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Name ___________________________________________________ Date __________ Student # ________
Ch 4: Becoming a World Power Section 2: The Spanish American War
11.4 Students trace the rise of the United States to its role as a world power in the twentieth century.
1. Who was revolting against Spain and who did the U.S. support? 300/Big Idea
2. What fueled our support for the Cubans? 300/Big Idea
3. What was the USS Maine sent to Havana, Cuba to prepare for? 300/Big Idea
4. What exploded, killing half the sailors and officers on board? 300/Big Idea
5. Who was blamed for the explosion of theUSS Maine? 300/Big Idea
6. What did President McKinley declare after increasing political pressure? 300/Big Idea
7. In what two territories did the U.S. fight Spain? 300/Big Idea
8. Did the US navy or the Spanish navy defeat the other? 300/Big Idea
9. What did victory in the Spanish American War give the United States? 300/Big Idea
10. In 1898 when Cuba is fighting for its independence from Spain, how do many Americans feel about Spain?
11. How did exactly did the USS Maine explode? 301/1/2
12. What conclusion did Americans who supported Cuba, jump to? 301/1/3
13. What does the following sentence mean? The outcome dramatically altered the position of the United States
on the world stage.
14. What did Cuba have the generated considerable wealth for Spain? 301/2/1
15. What did Cuban rebels do in 1868? 301/2/2
16. Who did Jose Marti bring together and what was their purpose? 301/2/3
17. Thought Question: How was Cuba’s struggle for independence similar to the colonies’ fight for
independence from Great Britain in 1776
18. How were the United States and Cuba closely linked? 301/2/4
19. What did some [American] citizens compare the Cuban’s struggle to? 302/1/2
20. What is the reason that led most Americans to support the rebels (Cubans)? 302/1/2
21. Name two famous newspaper owners that would compete with other by reporting outrageous stories about
the Spanish doing horrible things to Cubans? 302/1/3
22. What is yellow journalism? 302/1/3
23. Describe the guerilla warfare used by the Cubans to fight the Spanish. 302/2/2
24. After pressure from the United States, explain the autonomy offered to Cuba by Spain. 302/2/5
25. How did the Cubans respond to the negotiation? 302/2/5
26. How did the nation feel when Spanish ambassador, de Lome insulted President McKinley? 303/1/top
27. When the Main exploded in the Havana harbor, who was promptly blamed? 303/1/1
28. What three words were used as a rallying cry for war? 303/1/1
29. What is jingoism? 303/1/2
30. The US declared Cuba independent and demanded that Spain withdraw from the island, and Spain
responded in which way? 303/1/2
31. What country did the Philippines become a colony of? 303/2/1
32. On the way to the Philippines, the American troops also seized what other Spanish colony? 303/2/3
33. What began to grow between Filipinos and Americans? 303/2/5
34. What two main reasons did supporters of annexing the Philippines give? 305/2/1
35. What did supporters of annexation believe America had a duty to do to “less civilized” people? 305
36. What is the name given to Americans who did not support annexation? 305/2/3
37. What did anti-imperialists believe that imperialism violated? 306/1/top
38. When President McKinley decided to annex the Philippines, how did he explain his reasoning?
Reason 1:
Reason 2:
Reason 3:
Reason 4:
39. As a result of the Treaty of Paris, what happened to the following countries? 306/2/1
Puerto Rico:
40. When did the United States grant independence to the Philippines? 307/1/top
41. What happened to Puerto Rico in 1917 and then in 1947? What is happening with Puerto Rico today?
42. What are the three parts of the Platt Amendment? 307/2/1
Thought Question: Would you feel betrayed if you were a Cuban or Filipino? Do you think that the United
States has the right to take over other countries? Do you think the US would still practice imperialist policies
today? Explain.