovarian Cancer / Uterine Cancer Q & A
Q: The patient is a 74-year-old woman who had an operation to remove her ovaries and uterus.
During the operation, however, she suffered bleeding from the interface between the intestines
and uterus, and due to sutural problem the doctors left the section they couldn’t remove. There is
a tumor in this section, and the tumor is currently in stage II. She had foam-like discharges mixed
with blood immediately after the surgery, but those discharges have since decreased. She wants
to know if this a good sign. She takes 2.5 grams (0.088 oz) of fucoidan capsules a day. It this a
good dosage?
A: As for the discharges following the surgery, I suspect that she had trichomoniasis. It seems the
condition has improved. Her discharges have nothing to do with cancer, but their decrease
indicates that her immune system has improved, which is very significant for her. If possible, she
should take 4 grams (0.14 oz) of fucoidan, either in a capsule or liquid form, and she can expect
more improvements.
Q: The patient is a female of 41 years of age. She had an operation of her uterine cancer, but the
doctors couldn’t remove all tumors. She wants to have a child with her current (second) husband,
and doesn’t want to remove her uterus. She has one child from her previous marriage. The
doctors are recommending radiotherapy, but she is unable to afford the treatment and wants to
use fucoidan only. She wants to know much fucoidan she should take. We appreciate your advice.
A: As for your question, is she suffring from carcinoma of uterine body or carcinoma of uterine
cervix? The dosage and frequency vary depending on the location of cancer, so I need the exact
information. If she has carcinoma of uterine body: First of all, I need to know if her uterus is
functioning normally and she can get pregnant. This is the most important information in
determining the course of treatment. If the doctor says that she can get pregnant, then it is
essential that she get pregnant as soon as possible. If she gets pregnant, she must be prepared to
give birth prematurely instead of carrying the baby for 10 months. That’s because there are still
tumors in the uterus and it is best to shorten the period during which the fetus can be affected. If
the tumors are feared to present developmental problems in the child later on, she may have to do
a Caesarean section to give birth to her baby prematurely. If she has carcinoma of uterine cervix:
I have a personal friend who had carcinoma of uterine cervix and gave birth.
However, the patient should remember that the chances of premature birth are high due to
cervical incompetency, which is caused by loosening of the cervical canal. Either way, she must
understand the possibility of miscarriage and premature birth, and having to care for a premature
baby. Another important thing is to get pregnant as soon as possible. I suggest that she take
around 8 grams (0.28 oz) of fucoidan a day. She should also take vitamin C and amino acids. If
hormone abnormality occurs, such as higher estrogen and progesterone levels, it may be effective
to take aglycone-type isoflavone as it could prevent the cancer from advancing. Also tell her to
check for breast cancer, instead of checking the uterus only. Hormones play a part in carcinoma
of uterine body, so if this is what she’s suffering from, it is essential that she receives breast
cancer screening. Carcinoma of uterine cervix is cause by viruses. It has noting to do with