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AFDA Unit Review: 2 pages
Use of properties to solve equations
Name the property used to complete each step:
1. 2(x – 5) + 3x = (x – 6) + 8
2. 2x – 10 + 3x = x – 6 + 8
3. 2x + 3x - 10 = x – 6 + 8
5x - 10 = x + 2
4x = 12
Evaluate expressions given the value of the variables
Evaluate each expression when using a = -2, b = 5, x = 4 and y = -6
a(b – y) = _____
+ b(x) = _____
+ y = _____
Translate verbal expressions to algebraic expressions
1. The product of j and 3: __________________________________
2. Six divided by twice a number: ___________________________
3. Eight less than three times a number
Translate algebraic expressions to verbal expressions
1. 2(x2) – 17 ______________________________________________
2. 3(x + 7)3 ______________________________________________
Area and Perimeter Problems
A. The perimeter of a rectangular fence at the Hope Riding Academy is 880 feet. If the
length of the fence is 240 feet, what is its width? (You may want to draw a diagram to
assist you.)
B. The area of a triangle is 28 square inches. If the base is 7”, what is the height? A =
C. What is the perimeter of the figure below?
Word problems
A. A long-distance telephone plan costs $4.95 a month, plus 10₵ per minute, or part
thereof, for any long-distance calls made during the month.
a. Write an equation to determine the total monthly cost for your long-distance calls
for the month.
b. Determine the monthly cost if you make 250 minutes of long-distance calls.
B. If the wind speed is 15 miles per hour, the windchill can be approximated by the
formula w = 1.4t – 32, where t is the air temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Solve the
formula for t.
C. You have a restaurant job which allows you to work a maximum of five dinner shifts of
6.5 hours each. What would be your gross paycheck if you worked the maximum
number of hours at a rate of $3.60/hour and made tips equaling $850? What would be
your hourly rate if tips were factored into the mix? (Hint: Divide $850 by the total
number hours worked, then add that number to $3.60.)
Evaluating expressions when given a combination of square roots, cube roots,
variables, numbers and absolute values
Solve the following expressions for the given value of the following variables: a = -4; b = 8;
c = 64; d = -2; e = -5.
– (e)
+ l ad l = _____
- cde = _____
+ ac – ade = _____
4) l -c l + ab = _____
5) l -c l – a(
+ bc) = _____
Solve verbal expressions for the specified variable
A. A = lw (for w)
B. P = 2l + 2w (for l)
C. V(P + a) = k (for P)