Download First Generation (1939-1954) Vacuum Tube

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First Generation (1939-1954) Vacuum Tube
The first electronic computer, the ABC (Atanasoff Berry Computer)
was designed in 1937 to solve only systems of linear equation.
The ENIAC (electronic numerical integrator and computer) was built
in 1945 for calculations and because people demanded for the
solution to war. It was the world’s first general-purpose electronic
digital computer. It used thousands of vacuum tubes, which took up
a lot of space and since the tubes failed frequently it was never
useful. Engineers solved this problem by suggesting never turning it
off = lots of power.
UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) was advancement of the
ENIAC. It was the first commercial computer in 1951. This computer
weighed 29,000 pounds and used 5200 vacuum tubes, you could
imagine how much room and how big this computer is. The UNIVAC
went through many redesigns, which enhanced the memory,
speed, and multiprocessor increased, and decreasing the weight
and space.
The Computer in the first generation was based upon the creation
of the vacuum tube and magnetic drums for memory. It gave off a
lot of heat and even with a gigantic air conditioner it would over
heat. Also think of the amount of space it took up.
The Vacuum tube amplifies weak signals making it stronger and can
start/stop the flow of electricity.
The vacuum tube was what drove the expansion and
commercialization of radio broadcasting, television, analog and
digital computers etc.
Uses machine language the lowest level programming language
Second Generation (1954-1959) Transistor
The transistor was created in 1947 by 3 scientists
This marked the start of the second generation
Transistors made electronic machinery to shrink in size ever since =
smaller computers
Transistors function like a vacuum tube
1 transistor = to 40 vacuum tubes
it conducts electricity faster + better
it’s smaller, reliable and cheaper to make
Gave off less heat compared to a vacuum tube
Second generation introduced the assembly language which
replaced machine language
Changed binary codes to abbreviated programming codes and
equation making it easier to program = more jobs such as
programmer, analyst, computer system expert.
Software industry started with 2nd generation computers
Showed the characteristics of technology now such as printers, disk
storage and operating system.
Still relied on punch cards
High level programming language were being developed at this
Created for the atomic energy industry