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The Endocrine System Medical Team
Directions: You will be part of an Endocrine System Medical Team (ESMT) whose job is to thoroughly investigate this
body system. Your mission is to learn about this specific system, working with others to complete your mission.
Your team will travel along the Internet highway and gather information that will provide you with enough
knowledge to present the strengths and weaknesses.
Part 1: Completed by ALL members of the ESMT
1. What are the functions of hormones?
2. How do hormones affect behavior?
3. Why is the pituitary gland often called the “master gland”?
4. How are the adrenal glands and the sympathetic nervous system related?
5. In what ways are neurotransmitters and hormones similar?
6. How does the endocrine system differ from the nervous system?
7. How does the endocrine system affect sexual development?
8. What are some possible ways the endocrine system might affect behavior?
9. Using your text and the graphic organizer below, list the endocrine glands, the hormones they
produce and their function.
10. Describe a medical situation in which a psychologist would examine the thyroid gland. Describe
the situation from the perspective of a patient.
Part 2: Completed by ONLY ONE (ESMT)
In one paragraph explain how the endocrine system works.
Provide illustrations for the pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands.
Part 3: Completed by ONLY ONE (ESMT)
Research a disorder related to the endocrine system by gathering the following information:
o Description of the disorder
o Symptoms – describe what life is like for a person with the disorder
o Explain how a person develops this disorder
o Treatment options – can it be cured or can the symptoms be managed?
o Additional information