Download Sammy Nagel · Annie Jump Cannon

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Scientific Contributions
Sammy Nagel · Annie Jump Cannon
What were the contribution(s) that this individual made to science and/or a related field?
She classified over 350000 stars.1.She also classified over 300 rare types of stars.2.Annie
organized and collected photos for Harvard.3.She added over 300000 photos to their
collection.4.Harvard had 200000 photos before Annie came, and
500000 photos after she
left.5.She got an award named after her.6.The award named after her is awarded to only
females.7. the females have to be astronomers too.8. She received the National Academy of
Science Draper Medal also.9.She was he only woman to win it by herself.10.She also discovered
O B A F G K M.11. Which are letters described how the stars were.12. She found out how hot
stars are.13. Look at what color stars are.14. She also determined what kind of gas they were.15.
Won many other awards.
Select one contribution and explain why this contribution was important.
She discovered a system for describing how hot stars are. She used a mnemonic device to
remember the letters. the letters were O B A F G K M. The mnemonic was "Oh, be a fine girlkiss me" The O is the hottest star. The M is the coolest star. G is the same as the sun. The hottest
two stars are O and B. They are both blue in color. They also call it Morgan- Keenan spectral
classification, even though she made it.
Based on your findings would this Scientist’s work be easier or more difficult in a different
historical time or cultural setting? Please explain your response.
It would be a lot easier. She would have way better telescopes. Also she would probably be way
better educated. Also there would be better technology. There would be better cameras too. She
would have information that other people had already come up with. there is way better
communication. Which would help her talk to other scientists. Also she could predict stuff way
better. ts '2009-01-09 13:06:32'
Printed October 2003