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Maths Assignment
Class – IV
Chapter - Geometry
1. Identify the following figures :
Draw the following angles :
650, 800, 1300, 450,1500
3. Fill in the blanks :
(a) A whole angle is equal to ___________ .
(b) An acute angle is ___________ than 900
(c ) 1800 is known as ___________ .
(d) An ___________ triangle has two equal sides .
(e) The sum of the angles of a triangle is ____________
(f) In an isosceles triangle the base angles are _________ .
(g) The sum of all the angles of a quadrilateral is _________.
(h) A quadrilateral has _________ sides .
(i) A triangle has __________ angles .
(j) An _________ triangle has three equal sides .
Maths Assignment
Class - VII
Chapter – Algebraic Expression
1. Show the terms and factors of 5y3 + 3y2 + 6 by tree diagram .
2. Write the coefficient of x2 in (i) - x2
6xy -4x2 – y2 + 5
3. Identify the like terms of each of the following :
(i) 5xy, 4x2y2, 3xy, 2x2y, 10xy
(ii) 4xy , -5x2y , -3yx , 3xy2
4. Add : 2x + 3y +z , 2x –y – z and - x + y
5. Subtract x2 – 3xy + 7y2 – 2 from 6xy -4x2 – y2 + 5
6. What should be subtracted from 2x3 -3x + 6 to get 4x2 –x + 2 ?
7. What should be added to a2 + 2ab + b2 to get 4ab + b2
8. From the sum of 4x2 – 6x + 3 and -4x2 – 7x + 5 subtract 3x2 – 8x +6 .
9. Find the value of n3 + 5n2 + 5n – 2 , when n = - 3
10. Find the value of a2 + ab + b2 for a = -3 , b = 2.
11. Simplify these expressions and find their values if x = 2 ,a = - 1 and b = 3
(i) 4 ( 2x – 1 ) + 2x + 10
(ii) 5a – 4b +2a – 3b + 6
12 . What are the coefficients of x in the following expression ?
4x – 3y ,
y2x – y ,
2z – 5xz