Download Outside Reading Expository Presentation Rubric: Option 1

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Outside Reading Expository Presentation Rubric: Option 1
Speaker _____________________________
Novel ___________________________________
Author _________________________________
Presentation Content
Works Cited
Effectively Accomplished
5 4
Partially accomplished
3 2
Not accomplished
1 0
Author biography and authorial influences are
introduced in a manner which enhances the audience’s
understanding of his/her connection to their literary
movement, time period and author’s purpose.
Overview of the literary movement and historical
context enhances the audience’s understanding of how
the novel fits into the American Literary canon.
Author biography and influences are introduced,
but the connection to the literary movement,
time period and author’s purpose are vague or
Overview of the literary movement and
historical context is present. The connection of
how the novel fits into the American Literary
canon is vague or unclear.
Explanation of genre and themes is vague,
unclear or is not evidence based. Synopsis of
plot may contain unnecessary details that detract
from the analysis of the overall presentation.
The speaker identifies specific examples from
the novel but may not clearly relate them back to
the criteria for the literary canon/movement.
Author biography and influences are minimal or
Explanation of genre and themes is clear, specific and
evidence based. Synopsis of plot is clearly
understandable and aids the audience in understanding
the presentation without going into plot details.
The speaker identifies specific, understandable
examples from the novel and relates them back to the
criteria for the literary canon/movement.
Excerpt is within five words of the length requirement
and clearly and specifically illustrates the unique style,
voice, themes or other literary elements that make the
novel canonical.
Analysis of how the book contributed to the canon is
specific, clear and evidence based.
Works Cited includes a minimum of three reliable and
credible sources and is in proper MLA format. Works
Cited backs up the presentation content clearly and
thoroughly. The speaker is able to address any source
related questions.
Excerpt is within five words of the length
requirement, but the connection the unique
canonical elements is unclear or vague.
Analysis of how the book contributed to the
canon is vague, unclear or is not evidence based.
Works Cited includes a minimum of three
reliable and credible sources but may not be in
proper MLA format. Works Cited backs up the
presentation content but not all connections may
be clear. The speaker is able to address most
source related questions.
Overview of the literary movement and
historical context are minimal or absent.
Explanation of genre and themes is minimal or
absent. Synopsis of plot is too short or vague for
the audience to follow or is absent.
Examples from the novel are too minimal or
vague for the audience to understand them.
Connection to literary canon/movement is
unclear. Examples may be entirely absent.
Excerpt is over or under the length requirement
by more than five words or may be missing
entirely. The connection the unique canonical
elements is not established.
Analysis of how the book contributed to the
canon is minimal or absent.
Works Cited does not include a minimum of
three reliable and credible and may not be in
proper MLA format. Works Cited does not
support all of the presentation content; some
claims may be opinion based. The speaker is
unable to address source related questions.
Presentation Skills
Effectively Accomplished
5 4
Partially accomplished
3 2
Clearly stated the relevance of topic to audience needs
and interests. Thoughtful audience analysis reflected
through choice of topic and supporting evidence.
Depth of content reflects knowledge and understanding
of topic. Main points adequately substantiated with
timely, relevant and sufficient support. Provided
accurate explanation of key concepts. Time
requirement is met.
Topic seems somewhat relevant to audience, but
not explicitly stated. Vague reference to
audience needs and/or interests.
Provides some support for main points, but
needed to elaborate further with explanations,
examples, descriptions, etc. Support is relevant,
but not timely. Time was under/over by up to 30
Topic seems irrelevant to audience needs and
interests. No attempt made to connect topic to
targeted audience.
Provides irrelevant or no support. Explanations
of concepts are inaccurate or incomplete.
Listeners gain little knowledge form
presentation. Time was under/over by one
minute or more.
Uses effective organizational pattern for speech
purpose. Main points are clearly distinguished from
supporting details. Signposts are effectively used for
smooth and coherent transitions.
General structure/organization seems adequate
but some blurring between main points and
supporting details. Logical flow, but no clear
signposts for smooth transitions.
Lack of structure. Ideas are not coherent and
transitions are forced or blurred. Difficult to
identify introduction, body, and conclusion.
Visual Aid
Visual aid enhances presentation: No paragraphs or
redundant information are present. Visual aids
significantly draw attention to content, not to
unimportant details. Ease of readability and visual
appeal. Strategic timing and smooth flow. Significant
interaction between verbal explanation and visual
support. Allowed adequate time to process visual
Visual aid supports presentation: Information is
mostly clear and concise. Some paragraphs or
redundant information may be present. Visual
aid draws attention to content, but may include
unimportant details. Design is appropriate, but
some parts may be difficult to read or process in
a timely manner.
Eye contact
Consistently and effectively used eye contact to
establish rapport with audience. Inconspicuous use of
speaker notes and effective use of scanning to
established an expanded zone of interaction.
Conspicuous use of speaker notes. Seems
disengaged from audience for noticeable periods
of time.
Visual aid does not support presentation or
includes so much information that the presenter
becomes irrelevant. Clutter or lack of design
reduces visual appeal. Timing and order of
appearance are awkward and interfere with
message comprehension. Speaker fails to
integrate visual aids into verbal explanations.
Does not allow sufficient time to process visual
Reads speech from notes/manuscript. Avoids
eye contact with audience. Only occasional and
sporadic glances.
Expressive, dynamic, and natural use of gestures,
posture and facial expressions to reinforce and enhance
meaning. Body language reflects comfort interacting
with audience.
Stiff or unnatural use of nonverbal behaviors.
Body language reflects some discomfort
interacting with audience. Limited use of
gestures to reinforce verbal message.
Body language reflects a reluctance to interact
with audience. Distracting movement and/or use
of self-adaptive behaviors.
Voice &
Natural variation of vocal characteristics (rate, pitch,
volume, tone) to heighten interest and match message
appropriately. Appropriate pronunciation, enunciation,
and articulation. Lack of noticeable vocalized fillers.
Limited variation of vocal characteristics. Use of
rate, pitch, volume and tone seemed inconsistent
at times. Few noticeable errors in pronunciation,
enunciation and articulation. Minimal use of
vocalized fillers.
Monotone or inappropriate variation of vocal
characteristics. Inconsistent with verbal
message. Excessive fluency errors interfered
with message comprehension. Excessive use of
vocalized fillers.
Subtotal ________/70 x 2 = Total Score ________/140 Formal Assessment
Not accomplished
1 0